Vegas Seminar



  • Although I can't remember what it was about, you quoted your husband one other time. He sounds like a hoot!

    The audacity of those machines. Millions fall for it, though. Myself included, occasionally.
  • >Ditto! I'm actually trying to move to Chicago (anyone have a job for me?).

    YIKES! I left there in 1993- got away from 12 hour days due to 8 lanes of one way traffic moving less than 3 MPH. Humidity so bad in the summer- you can't breathe, and snow, snow, SNOW! Shoveling parking spots out.....and putting your life on the line if you wear a gold chain on an *eL* train.....yes, it's a wonderful city to visit- and the very best Sports Town for everything- I still go back for baseball games.......great museums, theaters & culture.....but hey, good luck with that! ;-)

  • I remember being on the grand jury one year and the DA explained to us that if you ever had an employee or a normally honest person start stealing, you would often find that video poker was involved.

    Q - you are right, Joannie has described several... colorful quotes by her husband. Most have include "soap".

  • He must be a very clean man. x:D
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