Survivor China and Kid Nation

Anybody else watching either of these shows?
Survivor China: My all time favorite show ever. I have seen every episode of every season. This season is being filmed in China. Should be interesting. If you have never watched Survivor, watch at least three episodes. The first epidode is available at [url][/url]
Kid Nation: a somewhat controversial show. 40 kids, no adult supervision. Watch it with your family but be warned, it might remind you too much of your workplace.
Survivor China: My all time favorite show ever. I have seen every episode of every season. This season is being filmed in China. Should be interesting. If you have never watched Survivor, watch at least three episodes. The first epidode is available at [url][/url]
Kid Nation: a somewhat controversial show. 40 kids, no adult supervision. Watch it with your family but be warned, it might remind you too much of your workplace.
When the chemistry is right and the dynamics are interesting, it can be fascinating to watch.
My 11 year old wants to apply for Kid Nation 2.
Have you ever considered applying?
Do you have a favorite season?
I can honestly say there was a time in my life I would have jumped at it. Now, not so sure. :-?
How bout you?
I am probably too normal. Married protestant white guy with 2 kids a cat.
Although I think HR is the perfect profession for the game of survivor. We use a skill set that is ideal for maneuvering within the game.
My all time favorite season (and its tough) is probably the season with Colby. I thought he played the game so well. He ended up losing to Tina but only because he honored their original alliance and took her to the final two.
All stars was great though too. The past season with Yul was terrific. What a comeback after being down to just 4 people.
I'd love to see an "international survivor" with people from all over the globe. Language conflicts! Wouldnt that be great.
Back in the day we had "Survivor Night" at our home with 10-12 friends and co-workers. It was a lot of fun.
Tonight...I will be watching survivor...
One of the younger girls has a "beauty pageant" attitude and her approach to dealing with other people was to simply yell "DEAL WITH IT!"
Eventually the kids rebelled and confronted her about her demeaning attitude. Suprisingly (or maybe not) she melted into tears and apologized.
Its been a fun show to watch with my two girls. They are totally into it. I am just amazed that these kids can problem solve so well.
There are some really great kids in this group.
Yul and Stephanie were my favorites. When Steph was all alone was truly a test of endurance and personal strength.
I also liked the show where the boys figured out how to get the pump working. I think the green team is made of the hardest workers. I keep pulling for them to win a challenge. I think if they get to run the town things will really change. I'm totally not fond of the council members that are leaders for red or yellow. Both are brats.
The one part of the show I had sort of a problem with was the week they killed chickens for the meat. While I know that our meat comes from live animals, and I grew up on a farm and was in many slaughter houses before my 10th birthday, many of these kids have a much more sheltered background and I think this may have been a big shock to them.
Anyhow, my FAVORITE reality show is Beauty and the Geek. I never miss that one!
Do you have an opinion about Cody going home? What is your thoughts about Taylor and her part last night? Will she be de-chaired?
Survivor should be good tonight.
On one hand Taylor annoys me because she is so bossy and handles others so poorly. On the other hand, you have to give her credit for what a powerhouse she is for such a tiny thing.
I was hoping the kids would pick the mini-golf instead of the Holy Books. Does that make me a bad person?
My 11 year old LOVES Kid Nation. Its become our Weds night thing. She told me that its helpful to her to watch the show because she can learn from the other kids "bad behavior". I assume she means learn something positive.
I was surprised with their choice for the Holy Books and never expected that to be their choice.
Taylor has learned at a very young age how to be an executive.
I was also thrilled for the gold star winner. It was a good selection and I've really been surprised at the mature decisions they make at times. Then we have the shots in the canteen to remind me they are still kids. Actually much like a lot of my employees.
yeah I was suprised at Dave being voted off. He only has himself to blame though. You would think a million dollars would be incentive enough to treat people a bit more nicely.
I liked the chopsticks challenge as well. It was interesting to watch them figure it out.
Are you rooting for anyone? I can't say as I am yet.
sorry to cut in here, but I believe that is the immunity idol- the small one. Will there be more than one this year?
Yes, I think the clues refer to the immunity idol but I havent caught whether there are one or two.
and I could be very wrong, LOL!
Welcome and I agree with you because every time they have one of the scrolls they show it following the players conversations. That is why I asked Paul the question to see if he felt the same way. But I also agree that I haven't figured out if each tribe has their own or not. This is kind of unique putting it in plain site everyday. It so obvious and part of their daily routine it will be interesting to see how long it takes them to figure it out.
I like the idea of hiding something in plain sight too.
I used to watch Survivor carefully. Sometimes I would even watch a good episode twice. This season hasn't grabbed me though.
Have you guys been to the Survivor website? They have very active forums that discuss the show. There are some folks who are WAY into the show.
Its funny how winning can help everyone get along. Then you lose a few challenges and stuff starts coming out...
Has anyone else noticed the slo-mo and "special effects" filming they're throwing in this year? Kind of drives me nuts.
In my opinion, Courtney needs to go. She doesn't do much at camp or in challenges. Not to mention that she is disgustingly skinny. Every time they show her, I want to ship her a case of King Size Snicker bars!