Scuse me while I kiss this guy...



  • "there's a bad moon on the rise" was always "there's a bathroom on the right"
  • >There is a song (I think by the Platters) called "Groovin" and the
    >line goes
    >Life would be ecstacy
    >You and me, endlessly
    >which I heard as:
    >Life would be ecstacy
    >You and me.. and LESLIE!
    >I'm thinking.. who is Leslie and why is she grooving with us?
    Paul - ME TOO! I always wondered who Leslie was!!

  • You guys. I was 12 when that song came out and I have a hard time thinking if it was "you and me and Leslie" that one of my friends - and you know how kids that age would be - would not have mentioned it to me. You have to admit that sounds a bit lewd, or adventurous I suppose.
  • Only if you have a devious, lewd or adventurous bent, Leslie. x;-)
  • Wow, disappear for a few days and a thread takes on a life of it's own without you! Thanks for all your insights as to what you hear verses what you say. I had to laugh when canyon mentioned the Gin Blossom's song, "Hey Jealousy". A friend of mine once thought they were saying, 'HLC'...who's HLC anyway??

    I know there are more out there...I myself am trying to think of all the song faux paus I've heard in my lifetime (and thought myself). I'll remember them eventually, then I'll probably have to go to therapy from reliving painful memories! Oh well, the price we pay...

  • When I was younger, I never did find out for sure if the misunderstood words were the result of second hand peyote or bad speakers behind the back seat.
  • I've heard it was common to misunderstand Credence Clearwater Revival's "There's a bad moon on the rise" as "There's a bathroom on the right." Maybe that was just the wishful thinking of those on long road trips.
  • My younger sister use to always think that the Elton John song Tiny Dancer said "hold me closer Tony Danza" instead of "hold me closer tiny dancer."

    By the way.. I always thought it said, "you and me and Leslie" too. Never even considered anything else.
  • Elton John dancing with Tony Danza....that's a visual that's too funny to pass up!
  • I just saw a funny commercial last night related to this topic. It's one of those T-mobile commercials with Catherine Zeta-Jones. There's two people in a car and the guy is singing along with Def Leppard's "pour some sugar on me". He sings, "pour some shook-up ramen". The woman says, "pour some shook up ramen?" and the guy replies, "yea, ramen, the soup" or something to that effect. Of course Catherine comes in and does her thing by saying freeze and that a local call to your library would help.
  • >I just saw a funny commercial last night related to this topic. It's
    >one of those T-mobile commercials with Catherine Zeta-Jones. There's
    >two people in a car and the guy is singing along with Def Leppard's
    >"pour some sugar on me". He sings, "pour some shook-up ramen". The
    >woman says, "pour some shook up ramen?" and the guy replies, "yea,
    >ramen, the soup" or something to that effect. Of course Catherine
    >comes in and does her thing by saying freeze and that a local call to
    >your library would help.

    What a waste of this lady's talent to be in a commercial! (Catherine Zeta). Did anyone see her in Chicago? She absolutely nailed her character. If she doesn't win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress - she was robbed!

  • But back to your mother (in your original post). I think she was exactly right! That's what I always thought and still do.
  • Don,

    Could it be true?? I don't think so, but talk about a visual. x:D

    Does anyone know for sure? I can't even think of the orginal song name or artist right now to look it up.
  • (K)nights in White Satin. I checked with one of our owners who is a music aficionado, and to this day can belt out every Beatle tune on a Baby Grande . He is also a child of the 60s. He says the song was late 60's and by The Moody Blues. He remembers, as I do, thinking it was Knights; but, he also adds that maybe we were more concerned with rescuing Guineviere (knights) than we were in sleeping (nights) with her. That's him talking. I was thinking just the other way around, I imagine. But, I do remember somebody telling me that the air was thick with some kind of smoke back then, so the words came out just about anything one wanted them to.
  • Come to think of it I had the 8 track of the Moody Blues with the K(n)ights in white satin. May have to dig through the attic and see if it is still up there.
    How 'bout:
    Bringing in the Sheeps. Bringing in the Sheeps. We shall come rejoicing bringing in the Sheeps.
    and then there was: Andy walks with me, Andy he talks with me. Andy he tells me I am His own. ...then the little boy turns to Dad and asks, "Who's Andy?"
    See ya,

  • I, too, always thought it was knights of the shining armor variety, but I double-checked a lyrics site and it's definitely nights. It's on the Days of Future Passed album (another possible source of misunderstanding - passed vs. past).

    Also, pardon me for my earlier faux pas when I nominated Bad Moon on the Rise/Bathroom on the Right, which had already been mentioned. I'm new to the Forum, and need to learn to read all posts before I jump in. But it's great! A potentially addictive and destructive habit -- I like that in a website!

  • Of course you realize you should be flogged for putting 8-tracks in the attic. You wouldn't put a Renoir in the attic would you? Or one of Mark Twain's original manuscripts? We have a whole section of wall cabinets devoted to 8-tracks, 8-track tape player, reel to reel tapes and record albums, including the yellow and red Gene Autrey and Roy Rogers Christmas records. The attic indeed!
  • Go get him Don. When I moved in with my significant other, he was looking at all my albums and 45s - some 1000 or so of each - and innocently asked if they could stay in the garage. I was aghast - vinyl in a garage during a Phoenix summer!?!?! I "calmly" said no, and they are all now housed on installed shelves in our pantry - including the aforementioned In a godda da vida, Days of Future Passed, Creedance, Beatles, Rolling Stones...etc.
  • Next time you have a free day, move the Beatles, Stones (and Dylan) to a safety deposit box.
  • Well....actually we still have the '71 Chevelle in the drive way and in working order that my wife had in college. It has an Am/FM 8 track player in working order. We also have an old Zentih Alergo system with phonograph, remember those really big CD's, AM/FM and 8 track player/recorder that the last time I tried it... it still worked fine. Of course it may be necessary to wedge a small bit of paper, etc in the corner of the 8 track to get it to play just right. One opportunity I have found is that when I play an 8 track for the first time in "years" they tend to break apart at the splice in the tape, that also causes it to change tracks. So if you thank of it... put a small bit of tape on the back side of the splice before you play the tape.
  • I've been a Moody Blues fan for over 30 years and I agree - there's something compelling about the image of a knight draped in white satin!
  • It's interesting to note that the song "Ina Godda Da Vida" came to be because the lead singer couldn't say "In the Garden of Eden" clearly. They were all drunk (or otherwise) and he was slurring his words. I know this one for a fact, I saw it on Behind the Music. I'm still working on "You and Me and Leslie" though.
  • It just occurred to me that anyone trying to get a feel for the demographics of the forum contributors on this site by reviewing these posts would probably conclude that we're a bunch of aging baby boomers. That's a sobering thought (especially since I just turned... uh.... older).
  • >It just occurred to me that anyone trying to get a feel for the
    >demographics of the forum contributors on this site by reviewing these
    >posts would probably conclude that we're a bunch of aging baby
    >boomers. That's a sobering thought (especially since I just turned...
    >uh.... older).

    Aging?? Who's aging?? I just had a birthday recently and I went backwards a year...or was it staying the same this year...or did I stop counting at 21? I can't remember, I must be getting old and senile. Ummm, what was the question?


    P.S. I too also still have vinyl, safely stored in a cabinet. It's sad to know that today's generation thinks that vinyl is a material that retro pants are made out of! If they know the word vinyl at all. Ahh, the good ol' days.

  • Sobering thoughts???

    I recently heard that Moody Blues would be performing in Branson, Missouri, later this year. Yikes!!!! Wonder if they're opening for the Osmonds, Andy Williams or Boxcar Willie!
  • That's sobering alright. As if we needed further evidence that we're suffering from a condition one of my colleagues calls "incipient geezerhood."

  • Actually, they're performing at the Lawrence Welk Theatre in Branson - they were invited because Branson wanted to start attracting a "younger crowd" of visitors! Curious - the Moodies' average age is 60 (the four oringinal members, anyway).
  • HS: One of our owners has provided me with a copy of the words to Nights in White Satin. I am a bit embarassed since he put it in my mailbox and it contains quite a few "I love you, Oh, How I love you", and "Beauty I'd always missed" lines. I'm afraid our staff will have a wrong idea should any of them have seen this in my box with his note on it. That notwithstanding, I will be glad to fax the lyrics to you if you will post your email address. But, on the condition that a full explanation be given to any of your staff who are around your fax machine when these same lines roll across the fax. Fondly, Don D. x:-8
  • That notwithstanding, I will be glad to fax the lyrics to you
    >if you will post your email address. But, on the condition that a full
    >explanation be given to any of your staff who are around your fax
    >machine when these same lines roll across the fax. Fondly, Don D. x:-8

    Don, I think I'll pass on the fax...wouldn't want any of my coworkers to get the wrong idea and then inform my husband that I am getting 'love notes' from another man. Now that I know who sang the song originally, I can look it up on a song lyrics site. I knew it was night vs knight because we used to tease my mom mercilessly about her 'innocence' or 'naivety', whatever phrase you'd like to use. We all tell her that she must hear a 'beep' everytime she reads or hears anything remotely un-naive!

    Thanks for the offer anyway Don...

    Fondly, (but not too fondly!)

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