Farding Women

What bugs me almost as much as these women with a cell phone slapped upside their head in traffic is women riding up and down the public roadways farding.

This is one time when the Pennsylvania Quaker women have it all over most of American women. They don't wear makeup or use cell phones. Or use cars for that matter.

Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.


  • 41 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What bugs me are men drivers with a cell phone slapped upside their head.
    Please let me know what "farding" means.

  • What really, REALLY bothers me are these "soccer moms" driving around in the Expeditions, or worse, Excursions, with the cell phones slapped upside their head, make-up kit out, screaming at the toddler 25 feet behind them, who can't hear because he is entranced with the flip down DVD player.

    They swerve, are all over the road, cross the yellow line, totally unaware of the weapon of mass destruction they're piloting.

    I was seriuosly thinking about getting the new hybrid Accord to replace my current Accord, but after another near-miss with one of these domestic terrorists this morning I am seriously considering getting one of those new behemoth SUV's. Environment and gas prices be dammned! I want to live to see forty.

  • You can do better, Get an H2! Not the H3 though, they are smaller than the H2.
  • Don, you of all people should know that most of the women who are farding while driving are probably the same ones who just got 3 kids off to school and a husband out the house all to the neglect of her own personal needs.

    Cheryl C.
  • "What really, REALLY bothers me are these "soccer moms" driving around in the Expeditions, or worse, Excursions, with the cell phones slapped upside their head, make-up kit out, screaming at the toddler 25 feet behind them, who can't hear because he is entranced with the flip down DVD player.

    They swerve, are all over the road, cross the yellow line, totally unaware of the weapon of mass destruction they're piloting.

    I was seriuosly thinking about getting the new hybrid Accord to replace my current Accord, but after another near-miss with one of these domestic terrorists this morning I am seriously considering getting one of those new behemoth SUV's. Environment and gas prices be dammned! I want to live to see forty.


    Or, as an alternative, if any of you know of any reputable military surplus dealers, let me know. I may very well invest in a good, used, reliable "deuce-and-a-half" truck. I'm also amenable to a large combine or other agricultural apparatus for those in farming states.
  • INternational Harvester is coming out with a new pickup which will be the largest dwarfing anything on the market today. The cab is 9 feet tall.
  • Amen to that! Just as irritating is the 16 year old with the brand new driver's license (not to mention the brand new car that daddy, or momma bought) and no real driving experience cruising along with the cell phone slapped to the ear and the lips a-flappin'!
  • The definition of farding can be found in the dictionary. Gene, can you tell us how you really feel about women in Expeditions? 25 feet...I like that.

    Down here we pride ourselves in letting people in and out of traffic all the time, waving people into your lane who are sitting off on a side road, stopping to let someone at a stop sign pull in, etc. The only thanks we want is a two finger wave, or a nod or a smile. I've almost quit letting women in line, because they never will wave or say thank you. It's because they have a cell phone slapped upside their head in one hand, are attempting to steer with the other hand while holding a plastic cup and they have a diaper bag or candy bar squeezed between their knees. How the hell can they think about thanking me. They're already trying to drive, yak, keep something from falling onto the floor and watching three kids in the rear view mirror.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • It's not in my American Heritage, I had to go to Websters Online Dictionary to find that one. Painting the face. So, put that in your fardel and carry it with you for future referenece.
  • Farding is one of my husband's favorite words. He'll be delighted when I tell him it was a topic on the forum.

    Don, my Nebraska-raised sister-in-law spent nine years in Mongtomery, AL, in the USAF, and was transferred to the AF Academy in Colorado Springs about nine months ago. She has expressed that southern drivers were, well, the opposite of how you describe. She said no one would ever let her in, they always sped up so she couldn't get in if her blinker was on.

    That said, I always try to give a little wave with my candy-bar holding hand when someone lets ME in. :>)

    Gene, GREAT commentary! I upgraded from a diesel 2000 VW Jetta to a diesel 2005 VW Jetta a month ago. It's a little bigger, gets great mileage, and I have side curtain air bags that won't do me a lick of good if a WMD I mean SUV t-bones me at 45. Running the odds, though, I went with the 45 miles per gallon.
  • I find in MD and DE people let me in all the time. I try to be courteous the same way, unless something distracts me and I'm not paying attention. I admit to doing the make up thing on my way to work, holding a cup of coffee in the other hand and steering with my elbow. Takes practice.
  • Attractive blondes are the exception x:D
  • Calico, I've had the same unfortunate experience as your sister while living in or visiting the south (FL, CA & TX). No courtesy at all and they drive like maniacs. We actually stop for pedestrians in NH...2- or 4-footed.

    I rarely apply makeup, but I have been known to have long, intense talks on my cell phone while driving safely inside the lines on my own side of the road. x0:)

    Cheryl C.
  • Next time you're in CA, pay attention. You are NOT in the South. And Florida is little more than a bunch of yankees who moved South to retire, so don't expect them to be mannerly. Texas? A whole nuther story.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • If I'm in my car and my cell rings, I make my kids answer it and do all the talking. They allways groan when that happens.
  • I learned a new word today, thank you. I have never been capable of driving and farding; nor driving and talking on the phone; cause I always drive a 5 speed so I need one hand on the wheel and one on the stick shift. However, I "admire" people who are capable of multi tasking, I just drive fast and get around them.
  • LOL

    My hat is off to you Don.

    Coming up with Farding - I admit to thinking you had misspelled fart on purpose to avoid some sort of gestapo edit.

  • I, too, learned a new word today. To think all the years I've farded and didn't even realize it! Can't wait for a Scrabble or Ghost game.

  • I just checked out Ray's International CTX. It is a behemoth! Hip-high tires, 9-foot high cab, 70 gallon tank, monster Detroit Diesel engine, interior nicely appointed in leather, DVD, and satellite radio. $110K loaded (according to Motor Trend). Towing hitch extra (I swear, check the link below if you don't believe me).


    I wonder how long before the likes of P. Diddy, 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg start rollin' on these?

  • Wouldn't those "soccer moms" love to get their hands on that.x}>
  • I went to the website that Gene recommended and I know that Ashton Kutcher and Toby Keith have already acquired one of those HUGE trucks....Learned it on ET, my favorite show!!
  • I'll have you know my wife can out fart me....oh wait, you said farding. Sorry, wrong word.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-09-05 AT 09:17AM (CST)[/font][br][br]"Don, my Nebraska-raised sister-in-law spent nine years in Mongtomery, AL, in the USAF, and was transferred to the AF Academy in Colorado Springs about nine months ago. She has expressed that southern drivers were, well, the opposite of how you describe. She said no one would ever let her in, they always sped up so she couldn't get in if her blinker was on."

    These people are NOT Southerners! The ones who don't let you in to traffic and flip you off are yankees stationed down in the South, not Southerners. Natives of Montgomery, Alabama would never act like that. Surely you know that water flows Southward, seeking it's lowest level, and turds float downstream. The people who treated you that way were temporary, military transplants from the northeast or northwest who, like green turds, floated into our midst and remained until they were purged further downstream or shipped back where they came from.

    Maybe it's a 'small town' thing, where we aren't so hurried and frantic. Like opening a door for a woman, or a man for that matter. Or coming out of Home Depot, spotting a young mother with two kids trying to load a boxed lawnmower into an SUV and saying, "Here, let me get that for you." And her feeling comfortable enough to smile and say thank you. And constantly letting ahead of you in line people who have fewer items than you do.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • "Maybe it's a 'small town' thing, where we aren't so hurried and frantic. Like opening a door for a woman, or a man for that matter. Or coming out of Home Depot, spotting a young mother with two kids trying to load a boxed lawnmower into an SUV and saying, "Here, let me get that for you." And her feeling comfortable enough to smile and say thank you. And constantly letting ahead of you in line people who have fewer items than you do."

    There's nothing small-town or Southern about that. It's simply chivalry and plain good manners. My great-grandfather, whom I was very close to, shortly before he died at 101 years of age, "gently" reminded me as we left a restaurant one evening that my place while walking next to my wife was that closest to the street so as to shield her from cars that might splash water. He specifically rememebred having that conversation with me some 25 years earlier while I was a youngster. Shame on me. He was right.

  • Gene, my mother taught me years ago when walking with a woman the man should be between her and the road, as you said. I used to do that. Now when walking with my wife, which we do often for exercise, I always walk on her right regardless of orientation to the road. That way I can better hear her in my good ear. Come to think of it, maybe I'd be better off on the other side of her.
  • "There's nothing small-town or Southern about that. It's simply chivalry and plain good manners".

    Gene, you're absolutely right! They can be found in any state of this great union. Unfortunately, so can jerks, female or male chauvinists, and bigots.

    Cheryl C.
  • The worst welcome I ever got was about 7 years ago near Gettysburg, PA. Maybe that was the name of the town. It was a small town about 4 miles north of the military park and Eisenhower's home place, a quaint little village. Anyway, I was up there with another guy on business and we took a side trip to see the park. Then we went into town to just walk around and stop in some shops. We parked in what I thought was a public lot between some shops and businesses. When we got back to the car, a merchant, a wormy little guy about 45, came out screaming about us leaving our car in his business parking lot and moving it the hell away, pronto. As you can imagine I exchanged words with him after his tirade. Had it not been for my friend, I would have spent that night in a PA jail. The man never, ever let up, kept screaming about his lot and not ever using it again. I really didn't need that Northern welcome just after I had toured the battleground where so many Southerners had died. If I had it to do all over again, I would spend the nite in jail.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • I find it interesting that someone posted that he always walks on his wife's right side. Made me think of my dogs, a well trained dog always walks to the right... Not that I'm implying anything...Men and children generally do remind me of my dogs, and how much happier I am in the canines company. x:D
  • Watch it, Judy. I'll get even.
  • I'll weigh in on the pro-SUV side. I drive a Yukon-XL (with vcr) and my husband drives a Ford F-350, diesel dooly (sp?) with DVD.
    We are avid campers and needed the power to pull the camper to the likes of Hilton Head/Myrtle Beach. Also have a jet ski that we take along. It's a 3-4hr drive to the beach and it sure is nice to have some quiet time while the kids watch a movie. And don't give me that story about how you were forced to ride 10 hrs to Disney with no entertainment. So did I. I don't think letting my kids watch a Disney movie along the way makes me a bad parent. And with family close by, I need to be able to haul 5 kids around most anytime. Maybe I don't get the best gas mileage, but when we had a freak ice storm a couple years ago, guess who was calling to get them out? You guessed it, my Camry/Accord driving friends. They also freqently call when they need furniture moved.
    P.S. I only fard at stoplights. Red ones that is.
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