Farding Women



  • Personally, I prefer my Piper Commanche for trips of less than 600 miles. The dual screen DVD is especially nice and that mahogany bar can't be beat. We only use the Hummer for local off road stuff. My wife inherited a Lear when her parents died and that's most handy for coast to coast travel and football weekends, NFL only. Both condos have heliports and you can't beat that for quick in and out - no traffic, great escapes at the drop of a hat.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • oh, ha ha.

    They're paid for and I'm keepin' 'em until they fall apart.

  • "Maybe it's a 'small town' thing, where we aren't so hurried and frantic. Like opening a door for a woman, or a man for that matter. Or coming out of Home Depot, spotting a young mother with two kids trying to load a boxed lawnmower into an SUV and saying, "Here, let me get that for you." And her feeling comfortable enough to smile and say thank you. And constantly letting ahead of you in line people who have fewer items than you do. "

    Don, if I recall you posted something last year about helping some Yankees or some Yankees helping you at a campsite. I don't remember the details, but I remember the post.

    Anyway, to help you think a little more positively about folks up North: I was at Home Depot yesterday getting mulch. I put 10 bags on one of those hand trucks and could barely pull it. I let a man in line in front of me so as not to aggrevate him with my slowness since he only had one thing. He was comfortable enough to smile and say "Thank you." Then when I got to my truck with the mulch, it was wearing me out to lift the bags onto the truck. A truck pulled up beside me and a woman got out to help since she saw me struggling. At the same time, a man came over and said "Can I give you a hand with that?" The two of them loaded the mulch for me. I was comfortable enough to say "Thank you SO much." So you see? There are 3 incidents of Northern folks exercising courtesy. There are more ingredients in the mix than Town size and geography. ;;)

  • Did Judy just say that a well trained dog always walks on the right? Well then, my daughter just blew over a thousand dollars. She has a new Sheltie, miniature collie, some say. It spent 6 weeks at obedience school and was taught to walk right at her left foot. She is to hold the end of the leash in her right hand with her left hand positioned on the leash if she needs to snatch the choke collar. The dog is not supposed to leave that walking position. Perhaps she should demand her money back. x:-) She should demand it back anyway. A month after the training, the dog has forgotten 'heel' and 'sit' and has killed two birds in the past week. She does, however, look appropriately contrite after she craps on the floor.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • I have it on good authority that Shelties and miniature collies are not the same.
  • It is correct that in formal dog training and dog showing, the dog is on the handler's left.

    A Sheltie is a Shetland Sheep Dog, but has the appearance of a miniaturized rough collie.
  • Whirl: I once corrected Raymond when he called them miniature collies. I told him a Shetland Sheep Dog was/is fondly called a Sheltie. But, he counter-corrected me by pulling some dictionary on me. I never knew a puppy to kill birds, unless it was a cat, but wait......Ray will pull the dictionary on me if I say that.

    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • >I never knew a puppy to kill

    Maybe she just herded them to death.
  • the first definition I found for "farding" was this: The upper stomach of a cow, or other ruminant animal; the rumen.

    You can imagine my confusion...
  • Well, so as not to disappoint the crass element among us, those who were initially disappointed, here's the definition that 'almost was'.


    Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
  • LOL Don, now my boss thinks I'm crude.

    Maybe those show dogs walk on the left but those aren't "real dogs" real dogs (like my 2 kids) were trained by ME to walk on my right and I consider them "well trained".
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