Thread Must Die



  • Sorry Joannie, not even that will help Hillary.
  • I don't really know how to tell the difference, except that one is especially aggressive. My suggestion would be to send someone out back that you don't mind if they die a horrible painful death... O=* like an ex-husband.

    Ok, ok. Just kidding. I wouldn't even have done that to my ex-husband when he was still around to aggravate me. But, how about a child molester? Osama bin Laden?

  • Q - my dad had bee hives when I was a kid (about 100 years ago). Please do not kill them!!! Call your local Dept. of Agriculture or County Agent and report the hive. They can be captured and moved to an area where they can be productive. That's serious.
    Less serious: not the same can be said for Hil's cleavage, even with bee stings.

  • Hillary's cleavage is not productive? I guess it's not working with you guys, so that must be the case. Didn't work with Bill either.

    I forgot to check on my bee friends this morning. We'll see if they are still there this weekend. I didn't see an actual hive, just a bunch of bees swarming around the fuzzy seedy things sprouting from my tree. Maybe they were just vacationing in my back yard on there way somewhere more exciting. Like Bis[b][i][font color=orange]bee[/font color=orange][/i][/b], AZ. (BisBEE! Get it?)

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