Forum Dynamics

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-03-07 AT 06:08PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I have noticed a lot of movement in the forum dynamics of late and felt it would be worthwhile to have a thread where we could try to keep track of everything.
HRQ: Formerly Ray and HRQ were palsy walsy but things changed after Q went on vacation and Joannie showed up. Current status: Free Agent
Joannie: Recently reappeared and has come on strong. Mostly seems to like to pick on me (what else is new). Current status: Gaining steam
ACU Frank: Former semi-sidekick of mine was AWOL Frank for awhile and is back now but seems to be wandering the forum aimlessly. Current status: Needs his meds adjusted
Ray: Long time king of the forum has always been well liked for his good HR advice and testy personality. Seems to be getting in hot water more lately, especially with women and liberals. Current status: Normal
Ritaanz: The undisputed queen of no-nonsense Jersey attitude is back and in fine form and dishing out her daily doses of devastating derision. Current status: Full throttle
Missk: A dynamic new character that came on board this summer. Her subtle references to super strength and iron grips have everyone talking. Current status: Up and coming
Whirlwind: Our errant Texan rose has been spending time lately with a new beau and has been ignoring her forum friends. We are still hopeful for a return to form soon. Current status: Missed
Allsteaks: Another rising forum star well known for his good humor and compassionate conservatism. Current status: Honeymoon
NaeNae: Sharp as a tack, Nae only pauses from picking on Paul to pick on Ray. Keeping the boys in line is her full time job. Current status: hall monitor
Ok, more to come. If I left you out, just scream and jump up and down.
HRQ: Formerly Ray and HRQ were palsy walsy but things changed after Q went on vacation and Joannie showed up. Current status: Free Agent
Joannie: Recently reappeared and has come on strong. Mostly seems to like to pick on me (what else is new). Current status: Gaining steam
ACU Frank: Former semi-sidekick of mine was AWOL Frank for awhile and is back now but seems to be wandering the forum aimlessly. Current status: Needs his meds adjusted
Ray: Long time king of the forum has always been well liked for his good HR advice and testy personality. Seems to be getting in hot water more lately, especially with women and liberals. Current status: Normal
Ritaanz: The undisputed queen of no-nonsense Jersey attitude is back and in fine form and dishing out her daily doses of devastating derision. Current status: Full throttle
Missk: A dynamic new character that came on board this summer. Her subtle references to super strength and iron grips have everyone talking. Current status: Up and coming
Whirlwind: Our errant Texan rose has been spending time lately with a new beau and has been ignoring her forum friends. We are still hopeful for a return to form soon. Current status: Missed
Allsteaks: Another rising forum star well known for his good humor and compassionate conservatism. Current status: Honeymoon
NaeNae: Sharp as a tack, Nae only pauses from picking on Paul to pick on Ray. Keeping the boys in line is her full time job. Current status: hall monitor
Ok, more to come. If I left you out, just scream and jump up and down.
NeedCoffee: hates TX, yet she continues to stay there. Hasn't been participating much lately. Current status: in need of coffee so she can participate more. x:D
jitrbug: left handed basket ball fan with multiple personality disorder. Always perky. Current status: unknown. Maybe this will bring her out.
Alas, I have been neglecting my forum duties as of late due to ridiculous goings-on at work. Needless to say, the proverbial grindstone is making an indelible mark on my nose.
And yes, I still need more coffee.
I only pick on you because those who shall remain nameless suggested that was the best way to fit in on the fourm. Thanks to all for letting me play.
Lets talk, Joannie?
By the way, is there some type of sidekick probationary period?
And I will need next week off? I hope that isnt a problem.
Heh heh...
BTW my grandkids are 5, 3 and 3...
Signed: Youngish Steaks....
Although, after looking over the thread list on this section, you and I would probably make a formidable team.
So I am ready to roll with Joannie. As for Ray and Q being "good", I think that is debatable. Nevertheless, time will tell.
So I am formally taking the sidekick oath:
"I, Paul in Cannon Beach, hereby swear on this Monday, the sixth day of August 2007, to serve as Joannie's faithful sidekick. I understand that this relationship is 'at will' and may be terminated by either party at any time and for any reason. As sidekick, I hereby solemnly promise to laugh at Joannie's jokes, agree with her HR advice regardless, and generally support her statements made on the HR HERO forum. Furthermore, I will defend her honor and contend with any opponents that may arise. I also formally acknowledge that as sidekick, I will be shielded from harm or the consequences of my actions by my beneficiary, Joannie. Lastly, I declare that I enter into this mutually beneficial relationship unbound to any other forum poster. By signing the "M" of M. Lee Smith in the air with my right finger, I do seal this charter."
Uh, I don't want to be a sidekick.....
You know, a good sidekick keeps his couterpart out of trouble. That agreeing with advice regardless thing kinda bothers me. That could get both of us in hot water. I would prefer we discuss questionable things prior to posting.