the Jig's Up

It's time to reveal that Steelboy, AKA SMace are one and the same person. Steelboy parachuted in here ragging everybody except one person, who he compliments profusely, SMace. They post behind each other on multiple threads, often almost in conversation with each other. Both are in the same state. My bet's on them being two heads on one body! x:-) Any comments on my take on our new visitor? But Steven, it was a fun ride. x:-)
I was beginnning to think it was like that Seinfeld episode with Jimmy.
Way to go Don, you blew his cover.
Remember - NO SILLINESS / JOKES / OR POKING FUN except for in the HR Hardy Har Har room. x:=|
Sheesh! 8-|
Ooooooooommmmmmaaaannnnnn, are we lucky or what? Come on Boy, it's a new week, give us some more of your viewpoints. We're tough, we can take it. As for SMace, if what Don says is true, it is more like Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jeckel.
I'm thrilled that I have created such a stir. I have achieved the desired result and I gladly thank each of you for posting on this thread to verify that fact.
I do work for a Fortune 500 that has very few layers and is well known for its lack of bureaucracy. So, my unusual posts are not silly banter that are carelessly thrown out without thought. They are rooted in the experiences that I have had. First in a highly centralized, bureaucratic Forune 500 company where I worked as a Plant HR Manager in four of their manufacturing plants and finally in the Division Offices of their largest division. Next stop as VP of HR for a $6 billion international building materials company, which has returned avg 19.5% ROE over the past 7 years...which happens to be an exceptionally decentralized company (65 people in North American hq for $6 billion in revenue) and now sit in my current position, which will remain undisclosed. I've seen the extremes of centralization and decentralization and the accompanying extremes of how HR funtions can be run.
If you don't think there is any ying yang or mumbo jumbo in the HR funtion, then I am sure that you are probably creating lots of it.
I am not SMACE.
What does that mean?
Oh Great One, you speakth of mumbo jumbo, ying yang but thou sayth strange and bizarre pronouncements. You revealth your experience like raindrops upon the rose. Blah, blah, blah
If you think I buy any of it, forgetaboutit. I think your ethics and honesty belong in the same undisclosed location as where you currently "sit".
Do I remember you saying that you looked into other online groups? Again I ask, how come we are so lucky?
Ritaanz, I made that suggestion because I thought you were going to pop a blood vessel. All that rage for nothing, what a shame.
I believe this is the second time I did this to you. Gotya!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 12:21 PM (CST)[/font]
I'm here. I don't read Har-har until lunch. I'm not SteelBoy. I'm not alumboy, I'm just plain old SMace. Any other questions? x0:)
I can't seem to get that angel emoticon to work. I hope that doesn't mean anything. x:D