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  • My heart breaks everytime I hear of this and we see it played out. BUT I cannot understand those who don't see and don't feel and don't know that these same people who are guilty of this kidnapping want only to be able to come here and do it to us.…
  • Thanks mwild for your response. You told me all the ways you believe Mr. Bush's religion and it's impact makes you uncomfortable, but you didn't answer any of my questions about kerry's visits to churches and how DOES THAT indicate separation of …
  • I was wondering if an individual's faith and not promoting it is such a valid reason for NOT voting for Mr. Bush, how does that tie in with Kerry's recent Sunday mornings at the pulpit in predominantly African American communities in Florida and so …
  • Thank you for the sanity you have injected. One can only hope we survive and our country! I can only hope future generations don't read "The Rise and Fall of America" the same as you can now read something (not sure of the title) called The Rise a…
  • I could not evision anything that would cause me to vote for Kerry. In my very humble view, he is a traitor. People have mentioned GW drinking or being drunk as comparable to that. Well, I'm the first one to say, I've had those occasions in my …
  • Wonderful. Thank you for posting this even though it is so true.
  • Perhaps, now, more people will begin to "get it". It really is and has been for quite some time simply a matter of them or us, there or here. And I continue to say my choice is them and the place I choose is there.
  • Owenlady just dropping in my 1 cent worth! Don't suppose any of us who were not there can ever be 100% convinced of the truth of what happened on the Swift Boats. I know which side I believe. But as for me, for sure I know BY HIS OWN WORDS AND ACT…
  • Thank you for sharing. That is surely a wonderful thing to read. And so true. Again thanks, Carole.
  • The book is UNFIT FOR DUTY. It should be out in 1-2 weeks, but can be ordered now and I believe from Amazon. I will know for sure after tonight because I will be ordering it. My own thought is Kerry may have been able to act more animated during …
  • My hat is off to you. Thank you Shadowfax. That was well said. It is either them or us, here or there. I prefer there and I prefer them. Enough said.
  • Don D, I thank you for your response. I truly believe that anyone who thinks that America is so horrible should understand there are no chains holding them down in this country. They are free to leave. Ollie North gave a very moving speech yes…
  • I just hope that everyone in America realizes this is truly a war and the choice is us or them. There is no gray, in my humble opinion, in that statement. I know, for me, Friday night was sleepless as I faced the reality of what we all knew would …
    in Murdered Comment by owenlady June 2004
  • I salute you Don. Well said, well thought. And I agree.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. I detest Clinton and his Mrs. If a man makes a CHOICE (or woman for that matter) to do what he did with Monica and perhaps many others, then he is accountable for that choice. If he lies about this, it only proves…
  • Thanks kind sir. And what you said isn't that really what a lot of being American is all about..that we can disagree?
  • Parabeagle you are certainly much more qualified than I to know the guidelines and requirements for reporting atrocities. And if Kerry reported those as required, naming names as much as possible, dates, times, etc., or at least as much as he reaso…
  • I guess I am so surprised to see folks advocating Kerry and even more surprised at the dislike of Bush. Personally, I was brought up to believe you are known by the company you keep. If Kerry weren't bad enough on his own, I consider that he keeps…
  • So think we could send this to all the legislators in Washington, D.C.? Not that they would read it!
  • Being a very rare poster I perhaps shouldn't put my thoughts here now. I so value the insights, both professional and personal that I've garnered during my time here and try to look at least every other day. As in real life, if something doesn't s…
  • Thank you. I salute you for sharing this. As the daughter of a veteran and the wife of a veteran, both of whom were career military, I firmly believe this should be on the news daily if not hourly, every station. We forget at our own peril. I sa…
  • First time posting to something like this on the forum, but I have to admit from reading these comments I am so proud to be a part of this forum. I have been trying to figure out what part of the world to move to should the unthinkable happen and t…
  • I'd loe to have a copy as well if I could. [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email] and thanks!
  • I have one and will be glad to send it to you if you provide me an email or fax #. Carole
  • Would you be so kind as to send me a copy of your PTO policy? [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email] Thanks so much.
  • I wish I could help, but I'd like to ask whomever may have this information and be willing to share it if you also email it to me at [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email] I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks
  • Would you mind emailing me a copy of your newsletter as well? I'd sure appreciate it. [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email] Thanks.
  • I tried to email you but your email is inactive. You can reach me at [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email] and I can share what we have.
  • If you'll send me your email address, I'll be glad to email you some of our p&ps regarding email/computer use. Carole [email]carole.owen@bgfh.com[/email]