Very Serious Question

OK, we are getting to the end of American Idol. At this stage of the game who do you think will be the winner?
I predict the two finalists will be Melinda and Jordin. Melinda will take the roses.
I predict the two finalists will be Melinda and Jordin. Melinda will take the roses.
The judges were pretty critical, but what in the sam hell are you supposed to do with Barry Gibb songs? Just like last year when the contestants were getting ripped by the judges for not rockin' out. My God, it was Stevie Wonder night. Again, what are you supposed to do? Listening to either Barry or Stevie is like eating a marshmallow sundae.
Let's bring in some real rockers and cut the kids loose on some real jams. Maybe even, strike that. We don't need any more Elvis impersonators. You know, if life were fair Elvis would still be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. Oh well. I also think the wrong two Beatles died first. OK how about some Clapton, Led Zep,The Boss, and some Ozzie. That'll cut down on the judges whining.
From what I've seen though, only Melinda has a chance to really succeed long term. The others just don't seem to have strong enough voices to go beyond the one-hit-wonder level.
We watched AI, then Dancing with the Stars, and during commercials switched to the Suns/Spurs game. (In case anyone was wondering...)
I think Kisha will go home this week, Blake next week. Jordin will win, but I like Melinda better.
Laila is my favorite. She is beautiful, graceful, has a great personality, and could kick any man's butt if she ever had to. What a combination!
Apolo will win, though. He seems to be having a great time, and he's the best dancer.
What happened to the goofy guy that won last year?
Laila is a great inspiration. She is beautiful, fit without being skinny, and has a great personality. All that confidence shines through into everything she does. I won't mind a bit if she wins.
At this point they are all working so hard it is hard to project who will do best, but I think in the end the fan base will decide and not the quality of the dancing (which can change from week to week and dance to dance.)
I said the same thing when I was watching the show. I was like, hm, maybe if everyone is sucking, it's actually the THEME that sucks, and not the performers.
Glad to see my boyfriend stayed on the show one more week, though.
The night of Idol Gives Back when Ryan was awful, making her believe that she was going home, she was crying at the end and Lakesha went to dab her face with a Kleenex and she knocked Lakesha's hand away, pretty forcefully in my opinion, like a 2 year old would do when they throw a temper tantrum. But I figured, hey, it was a VERY emotional time, caught in the moment, whatever.
Then the next week when I think it was Phil that got voted off, when Phil was singing his final goodbye the camera hit on Jordin and she was all happy, then when she glanced and saw the camera she immediately started crying. I thought that was so fake on her part.
So that was it for Jordin in my eyes.
I agree, Melinda has a great voice but not a lot of range. Like Lakesha. Lakesha has an amazingly big voice but can't do the softer stuff.
I'm not a Blake fan, mainly because I just don't like beat box stuff, never in to that.
Oops! Who said that?