~ All Star Survivor ~



  • >Here is an interesting link to a story thats
    >says Jeff Probst has now said that Colby
    >actually beat Boston Rob during that bridge
    >face-off. Apparently Rob's foot goes in before
    >Colby's hand. The decision will stand however.

    I have to disagree with that statement. To watch Rob pick Colby up and toss him like he weighed nothing...you surely knew who dominated the other, regardles of whose foot hit the water first. Surprised the heck out of me that's for sure. Who knew that Rob was strong enough to pick up Colby?

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 06:48AM (CST)[/font][br][br]What rotten luck for Amber. It would have been more interesting to see the tribes mixed up better. I wonder if Boston Rob is really sincere in his feelings for Amber. I find it hard to trust him. He has made alliances and turned right around and burned that person. But, as he joked before, he plans to get he and Amber into the final 2 and they can enjoy the million, whether it is his or hers.

    I think the decision to get rid of Jerri was good. I have wanted her out for a long time. She doesn't work at camp, she complains all the time, she doesn't perform well at challenges and it just plain irritating. And, did she steal Colby's hat?

    I'm not sure about Lex's strategy to tell everyone who they plan to oust that night. I guess on one hand, it shows him to be on the up and up with them, gives them a chance to make a case. But, on the other hand, this is a pretty cut throat game, so why not just blind side them?
  • I dont get Lex's strategy either. Is he trying to make sure no one on the jury is really mad at him?
    I agree with getting rid of Jeri, what a whiner. But isnt it amazing how cautious everyone is about getting Boston Rob mad? You'd think he ran the game.. that really throws me. ShiAnn made a good point,that Boston Rob is not going to make it to the end, so why work so hard to get his favor, better to develop the favor of someone who has more staying power.
    I hate to sound pessimistic but I think if Boston Rob wins the million, Amber wont hear from him again, but if she wins, he'll stick right by her.
  • I think a point to remember about Rob is that maybe we don't think that he may make it to the end, but at this point, HE thinks he will. And what he thinks at this point could be very important. I think that you need to still stay his ally while making another strong one somewhere else in preparation of getting rid of him. Unless you think you can get rid of him right away. I think he can cause a lot of trouble before he goes if he feels betrayed. It doesn't matter that he plans on betraying anyone else that he has made an alliance with, but he is so full of himself that to cross him means destruction to you!

    fun! fun! fun!

  • good points, Moneyman, I wouldnt want Boston Rob mad at me, and I bet most players wouldnt mind at all going to the final 2 with him, since no one (except maybe Amber) likes him.

  • Ding dong the witch is dead...

    Deja vu! Alright, Jeri wasn't as big of a witch (substitute a b where the w is x}> ) this time around but I am still glad to see her go. I think it's funny that they are placating Boston Rob so much. I truly think he feels something for Amber, the tears and the emotions seemed genuine. I did read in a tv guide recently that the reason he had it out for Ethan, Ethan once dated Amber! Ethan is now dating Jenna (the one who left that already won a million).

    It was very surprising, almost staged that all the tribes remained as is, except for Amber. I still don't find it fair that Chapera, now Mogo Mogo, didn't lose any reward or immunity challenge, yet they still lost a member and lost the better camp with all of their stuff.

    Merge next week now? Or will it still be another week? Will Boston Rob throw the next immunity if it is a group? He wanted to this week, but conveniently, it was a group effort not easily thrown by one. :-?

    My husband wanted ShiAnn to go, I said, "you watch, she'll win the whole thing because to date, a person of an Asian descent hasn't won a Survivor." I don't think she has a snowball's chance...but I will know that Survivor is rigged if she does. Noone thought Sandra had a snowballs chance either. Come to think of it Tijuana (first african american) and Tina (first female) were somewhat of a surprise as well.
  • This one was more interesting than I expected. The fact that one tribe is high spirited, evidenced by the use of the body paint, and the other is depressing, evidenced by many things. Not celebrating with the body paint is one, the shape of the camp however speaks quite loudly about their comparative spirits and abilities.

    I liked the twist and it would have been way more interesting if the tribes would have been mixed-up more thoroughly. Amber dodged the bullet. Lex is willing to trust Boston Rob and Amber to be involved in the final four. Looking to the merger is not a bad idea, but Shii-Ann must be Crazy if she thinks she will be there. What must Robs other alliances be thinking? When they see that Amber stayed, they might finally get the danger and try to eliminate Rob before a merger.

    Overall, a nice twist in the game.
  • I loved it last night. Who would have ever thought that one member (Boston Rob) might throw a challenge to save somebody from the OTHER tribe. What a fun twist this is!

    I think Rob is sincere. Very clever that he approached Lex.
  • I agree that it was clever of Rob to get in a quick word with Lex. You can see that Jeff didn't want that happening. I think that Lex sees this as an opportunity to exploit the favor. But I wouldn't trust Rob, it's great she was saved for now, but who knows what happens next time, if they merge it's a whole new game again. I don't see that Rob will go overboard to be thankful, he can easily burn Lex the next time around. You know Rob, he will lie to anyone. Showing how upset he was about Amber might just be a ploy to get a little sympathy and then he is going to POUNCE!
  • yep,I agree. And isnt there a stipulation in the rules that you are not to 'split' to winnings with another player? Wonder how they'll handle that if Rob tries to remain a 'couple' with Amber after the show if she wins?
  • I probably think about this show too much. I'd love to be one of the people who comes up with the challenges. I think they could be even better than they are.

    I'd like to see them do more challenges that involve choices. For example, it would be cool at this point (when they are really hungry) to have a challenge that made them choose between eating and winning immunity. They could have a race with checkpoints along the way. Each checkpoint could have food items. The more you eat, the slower you go.

    Some people might race through but others might take their time and eat alot. It would depend on whether you felt you were fast enough to win or if you felt comfortable that you weren't in danger of being voted out.
  • Neat idea, it would be fun to see who stops to eat and who just goes for it.
    How do you think this week is going to work with 2 immunites up for grabs in one challenge? I'm thinking it will be an individual challenge, but then your own tribe goes to tribal council? So there could be 2 people in a tribe with immunity, or there could be 2 tribal councils ?????????
  • I was wondering the same thing. In the commercial they are wearing blue buffs so it seems they merge, it should be interesting!
  • Leave it to a guy to think up a food challenge x:9

    No really, that is a good idea. I like it too. By now, 20-some days in, food is a real issue. The thought of a donut or fresh fruit, anything but coconuts, rice and fish!

    Don't they have a place to send in challenge suggestions? I thought on Pearl Island finale they introduced a girl who made up a challenge, or was it just because she "knew" someone?
  • I noticed the blue buffs as well and thought that might mean a merge. If so, it will be really interesting to follow the Rob and Amber soap opera with all the players around. They showed Lex and Rob arguing on one of the promos and I think it may have had something to do with his saving Amber and not getting enough in return.

  • Well, I think Lex was doomed whether he saved Amber or not. Thinking back, he has stepped up to show himself as a power player and the others now know it. I think the Rob and his clan would have still stuck together and voted the strongest person out, and right now that appears to be Lex. Lex was in a lose-lose position.

    How about him trying to get to Rob with the friendship argument? What did he just tell Ethan? This is not about friendship, this is business!

    And what about Kathy? Why do you think she changed her mind at Tribal about giving up immunity. Lex was sure surprised. That really would have mixed up the game. All of the others wouldn't know who to vote off then. Perhaps she just thought that it didn't matter is Lex was saved this time, he would probably be out the very next time they had the chance. Also, I forgot that they were down to jury members, maybe that had something to do with it.
  • I think Kathy realized that if she gave Lex immunity at the last minute, she was a sitting duck, because with no time for the group to strategize,they'd have just voted for her.
    Getting Lex off is smart, he is strong, but the smartest move would be to get Rob off. It amazes me how many people 'trust' him or buy into his power. He only has power as long as they cede it to him..
    all in all a great episode.
  • What happened last week I missed it. Did they merge give me the low down. I know Lex is out but what else happened.

  • Lisa,

    They had a reward challenge that Rupert won, he took with him Amber and Jenna. They got to spend a night in a spa type resort. The remaining tribe members got tree mail the next morning talking about a challenge. Surprised to get one so soon, they went to the beach where the challenge was and met Rupert, Amber and Jenna there. Turns out, they merged and had an individual challenge with two, yes I said two, immunity winners. Girls vs Guys challenge. Lex and Rob faced off and it looked like Rob was going to lose, but he came from behind. Amber and Kathy faced off and to me, it looked like Amber was stronger but lost the challenge purposely. Why do I think so? Because she was mad that Rob wanted to go back on the Rob, Amber, Lex, Kathy alliance.

    So, Kathy and Lex confronted Rob and he told them straight. Funny, but Lex was mad that he wouldn't honor the friendship, yet what did he say a few weeks before to Ethan? Kathy swore that she didn't want to be here, cried and cried to Lex and said she'd give him her immunity necklace. At tribal council, when Jeff asked her if she wanted to give it up, she said no and Lex's mouth dropped wide open!

    Should prove to be interesting this week see if Amber and Kathy will work together behind Rob's back.

    Hope this helped!
  • Thanks HS -
    Sounds like an eventful episode. Can't wait to see it on Thursday.

  • Well, no real surprises last night. I just can't believe that Rob and Amber think they're going to go far. With a pair as strong at those two appear to be alliance wise, they will be a target soon. I am not surprised that Kathy changed her mind. She has a game plan, believe you me. She will probably talk ShiAnn and Big Tom, perhaps Rupert and Amber into voting off Rob soon. Don't count her out yet, crying spell or not, she's one tough cookie. Lex thought he had Kathy all convinced to give up immunity, boy was he surprised.

    It appeared to me that Amber "gave up" in the immunity. I think she has her own game plan with Kathy and wanted her to have the immunity. May have been a smart move on her part.

    I can see it coming down to splitting up the Rob and Amber alliance, and perhaps Amber breaking Rob's heart. I saw the look on her face at tribal council and the way she comforted Kathy.

    Notice how noone even thought about ShiAnn? Colby was right, she's flying under the radar in the hopes that she'll not be voted out. I did notice that she wrote Lex's name down.

    Definitely an interesting dynamic with the contestents this time around. The next few weeks should be interesting.
  • Interesting episode. Lex got back what he had earlier given out. Definite signs of hipocracy in his attitude with Rob compared to his attitude with Jenna, Ethan, Colby, etc. He thought everyone else would take the high road and he could count on Rob and Amber. At least Amber argued a bit, but I could see the wheels spinning behind her eyes. She seems to be playing Rob like a fish on a hook. Fun stuff.
  • I can relate to Lex more than any other Survivor period. That said, he got what he deserved. He gambled on Rob and lost. I was suprised Rob let him know upfront that he planned to weasel out of their deal. That could come back to haunt him.

    Had Lex kept Jerri, he might still be on the show. On the other hand, had he just unhooked that last float, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    Kathi probably recognized that Lex is a powerful competitor and it wouldn't hurt her to have him gone.

    I predict the tribal alliances start to deteriorate fairly soon as people begin to position themselves.
  • Now the immunity challenges are really going to be important. It will be interesting to see if Rob goes with his next loss. How many would eliminate him as one of the stronger competitors for immunity? Based on nothing at all in particular, I believe Amber will vote him out. I can see an alliance building with Rupert, Kathy, Suii Ann (sp) and Jenna. Perhaps Amber instead of one of them, but I think Jenna and Rupert are solid. If Rob wins again, will he target Rupert? That would be an interesting tribal council. Looking forward to Thursday again.
  • Unfortunately I dont trust Jenna to stick with Rupert, I think she'd dump him in a heartbeat, but I DO hope I am wrong...
  • I can see Rob hanging on to the last 2. If you make a good alliance with Rob, he is strong and can probably take you to the end, if you can trust him. I would bank on that no one would want to vote for him if it came down to him and another.

    I think that I am going to be sick if it comes down to Rob and Amber. Amber is a tag-a-long, sort of like Shii Ann and Jenna. I don't really see any "playing skills", but just trying to be inoffensive to keep going.

    I'd like to see Rupert at the end because you can trust his word, but he hasn't made too many good decisions this time around. I also like Tom, he is just a character.
  • How do you like Lex's mohawk?

    I think Rob was win-win with his choice to give up his reward. It certainly can be viewed as strategic, but it really was also a nice thing to do for everyone. I think the film editors do a nice job, that look on Ruperts face after showing the piles of letters was heartbreaking. With that look, I think I would have given him anything so that he could get his letter from home.

    I think everyone is in trouble with Rob still there. He is biggest threat to everyone. He is the strongest in the physical challenges. I can see him winning challenge after challenge. It was a good challenge last night. A real mixture of things. I thought that Rupert and Tom was going to be a good team with their strenght, but it looks like their bulk slowed then down. It was still a good race.

    Kathy was probably a good pick last night. It's hard because so many of them are a "group" and it is going to get harder and more interesting to see them whittle this group down.
  • Rob IS a threat in the challenges. It has been clear that he is threat on physical tasks,but last night he solved that puzzle adeptly too. The first time he blows a challenge,they've got to vote him off. It will be interesting to see if that happens.
    I guess Kathy is a good pick to vote off. But I just wonder when the true alliances are going to show. Ruppert et al have got to know that Rob will never bring any of them to the finals, so they've got to start showing their strength as a voting block soon, to break the Rob/Amber/whoever alliance.
    Who do you think Rob is REALLY intending to bring with in addition to Amber? Is it Tom? Is it Alicia? interesting....
    go Savage!!
    oh wait, he's not on this one :-(
  • Well, no surprises again last night. Although the creative editing had you thinking it could be Jenna that could get voted out. It's going to come down to Rupert and Jenna vs. Rob and Amber to see who they can swing to their side. Watch for ShiAnn who has been flying under the radar all along. Last week she swung to vote for Lex, this week she was on the losing side and she'll scramble next week. I truly do believe it was Rob's first instinct to let everyone have their letters. It showed that he can be compassionate. Even though it's a good move strategically, I don't think that was his intention. All in all, interesting night. Looks like next week Alicia's claws might come out. It's all going to come down to who wins immunity each week. Someone somewhere will oust Amber or Rob as they always show how close they are. We shall see.
  • Good challenge last night. I wondered about the team selection. The smaller and quicker team won it. I agree that as soon as Rob loses a challenge, he will probably be gone. That would be the time for the Rupert, Jenna, Shii-Ann alliance to step up. They would need to recruit Tom or Alicia as the swing vote - and I think either or both of them would join up. If Rob goes, the strategic game playing would certainly get interesting. The folks flying under the radar would need to step up and show themselves after that.

    Yes, there was strategic value in Robs move to give up the video in trade for the others, but I beleive it was compassion for those who had carried a common load and shared the task of survival that lead him to his choice. He is a good player, yes, but has compassion that is real.

    Others know he screwed Lex and Kathy, but he did end up honoring existing alliances, which may carry some weight when if he does lose a challenge. Amber is trying to hide in the protection of his shadow. Kathy may have made some points with analyzing the size of the group - perhaps some others are now thinking end game.
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