Union of America

Have any of you heard that there is a proposal in Congress, apparently coming out of the Council on Foreign Relations, that will, in essence, create a "North America Union", much like the European Union. It would involve opening the borders to both Canada and Mexcio, allowing for free movement of labor betweeen the U.S., Canada and Mexico, as well as open up free trade zones, create a common currency, as well as blending many other aspects of the three countries. We no longer would be considered the United States of America, but would ALL be called the United Territories of North America (or something to that effect). Am I alone in my absolute disgust at this proposal to pretty much eliminate our sovereignty? I'm beginning to think the terrorists have been elected to Congress.
In reality, even if this were proposed as you described, it would never pass muster with the American public, and in the final analysis, politicians respond to the public or they are out of office.
My Social Security Account needs the additional tax base to become solvent!
If it succeeds, it will prevent the secession of British Columbia and its merger with Washington and Oregon into the State of Cascadia, national government of which is to be decided by a best two-out-of-three round of rock/scissors/paper!