
"He's not a typical politician. He really has deep convictions," said Chuck Schumer, NY senior senator. Oh, so the typical politician doen't have deep convictions? They can easily be bought? How about you, Chuckie?
The same holds true for standards. Republicans will not reelect sleeze; Democrats have a much lower standard for their candidates. Before our Democratic Forumites take issue with my comments, consider the following: 1. Republican (Foley of FL) sends an e-mail to an ex-paige and is kicked out of his party. Democrat (Suggs from MA) has sex with a current paige and is overwhelmingly reelected. 2. Republican (Cunnigham of CA) is caught taking bribes and is kicked out of office. Democrat (Jefferson of LA)is caught with $90,000 of FBI marked bribe money and got enough Dems to vote him into a runoff for his House seat. Do you really think Republicans would vote for a Senator (Kennedy of MA) that let someone die in a car accident and didn't report it until the next day? Do you really think Republicans would vote for a Congressman (Frank of MA)who's boyfriend was caught running a whore house from the conressman's home/office? Actually, after reading this comment perhaps the problem lies with the voters of MA; not with the Democratic Party?
What's scary is that the Chairmanship positions in the upcoming Congress will probably be led by these same sleezie individuals: 1. Kennedy - Sen Judicial Chair, 2. Frank - Ways & Means Chair, 3. Sen Murtha (caught on tape requesting more time to think about a bribe, for which he was indicted as a co-conspirator in the Abscam Scandle three elections ago) - Senate Armed Services, 4. Hastings (an indicted Congressman from FL) - House Intel Committee, etc, etc.
Republicans didn't lose the House & Senate because of IRAQ. They lost it because of a perceived sleeze factor that your average Republican wouldn't tolerate. In my humble opinion, I believe most Republicans vote for character & integrity over politics. I personally voted for Dems for both my US Congressional district (the Republican is an idiot, i.e. of the "The Ten Commandments are the foundation of our country; TV talkshow host, 'Can you name any of them?'; Republican Congressman, "Well maybe one of two, but I still believe in them even if I don't know what they are.") and for our local GA House Rep, who also lost to the idiot Republican (refers to his oponents as Nazi's during speeches on the floor of our State Capitol).
Now that I've got that off my chest, I have to get back to work.
I was just reading last night that Harry Reid, just elected majority leader in the Senate, was involved in the Abramoff scandal. OK, maybe not severe enough to kick him out of the Senate, but make him the top dog.....?
There were Republican congressmen who deserved to be voted out because they had lost their way, but unfortunately there were many decent politicians with deep convinctions who were also voted out.
many, many politicians have deep convictions. Convictions for bribery, influence peddling, child pornography,.........