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  • I must say that I LOVE putting up my Christmas tree. Last year my then boyfriend now husband said that we needed to start a tradition of buying a dated ornament every year. Well this year since we're married (1 month today) we had to buy 3. Our t…
  • My favorite is when they write Mom. No number or name, I guess any mom will do.
  • I must agree with you, I try to be nice to them the first time that they call. Although one day my halo went down and my horns came up after getting the third call that day from the same company. When I got the second call I politely stated that t…
  • What you're not factoring into this is that some of the employees don't go to the bank to deposit the check then the creditors could get thier money. I have employees who go to Wal_mart and if your purchase is 20% of your check then they will cash …
  • My suggestion to those ee's is to open a second account that their spouse doesn't know about and have a certain amount put in it each week.
  • Thanks for your help. Yes we are consistent we have calculated payroll the same way since we opened (1994). I just didn't want to get caught up in the "this is the way we've always done it" mode.
  • I have checked all of my current ee and only have a name problem with one. But I know that I have a problem with a former ee, I tried to track them down but suprisingly their phone number no longer works and I get no response to mail.
  • You could opt to just give her a bonus for the extra time. You could figure that the extra time she works is worth $150 bonus each week. But I would give it to her once a month. I think paying weekly could still look suspicious.
  • I have to agree with this. At my company we only pay overtime to ee who WROK over 40 hrs in a week. This means that Holiday pay is not included in the 40 hrs. We have found that when the holiday occurs on say a Monday and we ask ee to work on Fr…
  • My question is how many employers have had a problem with Wage & Hour on this? It is my understanding that they will interview the ee and if they know that they can punch in early but are not expected to work until their shift begins then there…
  • We are fairly generous with our travel pay. If you are traveling out of town we start pay from the time you leave the plant to the time you reach the destination. We only pay for time that you attend seminar/training, etc and then pay for time to …
  • I'm not an expert here but I believe that you are opening yourself up for some trouble if two people have the same responsibilities and one is hourly and one is salary. If your salary therapist supervised the hourly that would be better. Hope this …
  • We have had 12 hour weekend shifts in the past. Our ee are paid for the holiday only if it occurs on their scheduled work day. They are paid for what their normal shift is for that day. The ee don't really like this but we see it as being fair.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-18-02 AT 01:06PM (CST)[/font][p]OK so what's the difference in the 12 Week FMLA and the 6 weeks that the ee is entitled to? I'm confused.
  • You know part of the problem with the businessman's family is that us Missouirians are truely stubborn as a mule and we don't take lightly to ANYONE bad mouthing our family, whether or not what we believe is the truth is really truth or just what so…
  • I just want to know what the outcome at Iwonder's workplace was?! I'm curious why there has been no response from the original poster. I think this is odd.
  • Don: Just wondering who you think will win big this year in the races?
  • I may live in the midwest but I have deep roots in the south and I must agree that using the ee's right to free speech the flag should stay, especially if it's in the corner of a cubicle. They are not displaying it for the entire office just for th…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-27-03 AT 04:10PM (CST)[/font][p]We give merit increases to hourly ees on their anniversary date. Salary ee's haven't received a raise in 2 years...in fact we had a reductions last January, got that r…
  • What I want to know is how can I get hired by your company? The only "wining" that goes on at my company is that nobody brought any food to eat today.
  • I'm sure that my ee's would love to work at your company. EE's are not allowed a grace period at all. If they are 1 minute late their pay is docked and they receive a partial point (we are generous there). We are harsh even on Holidays. You must…
  • If you are thinking of buying a company car be careful. We have the problem with our salesperson using the company car for personal use. (Taking it across the country for a personal vacation, hauling his dog in it, taking it to the lake, etc) Whi…
  • If I do get a pocket protector I think that I will send it to Frank. It's the least I could do for deleting his paycheck for the rest of the year. Merry Christmas to all. This is such a good place to vent out frustrations. Sometimes I think I would…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-19-02 AT 10:46AM (CST)[/font][p]Thanks for the reply Don. I was just thinking of the perfect one for Frank. I happen to have worked with auditing in a CPA firm before coming to work as the Controlle…
  • Don I will have you know that I have managed to leap very tall buildings in a single bound with room to spare. Last time I looked I didn't even have a pocket on my shirt to wear a pocket protector. The only ones around here that wear them are the…
  • Rockie, I think I resent that remark. I am the "Controller" at my small company. We have hired the majority owners sons to be our "HR" department. Ok this guy came from a trucking background and doesn't know anything about HR. I have taken upon …
  • We are also a manufacturing facility and we do not allow employees to work in the plant by themselves. The office staff will be here many times alone. WE prohibit the manufacturing ees to work on their own for safety reasons.
  • Wait a minute I think that we must work for the same company.
  • I have the "privilage" of working in one of those company's where the main owner brought his son in to work in a department that he had no experience in. This now means that he doesn't really have to do his work, he can pawn it off on everyone else…
  • In our policy our employees are paid by the tenth of an hour (we calculate time manually) so in essence an employee is docked the same if they are 1-5 minutes late. We have checked this out and it is legal. I don't think that it is fair to pay som…