You have a bad HR mgr when...

You may want to check the credentials of your HR manager when...

1. The last time they offered an employee COBRA the employee ran screaming from the room.

2. When they heard the payroll department was being outsourced, they remarked, "Wow, I didn't even know they were GAY!"

3. When told they had to offer accommodation to a disabled applicant, they put them up at the Ramada Inn.

4. They always keep a copy of "HR for Dummies" on their desk.

5. Their only formal accreditation is a plaque that says "Winner 2001 HR FORUM HAIKU CONTEST" and an HR HERO t shirt.

6. They replaced the "Employee of the Month" program with a "Hottest Employee of the Month" award.

7. They don't understand "Dilbert" but they think "Family Circle" is HILARIOUS!

8. They show up for an internal investigation wearing a hospital gown and rubber gloves.

9. They often resolve employee disputes using sock puppets.

10. Their favorite expression is "What can I do you for?"

11. They end all exit interviews with "The tribe has spoken. Bring me your torch!"

Ok, I got got to a meeting. Feel free to add your own.


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