Nina I


Nina I
Last Active
Guest, Member


  • I forgot to give you my email if you needed - [email][/email]
  • Hi, sorry for my late response on this - I can send you ours if you would provide your email. Nina
  • Sorry - meant to say California DOL says the meal break cannot be waived, not even with the written consent of the ee, unless they work 6 hours or less, OR they work in a position where they cannot easily leave their post, i.e. a security…
  • I was just getting read to post my own question when I read this thread...however, I have my own spin on the question: our hourly corporate staff elected (written and signed agreements) to forego a lunch period altogether. Everyone is happy, every…
  • Also late in weighing in, and definitely too late for this particular ee problem, but just wanted to add that our company also offers a 30 day personal leave, that has to be approved by the project manager and the hr director. This way we have some…
  • Geez, leave it to a few to take sounds like it "ended" well - you tried to accommodate her WITHOUT allowing her to take more advantage. Perfect.
  • Oh, don't I wish! I hope we find out what happened with the original Forumite poster...
  • Well, I hesitate to divulge TMI here, but when I went back to work when my daughter was 4 months, I attempted to pump. I think, with a little imagination, we can all see that a pump is not a baby... (smile here). The suction is completely different…
  • Oops, I am a bit late on this one as well, but I just felt it necessary to point out that pumping is NOT always an effective substitute for breastfeeding (personal experience). If you can accommodate her such as WT suggested (with vacation time, pe…
  • I also use CCH Descriptions Now, and agree about the editing, but I find it most useful - we serve the disabled community at our company, and have had no problems with the physical requirements section. Also, I am currently participating in a focus…
  • Another WELCOME - late response here, but just wanted to say that I just had a similar experience here in CA this week(what the heck does Don D call us out here???), so this shouldn't surprise anyone... I had completed a sexual harassment investigat…
  • To ritaanz: CHOCOLATE! Ooops, don't want to stir the pot or anything...
  • As so many Forumites do, I thoroughly agree with Don D. Our complaint policy requires the ee to take two steps before filing a complaint - 1) speak with immediate sprv. If not resolved 2) speak with the sprv's sprv. If still not resolved, they can…
    in Duties Comment by Nina I June 2004
  • Ah, here we are in CA...don't know if this helps, but we are a federal contractor that employes diabled individuals, many of whom, ah, shall we say, "self medicate." We understand that it comes along with the population (we employe many mentally il…
  • Thanks, Gillian3...pretty much the conclusion I've come to - now just the sticky part about FYI-ing the COO, to CYA me...
  • Don, I duck at all the incoming when dealing with California law versus federal - we might as well be a separate country, as I'm sure HR in CA and Gillian can attest... California went back to the 8hr/day/40/hours/week back in 1999, so I think that…
  • Thanks for the code ref on that! Gawd, I am more confused now than I thought I was before - yikes. My CA labor law reference has a section that says that hourly employees can request to work makeup time without incurring overtime, under certain co…
  • Don, thanks for the clarification - I should have thought to look there first. I am compliance - private non-profit - because he is somewhat arbitrary, we've evolved from a fairly consistent application of company policy to almost none at all... T…
  • Here's where I am confused - he is salary exempt, of course, so whether he's here or not, what's the difference - he'll still be paid. He is "in the hole" on his vacation time, but no one wants to bring this fact to his attention... he obviously is…
  • Sorry for the ignorance, but could you expand on that?
  • I think the disparity between what we know to be true (federal DOL has no say in benefit levels) and what a Deputy Labor Commissioner TELLS us when making a visit, is the issue. We live in abject fear of any visit, as we have found their judgments/…
  • PORK, just want to say that it took me a LONG time to figure out that posts with more than "x" amounts of responses have the "view all" tagged after it...I, too, was left frustrated for many months - don't feel bad - I can get around a computer fair…
  • I agree, and would just add the caveat to get as much documentation (ha) as possible. If there isn't any, I'd ask the manager to write out a timeline of dates and events as remembered, for future reference, and then document every conversation from…
  • Unfortunately, many already know - people choose to handle it in a variety of ways - most don't want to create a problem...the COO sent out a memo last year in response to office gossip about wage/salary levels, that essentially said "put up and shu…
  • I'm glad this question came up, because I've been wanting to ask this for some time: Before our current COO came on (3 yrs ago) we had clear benefit levels stated for our corp ees, and they were scrupulously followed. Since his arrival (and our co…
  • Oh, to be goin fishing on a Friday afternoon - good luck...
    in Sick time Comment by Nina I May 2004
  • I've been absent from the Forum for awhile, but have to say how much I missed it, especially after getting to read about piglets needing heat lamps and mama's milk...made my day. Thanks. And I do eat pork.
    in Sick time Comment by Nina I May 2004
  • Thanks so much for the info - no other answers yet...we are not CARF'd, as we don't actually perform rehabilitation - it's more placing disabled into supported employment work. Any info or resources you could give me would be really appreciated!
  • Thanks so much for the info - no other answers yet...we are not CARF'd, as we don't actually perform rehabilitation - it's more placing disabled into supported employment work. Any info or resources you could give me would be really appreciated!
  • I would be very interested in hearing how you comply with the act - we are a non-profit that puts disabled individuals into jobs - we handle medical information on a regular basis, but we do not fit the definition of a covered entity, per se. We ha…