Excuse me.... vocalists sing scales and arpeggios as warmups frequently. An arpeggio is merely Do-Mi-Sol-Do singing the root, third, fifth and octave of a chord, each note in succession.
My reference to the fat lady singing was because there have been no posts in the funny section since last Thursday.
With visual arts, I know enough to fake a bit of culture. With the written arts, I am a completely cultureless moron. That's why I rely on ray for my Shakespearean insults.
HRQ, Another reason we might work well together. I did well on the art and music, but my scores on the Faulkner and Dickens tests were atrocious. Do you suppose ray could tutor us?
Were you able to make it through the entire game? I must confess, it appeared to me that the writing was on the wall early on and I gave out around half time then watched ESPN highlights this morning. I still believe if Cleveland had been in the western conference, they would not have made it to the play offs much less the finals. The finals this year were when the Spurs played the Suns.... As the Cubbie fans say.... "there is always next year."
Ooooh - I took the "Pollock or birds?" test and got 100%.
Then I took the "Dickens or Bulwer-Lytton?" test and only got 33%. In my defense, I lost interest about 10 words into reading and just took random guesses for the rest of the test.
I for one, have not read one word of that silly post.
My reference to the fat lady singing was because there have been no posts in the funny section since last Thursday.
He's trying to distract us from the fact that he broke ttwnd. It got fixed so fast that he thought he got away with it.
Another reason we might work well together. I did well on the art and music, but my scores on the Faulkner and Dickens tests were atrocious. Do you suppose ray could tutor us?
I still believe if Cleveland had been in the western conference, they would not have made it to the play offs much less the finals. The finals this year were when the Spurs played the Suns....
As the Cubbie fans say.... "there is always next year."
Then I took the "Dickens or Bulwer-Lytton?" test and only got 33%. In my defense, I lost interest about 10 words into reading and just took random guesses for the rest of the test.