What's wrong with everyone?!?!



  • On the other hand Ray, if the tone that is set is repeatedly deleted or censored, that too, will result in dissatisfied customers. At this point it strikes me that there are more pondering and missing the more lively forum than are singing the praises of the more refined forum.

    At the risk of perseverating, I repeat, we are adults. If we treat each other with respect, are not cruel or blatently gross things should be fine. If you are offended, first deal with the person instead of running to an alert button. I am getting off my soap box to get coffee now.
  • Sonny, feel better after that coffee? Actually, I agree with you. But, I see it as similar to the newspaper business. When a paper publishes editorials they can be perceived as liberal, conservative, or middle of the road. If they lean toward one extreme or the other, what happens? Subscribers get upset with the perceived slant and threaten to stop their subscription. Lost customers. The paper must decide what is in their best interests as a business and what is in the best interests of the community they serve. Same with the forum.

    BTW, I pride myself in having a pretty good vocabulary, what is "perseverating"?
  • Understood Ray. .Perseverate "continuation of something (as repetition of a word) usually to an exceptional degree or beyond a desired point"
  • We were once a rowdy group. There were times we challenged a new comer pretending to be in HR but was a student that wanted us to do his college paper. Giving a new comer intense scrutiny didn't sit well with James. Then again, we could take a simple thread and unravel it beyond recognition.

    Ahhhhhhhh, those were the days my friend.....

    I have no intention of changing my personality or my outlook on the Forum. If it needs to be said (written) then so be it. I can not imagine any one of us getting so risque that James suspends our privledges for a day or a week.

    Not to worry, this too, shall pass.
  • Ray, according to websters persevering means to be persistant, steadfast. I have heard perseverating used in conversation.
  • Yeah, I know I persevere at antagonizing Beagle. I thought maybe perseverating was a mispelling and was busting on Sonny, but you've actually heard it verbalized. Maybe its a colloquialism.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-22-03 AT 12:13PM (CST)[/font][br][br]My spelling does stink. Think my first exposure to the word was back in my young and clinical days and a client with autism would repeat the same word(s) constantly. More practically applied, I had a dear friend who after even two beers, would repeat himself to the point of driving us all nuts. It got to the point I would just give him my ugly look and he would say " I know, I know (see) I'm perseverating! In this case I was implying, "not to beat a dead horse, or as I have said before."
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-23-03 AT 11:59AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Speaking of vocabularies and unraveling threads... (Maybe Paul In Cannon Beach can remind us how to calculate our Point Of Digression)

    My mom, who loves building her vocabulary, told me there is a gift shop in Sioux Falls, SD called "The Lagniappe". I was quite proud to tell her I already knew what the word meant and from where I learned it.

    The learning never stops!
  • I would hope that everyone can see, especially if they spend time in Hr-de-har-har, that no one here means any harm and that the beauty of the forum is that we all see things from a different perspective and have different opinions based upon that perspective. That's why we're all here, isn't it?

    When I started to interact with people from different parts of the US as part of my job, I discovered that some of the southern and midwestern folks thought I was "curt". I was shocked and realized that I had to learn to break away from my Boston/New England "just the facts, ma'am" way of writing e-mails and try to be more congenial. On the same token, they also learned to not be offended by my clipped responses, that is just how I do business until I get to know someone better.

  • Can I join too? This sound like fun.

    I am definitely not PC and enjoy good lively conversations and discussions. Maybe i can bring a new prespective in on things. And just to spice it up now, Leslie, I am the Chairman of our county Republican party.
  • Welcome, slogan. The Republicans have a party?

    For a good grounding in some of the more controversial and lively threads, I suggest you look at the ones regarding the display of the Confederate flag in the workplace, atheism, the display of a Menorah and a few others that I'm sure our fellow Forumites will chime in with. With this homework under your belt, you'll definitely have a better feel for the character (and characters) of this Forum. Probably also understand why we're sometimes referred to as Forumaniacs.
  • Ah, slogan, I sense we will have some rousing discussions in the months to come. Welcome to the Forum. I daresay after the first of the year, we may all get back to our old selves, and the verbiage will become "normal," or I suppose what passes for normal on the Forum. x:D
  • Jump in Slogan. The county I work in is 90% republican, or so it seems.
  • And the city I live and work in is heavily democratic.
  • The scary part is I like him (but then, nobody, including myself, is perfek).
  • I sense the need for another forum folder designated for polictics. This should be an interesting election year, but I for one am not looking forward to having the forum 'politicized.' On second thought, maybe the Har de Har section is perfect.x;-)
  • I was always taught that in polite company one never discusses politics, sex or religion.
  • Guess you are implying that your fellow forumites are not polite company since I believe we have covered all those topics. I am soooooo offended. (NOT)
  • We're not polite company - we're in HR! x;-)
  • Right you are! I nominate you to tell the x:=| that sex, politics and religion are again fair game! x}>
  • Are you trying to get me into trouble, Sonny? Sure sounds like you are. I know that if I did that you all would be solidly behind me -- way, way behind me.... x;-)

    Oh, wait. I've already used that line once today.
  • Beagle, you seem to be repeating yourself a lot lately and getting your women confused with each other. Any other mental problems?
  • Now don't you go adding any fuel to the fire. I'm in enough trouble as it is, Raymond A!
  • I'm glad to see that things are getting closer to "normal" I was becoming concerned!!!

    It is a wonderful thing to have a place to blow off some steam, seek great advice, and hear from alternate points of view.

  • Actually, it seems of late, that if you are going to discuss politics--by definition you have to discuss sex and religion.
  • I maybe the only one working & talking here today. But this does seem like the right place to be to be yourself (and it's anonymous).

    It is amazing in HR the "stuff" you hear about and what is said. I have been in HR for about 1 1/2 years now. I come from the insurance industry and the county hired me to manage their benefits. In the insurance and securities world, you really have to be hush hush. Here I guess if you keep it within the department you are ok.

    So here in my county we are majority Republcan. There is only one democrat from this area in the state legislature and we think we can "kick" him out this year. Even our county commission is majority Republican. And yes the Republican's have a party and we party as well. In a state dominated by democrats, we are slowly taking them over. Bush only lost this state by 336 votes last time. But then again, after the election, the democrat clerk in one of the southern counties was indicted for voter fraud. It was discovered later on that Bush actually won this state. Talk about stealing elections. But this is a state that doesn't require any ID to vote. And in the southern counties, at the Mexican border, voter fraud is rampant. Now you know how the democrats stay in power here in New Mexico!

    Enough of the politics. Shall we move on to sex and religion?

  • I can relate, Slogan. Here in Oregon, I live in Portland which is the state's largest city - heavily liberal and democratic and surrounded by rural, conservative, predominantly republican cities and counties. Since we in Portland have the highest population concentration, Bush was narrowly defeated despite winning almost all the counties in Oregon. Ever since then, a lot of rural Oregonians refer to Portland as the "People's Republic of Portland," a nickname I fear we deserve.

    Lest you get the impression, however, that I am a republican, I am a middle-of-the-road democrat. x:-)
  • Interesting story Slogan. But please, let's not relive the last election with stories about who really won or not. I can already see people getting ready to talk about Florida and it should be Gore's white house.

    It's over, another election is coming up and we will get to see another round of new and used politicians up for sale. Promises for everyone!x}>

  • Marc, don't get Ray involved. His company makes voting machines! x;-)
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