Human Resources

If you really think about it, the term "human resources" is pretty bad. It sounds like something out of a George Orwell novel. Like you have a stockpile of humans that you use to get work done.
Its an improvement from "Personnel" though.
A friend of mine has renamed her department "the People's Department" so she is now "People's Department Director". Its a nice nod towards a better understanding of your most valuable resource but I am not sure it fits me.
What about the rest of you? Are you all HR? I have considered the title "Staff Development Director" because I believe that is my greatest responsibility.
I could go with "Staff Training and Development Director" but that would make me the "STD" Director which would raise a lot of eyebrows.
Some days, "Sherriff" seems appropriate...
Its an improvement from "Personnel" though.
A friend of mine has renamed her department "the People's Department" so she is now "People's Department Director". Its a nice nod towards a better understanding of your most valuable resource but I am not sure it fits me.
What about the rest of you? Are you all HR? I have considered the title "Staff Development Director" because I believe that is my greatest responsibility.
I could go with "Staff Training and Development Director" but that would make me the "STD" Director which would raise a lot of eyebrows.
Some days, "Sherriff" seems appropriate...
Maybe "Ringmaster" is the best term.
Haven't you heard the latest? There is a campaign going on to change the name to Human Capital. How's that? Do you feel better now?
Unfortunately management thinks that any job not directly involved in production (we're manufacturing) just isn't important; that is until a government agency comes knocking on our door...
In my past life, the title was changed to Team Services which was thoroughly confusing for people. "But I need to talk to HR!"
I particularly enjoy when an manager introduces me to someone else. "This is Lori, she's our, umm, Human Resources." They don't know WHAT to call me. Some still introduce me as Lori the HR Queen. I like that best.
This is a PROFESSIONAL forum.
Lately I am leaning towards "Director of Behavioral Adjustment"
How about "DCU" - "Drama Containment Unit"
We could wear a different costume every day. Wait, we already did that with The Cheese Movers.
If anyone asks, I could say its an emergency "Drama Containment" field kit that I use to respond to various and sundry HR issues.
Now what to put in the DCU field kit...
- Clown nose (thats a given)
- rubber chicken
- copy of the policy manual
- kleenex
- ukelele (for resolution celebration singing of kumbaya)
- sketch pad for doodling while parties discuss their problems
- aspirin
- hand puppets (for role playing and re-creating workplace incidents)
- shocker pen (for keeping the mood light when signing a last chance agreement)
- light blue face paint (for faking ones death if you need to leave to play golf or go shopping)
- granola bar
Might need a larger box than I thought...
Add to the kit;
- face mask and chest protector (to be worn when announcing annual insurance premium increases)
- Prozac dispenser, with unlimited refills
- tablet of voluntary resignation forms, to be whipped out "quick-draw style" (for those rare moments when a long-suffering employee says "I quit")
Let's add a supply of pre-printed emotionally sensitive sympathy cards that say
"You are very special to us. If we can be of assistance to you while you deal with _________, please let us know. -Your Human Resources Department"
We can just write in "cancer" or "divorce" to customize the cards when we give them out.
We'll be able to PROVE that we cared.
I told them if I got 20 percent, I'd go away quietly.
>assistance to you while you deal with _________,
>please let us know. -Your Human Resources
Shouldn't that be "Your Humane Resources Department"?
You are right though Q. There is a big market selling companies HR stuff like required postings and W-4s that they can get for free.
Would their be a job in our company for Ray? We could at least put his picture on the cover of our catalogs as "the Founder". He looks earnest and knowledgeable.
Do you think it would be innappropriate to include a taser in the DC field kit?
You could also use the illustration that nobody really understands our corporate mission in the same way that nobody really knows how to play dominos.