WhoRay!!! And consolations to our first runnerup, Cannonball Paul. Now is this the replacement thread or is someone going to dress one up for us? My computer sent me a thank you popup for not opening the old one anymore!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-25-07 AT 12:00PM (CST)[/font][br][br]They called me. James said they will be happy to contribute 1,000 cents toward Ray's Forum cruise fare.
That's enough to pay for a new pair of bright plaid bermuda shorts and a complementary striped shirt. I have enough white socks to go with my brown sandals. I'm ready to go.
If you can guarantee it, please take a long term leave of absence and split your time equally between them. It's a scary thought that either of them could be our next Pres. On a lighter note, my fellow Kansan Sen. Brownback is managing to offend just about everyone in both parties. Maybe he thinks that's the only way he can get any attention!
Unfortunately Brownback doesn't seem to need any help losing on his own. And of course I don't agree with Rita on this issue anyway. I believe "independent liberal" is an oxymoron.
"Ok, 1000 posts. Now what? What is next on your list of stuff to do? I have some suggestions: a. Work on Hillary's campaign b. Work on Obama's campaign
This way I can guarantee they both will lose."
Cold, very cold; poor Ray, always being picked on and abused. No wonder he does music therapy..
Funny you should mention that. Last night on a TLC commercial, Stacy & Clinton gave the same tip. But the key is large stripes, small checks or large checks, small stripes. Be very careful Ray. Q might laugh at you if you get it wrong.
Are those smiley faces blowing kisses, are starting rasberries? They look like they are blowing kisses, but when I consider the content of the conversation...
Oh..and btw, congrats Ray!
Ray, have you heard from Brentwood yet?
Hint - red/green/purple plaids are slimming and youthful.
a. Work on Hillary's campaign
b. Work on Obama's campaign
This way I can guarantee they both will lose.
Anyone has other suggestions?
On a lighter note, my fellow Kansan Sen. Brownback is managing to offend just about everyone in both parties. Maybe he thinks that's the only way he can get any attention!
a. Work on Hillary's campaign
b. Work on Obama's campaign
This way I can guarantee they both will lose."
Cold, very cold; poor Ray, always being picked on and abused. No wonder he does music therapy..
Funny you should mention that. Last night on a TLC commercial, Stacy & Clinton gave the same tip. But the key is large stripes, small checks or large checks, small stripes. Be very careful Ray. Q might laugh at you if you get it wrong.