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  • I worked for a large organization that allowed you to use 3 "personal days" a year for "mental health days" etc.  This worked out great for everyone involved, and was already incorporated into their PTO plan...I really think it's the best way to go …
  • hr410, I definitely agree with you that what happened at VA Tech this past year is a senseless tragedy that could have been prevented.  However, I think you are blaming this tragedy on certain issues that aren't necessarily responsible for what occ…
  • I think asking a candidate about a specific or general experience of working with a role model in an organization is very telling.  You will be able to see what type of manager they are looking for as well as what type of values are of most interest…
  • Another idea would be to remember to ask good questions.  If you are a manager, you want to inspire critical thinking without causing confusion or silence from the group.  Some tips to remember (from The Mentoring Advantage by Florence Stone): 1)  M…
  • Amyxinc, This is a great question.  Your search may have turned up results that are all over the place because there are so many factors that go into developing a comp package.  In order to estimate what a general offer might be, more details are d…
  • Not that I have anything against the Yankees....but....I think that if Clemons is being paid what he is, then he should go to work like the rest of his teammates!  I agree, this could create chaos for Major League Baseball if working such flexible h…