Celeste Blackburn

Celeste Blackburn is our forum moderator (at least at the moment).
I wanted to see if we could get Celeste to make an appearance.
Ray, say something innappropriate.
I wanted to see if we could get Celeste to make an appearance.
Ray, say something innappropriate.
Celeste was trying to get a discussion going under the general hr topics. (see profanity) If you'd post something sensible there, she might communicate with you.
I'll have to check those out.
Plus, it leaves the impression that babysitting us is tiring and requires frequent breaks.
So what's your point?
I like how Celeste answered my question. Very professional.
I am feeling well moderated.
She's good. Very good.
Perhaps we are fortunate that moderators don't get involved that often. They seem to exert incredible control over us.
Or maybe that's what they want us to think...
It is grey and rainy in Tempe. Our exterior office doors are propped open. Half the office staff are outside standing under the awning oohing and ahhing. Someone said "hey, what's that stuff?"
Wet stuff is pitter-pattering on the sidewalk, and cars are splashing as they drive by.
Actually I just didn't have anything interesting to say related to the topic but was feeling left out. I realize Tempe weather isn't all that interesting either, unless you live here. Sorry for the hijack.
Sorry, Celeste. Back to you! x:D
Even here where it rains frequently we sometimes stop to look. This morning it came down for awhile in buckets. Several people stopped and commented on it. Everyone knows that the weather is an acceptable topic of conversation. Some people just never listened to their mothers!
Is that the quote, "if you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all"? If so, it's safe to say several of us on the forum might have not listened.
Not getting the recognition you are due?
Our posts about you are too few?
There are all kinds of words that rhyme with Q, I'm sure others can think of some too.
We didn't mean for you to stew
Because we were ignoring you.
With our inattention we are through.
Our focus is back on you.
Sometimes we don't have a clue,
When it rains in AZ it turns into a zoo.
Nothing worse than a muddy shoe.
And covering every surface will be a residue.
The attention's back on Q!
I knew, I just KNEW,
I could count on you two,
To make me feel welcome in a group so cool!
You could start a rhymin' school,
Maybe teach some rhymin' to Frank(ACU)!
Possibly you should let me attend for free. My rhymes suck...
But, how can you teach Frank to rhyme when a lot of his posts are only 1 word?
Q is back on staff.
Hey, Hey, where is Paul?
He makes this so much fun for all.
He's been awful quiet of late,
What it something I said? Did I sound full of hate?
I poke, and I prod, without rest, without mercy.
He's stayed in good humor though it all, shows no fury.
Oh Paul, big bro, please do come back,
I am not qualified to pick up your slack!
Just busy at work.
Youve said nothing wrong.
No one has been a jerk.
Next week is my vacation.
I am visiting my relations.
Im getting ducks in a row
So that when I go
No calls I will get
Unless someone quits.
So accept this quick rhyme
Because I am short on time
And may I please turn
The thread back to Celeste Blackburn?
On to you, Ray!
And please do not spurn
Ms. Celeste Blackburn.
She's been kind in her posts,
A gracious forum host!
(What rhymes with moderator?)