Parabeagle, Eat Your Heart Out!

Well, IRL comes to Nashville next Saturday for the Firestone Indy 200. Oh, yeah, Danica Patrick will be here! I got tickets yesterday and my son, who turns six next month, is ecstatic. We went last year but he lost interest after 50 laps.
This year he is more excited about "the girl racedriver" than anything else. Even the snow cones.
On a side note, I'm making a prediction. You heard it first from me on the Forum: 2006 will bring us Danica Patrick in the NASCAR Bush Series Circuit for a few select races, including, I believe, the Mexico City race (since it's a road course) which opens a market that NASCAR is desperately trying to break into.
On that note, HAPPY FRIDAY!
This year he is more excited about "the girl racedriver" than anything else. Even the snow cones.
On a side note, I'm making a prediction. You heard it first from me on the Forum: 2006 will bring us Danica Patrick in the NASCAR Bush Series Circuit for a few select races, including, I believe, the Mexico City race (since it's a road course) which opens a market that NASCAR is desperately trying to break into.
On that note, HAPPY FRIDAY!
But Danica Patrick in NASCAR? Aw, who cares? I'd still drink her bath water.
Car racing for people who extend their pinkie finger when holding a tea cup.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
I guess if she doesn't know who Gloria Steinem is then she wouldn't know any of the lesser-known people in the movement that made it possible for her to even be in the game!
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
So, Ritaanz, where are you, personally, on the issue of whether or not this woman would have found her petite self strapped into a vibrating, roaring machine had it not been for 'others going before her' and drilling out a tunnel for her to crawl through? (sorry for the visuals TN HR, and Ray)
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Give me a break! If that gal showed up on the track 15-20 years ago, some clever chap would probably have handed her a rag and told her to clean the windshield. Dam, we were lucky to have a driver's license!
You bet your a** it took a cadre a women with testicular fortitude so that pretty young thing can drive in a man's race.
And............don't hide behind the lib card. It is not about women's lib but women's EQUAL rights.
Women's lib is like wanting to be able to go into the men's locker room. Not all of us femme fatales need or want that type of emancipation.
Don Dear, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart, aren't you glad you asked?
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
I know, I know.....pregnant and barefoot beating clothes with a rock in the stream. Get real. Before you know it, we'll even think about becoming President of the United States. x:P
As for feeding him, he is quite capable of using a fork and a knife. Why do you ask?
I bet the civil rights movement had nothing to do with the fact that Tiger Woods is doing something on the pristine, tournament-worthy, no names ending-in-a-vowel golf courses other than pulling weeds.
I didn't think my post was anything but self-explanatory!
The last time I checked, Lee Trevino's name ended in a vowel and he was not the ordinary, scratch golfer. For several decades he was in the television golfing limelight. In fact he was right up there with Nicklaus, Sammie Snead and Nancy Lopez. Omigod! She was a woman and a Hispanic at that! And sergio Garcia, Nick Faldo, maybe those names end in consonants I don't recognize. But, wait, the Europeans have moved to the top of golfdom such stars as Singh, Els, Parnevik, common white males holding women down. And, gosh, Chi Chi Rodriquez, the golf superstar who would stick his club inside his belt like a troubadour scabbarding a sword. Wasn't he an Hispanic whose name almost ended in a vowel? But, wait, he was probably only a token. How dare you intimate that people with names ending in vowels and females in general have no open avenue to progress and success!
Surely you don't demean yourselves to the degree that you think nothing a woman has achieved could have been possible without the collective efforts of a bunch of buzz-cut 'women' slapping their way through the hallways.
Before anybody gets their drawers in a wad over this thread, remember it was Irene who pushed the issue. Or was it Ritaanz? I think all female participants on the Forum should be alarmed and ashamed at the suggestion that their progress or lack therof is attributable to the efforts of others. Mine is not; why should yours be?
Names 'ending in vowels' indeed.
(last edit): Irene, your post is offensive to any thinking individual.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Stand-up for yourselves and show some conviction. The same people who claim that if it weren't for others before them they wouldn't have what they have today are the same ones who cry foul and blame "circumstances" and become victims of the past when they underachieve or fail.
If you find it necessary to put a gay person, minority, or any other individual on a pedestal and credit them with your life's accomplishments then I suggest you state it as such and not generalize that everyone representative of that group should do the same.
My post is not intended to offend, bully or intimidate. If you take it as such, that's unfortunate.
Not to worry, I understand. That statement, "all female participants on the Forum should be alarmed and ashamed at the suggestion that their progress or lack therof is attributable to the efforts of others. Mine is not; why should yours be?" makes it very clear.
Being of the masculine persuasion, how would you know what it is all about? Ashamed? Ha! Not with the achievements we have made. Your daughter and her daughter will enjoy the fruits of the passion sowed by "collective efforts of a bunch of buzz-cut 'women' slapping their way through the hallways." Gee, I wonder where we got that from?
Oh by the way, great research on the golf pros. Did ya goggle?
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Gene, I'm not going down that road. Turning the tables as a defense mechanism is another ruse popular with your gender.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.