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  • Yes, the questionaire that is voluntary and askes them their race, vet status etc. upon hiring.
  • From my understanding is that you only need to make the amendment available to ALL employees and you don't need a confirmation that they reviewed it. I would suggest you post the Ammendment on your website and they stick a littel note in as a payro…
    in Policy update Comment by HRJENN May 2004
  • Where I am, I am the benefits Administrator for the company, and we have a fully insured plan for medical and dental then we have a seperate division that we have a self-funded plan for. I fell that the self-funded plan is great as long as you have…
  • Pork, I find that to be interesting. Thank you for the input, I am still trying to learn as much as I can about the industry and your input was helpful. HRJENN
  • Pork, Thank you for the reply. Were the OJT employees government employees? I am trying to understand...did the government basically pay you 50% of the employees salary to train them? HRJENN
  • It seemed like a good thought. I really appreciate your response.
  • I have a HR Records, Reports & Retention Guide issued by EAF so the time frame I quote may only be for Florida. According to the Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964, any personnel or employment record made or kept by employer, including applica…