What's wrong with everyone?!?!



  • We are currently having the voting machine debate (Nevada). Many are suggesting we should have the worlds largest slot machine mfg do them because they are so good at what they do. Plenty of oversight from the gaming board, a highly regulated industry, etc, etc.

    Just seems a bit ironic or too close to the truth to have the maker of a game of chance be the mfg of a voting machine (and if you really believe they are games of chance, come look at all the buildings and lights they pay for).

    I can see it now, keep putting in your dollar until the little revolving wheels line up with your candidate. Hey, this might work!
  • Great way to generate revenue! x:-)

    I like Oregon's process. No voting machines. All elections, both general and special, are vote by mail. Take your ballot out of your mailbox, vote, sign the enclosed affidavit, secure the envelope, mail it back or drop it off at a drop site. Since only registered voters receive ballots, fraud is not much of an issue (in fact, I haven't heard of any reported instances since we went to vote-by-mail). It makes life SOOO much easier!
  • Marc do you live in Clark County by any chance? Beagle is right, we are a contract mfg. who assembles electronic voting machines. Over the last decade Clark Co. has purchased thousands of machines that we build.
  • Clark County is basically Las Vegas. I am North in Washoe County (Reno). IGT is based in Reno.

    Not really much of a voting machine controversy, but what little there is centers around having home based industry do it.

    I don't know how much of a stretch it is to have a gaming machine company make voting machines, but my cynical side thinks they have a lot in common.

    Maybe it's like have your tax man do your audit? Both are CPA's, but a world of difference in the expertise.
  • Yeah, having a home based industry build machines is very big. Our customer who does all the sales and service is actually based in CA. What's interesting is we send machines all over the country, NV, CA, AZ, WA, LA, NJ, PA, etc. but can't seem to get NY to make a decision. Our pitch is we and our suppliers are NY, keep the money in the state. But, typical NY politics, they can't decide what to do. Of course the democrats accuse us of building "republican" machines - they actually made that accusation. But, then we elected Hillary.
  • Maybe they are proving that to be an 'expert' you must live in another state. Nothing like familiarity to breed contempt.

    Don't worry about Hilary. The way I hear it, she has already declared for 2008 and will soon be a problem for all of us. Oops, I think I was just Hilary bashing.x0:)
  • Maybe you're not greasing the right palms, Ray. When I worked for an environmental company, we always got the Zone 4 EPA contract (basically everything west of the Mississippi). Once, I asked why we never bid on the Zone 1 contract (NY and environs) and the response was, "By the time we figured out who to pay off and in what order, the contract would be over." x;-)
  • Well Beagle, you are on the right track. Our customer does all the sales and they hired a lobbying group to help promote their cause, resulting in the democrats accusing us of building a republican machine. So, they hired a lobbying group associated with the democrats for balance.

    See, the real problem is them democrats from downstate - the one's from Whatever's neck of the woods. x;-)
  • If the machines are democratic, then how come we have a republican governor, republican mayor and a repblican president? x:'(

    Next your going to blame us dems because it didn't snow yesterday.

  • Actually, here's a good one, Whatever. When Dinkins was mayor he signed a contract with our customer to buy $7million worth of machines. One of Guiliani's first decisions was to rescind the contract. It is still in the courts - our customer is trying to get about $2.4 mil from NYC as a cancelation charge.

    You're right about not having snow, it probably was the fault of you downstate dem's. x;-)
  • I post, therefore I am.

    Hey everyone, I am back from a lovely time with the small people who live in my home and make me pay for everything (sometimes referred to as my wife and children).

    Hope you all have had a great Christmas and New Year. I need to go read James post and find out what all the fuss is about.

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