Forum Band

OK, we are forming a forum band and going to do the TV contest shows. We've got,
Marc on vocals
HRQ playing brass
Paul on synthesizer (if agrees since he's clueless right now)
Ray on dulcimer
Kind of a blend of Chicago and folk music.
We need a name. Whoever chooses the best name, gets to be a groupie unless it is a band member then they get to haul all the gear.
Marc on vocals
HRQ playing brass
Paul on synthesizer (if agrees since he's clueless right now)
Ray on dulcimer
Kind of a blend of Chicago and folk music.
We need a name. Whoever chooses the best name, gets to be a groupie unless it is a band member then they get to haul all the gear.
That's me practicing.
Paul's wifi must not be working. Semper Fi my arse.
Fwaaappppfffbbbttttt. Whoommmpppp. Honk honk.
I've been wearing ear plugs, so I'll have to trust you to be honest.
What is your suggestion for the band name? I haven't come up with one yet.
Doobie, doobie, doo -bip, bip, bip shebang.
Wow, that sounded good.
Paul in Cannon Beach, AZ
01-22-07, 06:24 PM (CST)
1693 total posts
94. "RE: For Ray"
So I like gadgets. Yeah any band I am in is going to have a cool 80's retro sound, lots of synthesizers, jackets with shoulder pads, mousse, and eyeliner.
Band names:
Casual Fridays
Strategic Monkeys
The Pepto Absymals
The Rolling Calendars
OutSourced Rage
The Cheese Movers
The Cubicles
The Grievances
Only the HR people out there would get it.
Hey HRinGA, do you want to join us?
I'm thinking I might switch and play the tuba. Love those oom pah pah's.
Any drummers out there?
I'll keep the beat with my tap shoes, while fwap-honking on the trombone... I like marc's singing better than mine, anyway.
I am afeared I might fall trying to do some of those moves.
Who wants to play the metal trash can lids?
And if Missk is reading this, that's Celtic with a hard C not a soft C like that basketball team from Boston.
I also turn off the radio whenver I hear Celine Dion or Josh Grobin. I realize they are both a zillion times more talented than the average bear, but they annoy the crap out of me.
On to more positive topics: who's gonna play the trash can lids? If you don't like those, I say we add spoons to the orchestra. x:D
I nominate HRinGA to play the trashcan lids.
That way we can sit back and mentor - you know, smack the wayward interns with the trash can lid - I hear it makes a wonderful clashing sound.