More Apologies Demanded

"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war. Liberals saw the savagery... and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding to our attackers."
-- Karl Rove, presidential adviser
-- Karl Rove, presidential adviser
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
I actually thought Kennedy was right about his comments to the Secretary.
E Wart
Dasher is right. This is not liberal, it's not conservative... and Rove should be smart enough (although it's obvious he isn't)
I think Rove should apologize for being a bleeding, four-flushing, monkey-gaming, horizon-screwing, animal-dumbing, - sorry - just insert everything Chevy Chase called his boss in "Christmas Vacation" and insert it here!
Gimme a break, Don!
>Communist system through the readings of
>Alexander Solzhenitsyn and his enthralling,
>fun-loving books, such as "One Day in the Life
>of Ivan Denisovich" and "The Gulag Archipelago."
>Gimme a break, Don!
I've been on July 4th vacation and am just now catching up to past Forums. I don't usually respond to the Liberal-vs-Conservative Garbage on the Forum, but I found your reference to Solzhenitsyn very interesting, as I am probably the only other Forumite that has read both of the books you mentioned.
With all the Leftist BS over "Gitmo", it has occurred to me that instead of giving each detainee a copy of the Koran, we should give them a copy of "Ivan" and then see if they complain about their three squares, comfortable quarters, stereos, etc. While we're handing out copies of "Ivan" we should make sure Durbin, Biden, Kennedy, Pelosi, KKK Byrd, and the rest of their ilk (be they liberals or conservatives) also receive a copy and be locked up in "Gitmo" with their buddies until they've read it.
Just to set the record straight: in my humble opinion, Rove (911)& Kennedy(Rumsfeld) both made stupid remarks, which is TYPICAL for BOTH of THEM; but then I don't have a lot of extremist friends in either party.
Two, no one knows if the detainees are cutting off heads, blowing up hospitals and indisciminately killing our soldiers (all of which is highly unlikely since they are detained and have been for years) because they have not been charged with anything and have not been brought to trial. This is not political correctness. The right to know the charges against you and the right to an open trial are basic to this country's ideals. The current government should start practicing what they preach.
And yes, I have never hid the fact that I am a Liberal with a capital L. That is not the same as being either a socialist or a communist.
Actually, I think that for every head that's cut off, the US Air Force should dump three cargo loads of swine fat, urine, & waste over major cities in Iraq. That's not politically correct either, but I don't think that's the business we need to be in just now.
However, I have said since 9/11 and probably will go to my grave saying:
"They made the choice, them or me---my child or theirs----ok then, my choice is me & mine and anywhere, anytime, anyhow, I'll take them on." In some folks views, my remarks are probably ill-informed, and that's okay because folks like my dad who served from WWII until Vietnam is one of the many who gave them the freedom to disagree with me.
The detainees are NOT covered by the Geneva convention - they are not an army of any country and do not wear uniforms and so they themselves have opted out of coverage by the Convention-----what they are are people who want to kill me & mine.......keep them locked up! And I expect the overwhelming majority have received better treatment from the worst American than they could obtain from the likes of Saddam.
Doesn't anyone recognize pure evil anymore?
>>doesn't anyone recognize pure evil anymore?<<
obviously not the liberals......
Can't say I've studied extensively the history of the middle east or Muslim populations, but it does seem from the surface as if they are all co-joined and a rather large group of them have one thought and goal in mind.......die killing Americans and America.
And so, I still remain convinced of the rightness of taking them out over there before they have an opportunity to arrive here.
Detaining those people in whatever facility we have whether "Gitmo" or somewhere else, from what I've seen, they still live better than a majority of their "brothers" and eat better. Me, I'm in favor of keeping them there until whenever......
And if you can't tell I kind of agree with Mr. Rove but not totally as I do still believe there are some patriotic, compassionate, caring Democrats and liberals, although it saddens me that none of them are serving in Congress.
Dasher - ditto.