Charles Rangles' Idiocy

The guy is a senator. I think he's another pride and joy of Ray and Whatever's fine state. Tonite he's on O'reily saying that 16 and 17 year olds who commit felonies should not be held accountable because society has 'fixed it' so they have no alternatives to crime and deviant behavior. Who elects these clowns?

He opines that it's not their fault because the rest of us have not provided adequate opportunities for them. Then he remarked that the government should provide what he called "All night basketball" so they would have activities so they would not rob and kill and slash and whup ass. I guess I'm old fashioned; but, what happened to the daddy who would snap off a switch and whip your ass for misbehaving, or the grandmother who would get ahold of your ear and drag you to a chair in her house and pop you sideways while you reconsidered your behavior?

You take this kind of mentality and couple it with the liberal/democrat idea on open borders and we're all gone to hell in a handbasket.

But, what I really need is sensitivity or diversity training.....


  • 33 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-05 AT 06:38AM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-05 AT 06:36 AM (CST)[/font]

    He's a joke. He may as well have joined Jesse's Freak Parade at the King Center yesterday. Personally, I think it's a disgrace to whatever constituency continues to keep him in office.

    BTW, Don, not busting your chops or anyhting, but his last name is Rangel, a hispanic last name. His paternal grandfather was Puerto Rican. He plays both cards very well.



    Although I do not align myself with the democratic party, I disagree with your notion that open borders is purely a liberal/democratic concept. See my other post in the President Fox thread for a more thourough debate on this topic. And no , you don't need sensitivity nor diversity training, you just need a wake-up call. x:D
  • Gene - please do not suggest that Don is not awake! Please do not poke him nor goad him! It is the rest of us who need the wake up call, and I'm afraid we are gonna git it real soon. What is it about these nin come poops that the media keep giving them space as if they had something important, no, even marginally intelligent to say. I feel another rant coming on.. gotta go...
  • What ever happened to holding parents accountable? Those 16 and 17 year olds did not get that way overnight. I understand single-parenting and working at the same time can make it difficult to track your youth. There's a lot of 'leg work' in being a parent; that's just the way it is. And about the time one of mine would threaten me with a call to Social Services, that's when I hand them the phone and help them dial.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-20-05 AT 08:19AM (CST)[/font][br][br]There are more and more biological donors and fewer actual parents. This is not a new situation by any means - it's one that has been developed and nurtured for several decades. It's so much easier to allow children to "express themselves" or ignore them than to instill values in them. It requires work and discipline for both the child and the parent. When you have two or three generations of progressively permissive and irresponsible parenting - (and this stuff goes back to the late fifites when they just thought they were being progressive, thank you Dr. Spock) when there are no negative consequences for behavior or choices - and when undisciplined and selfish tall people who have reached physical if not emotional maturity continue to breed without regard of any responsibility to themselves, their children and society - we get saddled with a group of whiny, irresponsible, selfish, self-indulgent middle age and young people that embrace their overly large and false, sense of entitlement. GRRRR! I'll get off my soapbox now.

    Don, if you end up in one of those sensitivity classes I hope you'll let me know where it is - I'll try to bust you out of it before they get you to start reciting Stuart Smalley affirmations. I don't think you need diversity or sensitivity training - I think there are a lot of other folks that need REALITY training. Sorry - I forgot that I promised to get off the soapbox...
  • Zen - I like your 'biological donors' not parents comment. Ok to use?
  • Feel free to use at will!
  • >And about the time one of mine would threaten >me with a call to Social Services, that's when >I hand them the phone and help them dial.

    Yep, me too. I was a strict mom and my rep was well known to our kids' friends. But though they occasionally whined about what their friends were 'allowed' to do, they have since thanked us for having firm boundaries and raising them with discipline.

    Cheryl C.
  • For the record, Congressman Rangel does not represent either my district or Ray's. Second, while I consider myself a liberal/democrat, I recognize that not all liberal/democrats agree on all the issues. (Sorta sounds similar to previous statement on another thread about conservative/republicans).

    And what you really need to do is to stop watching shows like O'Reilly--where the concept is not reasoned discussion but discussion with shouting, interruptions etc. particularly by conservative/republicans who try to drown out all opposing voices while allegedly giving the opposition a forum.
  • Do you mean sort of like YOU got a forum here on this thread by changing the subject from a discussion of Charles Rangel's absurd remarks to a commentary on Republicans and conservatives and what shows I should watch? I think I see.

    When O'Reily first started coming on, I wouldn't miss it for anything. Now I will not watch it at all unless I'm flipping by and see someone I want to listen to. If Dick Morris is on, I'll watch. He is arguably the brightest man in the political arena as far as correctly reading and forecasting things. I've emailed O'Reily twice about shutting up and letting Morris answer a question. He even read one of them on the air to my surprise. I will also stop for idiots such as Rangel or Boxer or F(rank)einstein. There's just something about comedians, trainwrecks and idiots that I really enjoy watching. x:-)
  • Society is gone to hell in a handbag. It starts with the home environment, then the school system, and then you have these idiots blaming society for 16/17 yo having nothing to do but commit crimes. Well let’s see, we have taken the 10 commandments out of schools, government, courts, etc., we no longer allow a school to discipline students, we have taken the education system that WE knew and changed it to foster good feelings instead of learning the skills needed for success and now, you can’t touch your kid because of the threat of social services and ‘society’ taking them from you.

    When I was young I can tell you who had the biggest paddle in the school and it was hanging on the wall behind their desk, the principal. Everyone knew that if you screwed up that was going to be your fate, a meeting with the biggest paddle you ever saw. Parents, even the neighborhood adults, would discipline the young uns for misbehavior.

    It’s a sad state we are in and even worse that people will agree with this idiot who says it’s our fault these kids commit crimes. Someone needs to take him to the woodshed and beat the $hit out of him. Get the razor strap, switch, whatever, hell, hit him over the head with a bible but just beat some sense into him or is that possible. Who in their right mind would vote for this idiot, probably the same adults who blame society for their lot in life due to poor decision-making on their part.

    I am passionate about anyone who blames me/society for his or her problems. We’ve all had problems in life but to blame it on someone else is a cop out. These types of people are major contributors of the ‘society’ that precipitates the juvenile criminal who should be treated as an adult and held accountable for their actions.

  • Yeah society's fixed it alright! Bull. Invariably it goes back to the home and the parents. Down here in Alabama a group of seniors pulled a "senior prank" last week. Went in and vandalized the school; paint and other unmentionable things on the walls, etc. Principle suspended and prohibited from walking during the graduation ceremonies. Guess who was on on the news touting the "unfairness" of that punishment? The mother. Her exact words ".... he's a good boy", and had worked hard and should get to graduate. Had I pulled a prank like that, my parents wouldn't be standing up on the media espousing my good traits. They would've been standing by the principle saying they agreed with his decision, and had administered their own corporal punishment to boot!
  • Yep, they're always "good boys" even if they commit murder.

    I'll start a drive to send both Hillary and Rangel to MS.
  • Or you could mirror their behavior and blame their being in your state on Mississippi. Rangel probably left here in the 60s because he was mistreated and Hillary probably once came through here and was run out of town. So, they went where they could find acceptance and comraderie. It's funny how people like that are drawn to NY like flies to honey or like Frank and Kennedy to Massachusetts. We patrol our borders Raymond. I'm not sure we'd even let YOU in, much less one of those two.
  • If you won't let Ray, can I assume you'll me in (remember Southern courtesy to ladies)? Actually, I have a feeling I know the answer to that question.

  • "Interstates 20 & 55 both run through here. Almost weekly, deputies or troopers pull over a truck or van (for weaving, ha) and find a million dollar cache of cocaine or marijuana and $300,000 stuffed in a fender. 99% of the time they are illegal Mexicans running Texas tags"

    But, if I changed my name to sound Mexican and drove a truck stuffed with drugs I could get past your borders? Whatever, you can ride shotgun with me.
  • Sorry, but us liberal/democratic downstaters believe in strong gun control laws and therefore don't own shotguns (unless, of course,we have recently been to the south and were able to buy several dozen at a clip).
  • OK! How can the last 4 posts all be 9996? Ol Don's learned another new trick!
  • It's Total Posts rather than a number for that particular post ... every time you post something the number is updated on all your posts. So you can look at any of Don's posts, hit your refresh button on your browser and find out how close he is to 10K.
  • Not true, I just hit the refresh button on this thread and he shows 9996, on another thread he shows 9997. Marc said he showed 9998 so his counter must be going backwards. That must be it, when you reach 9999 you start to count backwards.
  • Sorry for my late posting -- but some of us have real HR work to do for a living. Still I can not resist this forum (great stuff).

    I like and admire Charles Rangel very much!

    Don, you have a standing invitation to attend my next diversity training. I am including the film, Blue Eyes Brown Eyes and we will review the entire project from that period. It has wonderful implications for this liberal/conservative stuff going around today.

    I love you all -- have great weekends.
  • "I like and admire Charles Rangel very much!"

    Dash, are you nuts?
  • Sometimes, but not in this case. Please refer to my previous statement that we see things through our own (life) filters.
  • You spoke of your admiration for Mr. Rangel and invited Don to attend diversity training. But, you conveniently 'forgot' to comment on the subject of the post, Mr. Rangel's absurd remarks. Does your admiration for this person override everything else? Does he get a pass on stupidity because you admire him?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-23-05 AT 11:06AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Livin"don"south, I am shocked and amazed that as a distinguished gentleman from MS, you did not capitalize the "South." I know that this a peticluar pet peeve for you, since you were once known in a different life as "The Don, eL DoN, etc."

    Another thing, I know that you would always send a helpful email to those participating on the Forum that did not have their profiles enabled. So, livin"don"south, enable your profile so we can all get a better look at ya'!

    Pretty sneaky referring to yourself in the third person in your post, but the cat is now out of the bag. Everyone, meet DON RESURRECTED!!!!!!!!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-25-05 AT 12:48PM (CST)[/font][br][br]No and No.

    Actually, I did not respond to the specifics in your original post because I did not see the show and hear the comments. However, I do not mind commenting on the two issues raised (but remember they are colored by my life filters).

    1. Recently, the juvenile and/or adult status of a person charged with a crime changes with the severity of the act or the status of the accused, rather than age. The criteria used/applied is variable and open to the mercurial decision of a few. Charging a 16 or 17 year old as an adult results in differences which can not be justififed by a just system when arbitarily applied. An horrendous crime does not give a society a right to throw out laws that are designed to apply equally. Does that depend on whether it is your son or mine?

    2. A program called Midnight Basketball just so happened to have been created by the spouse of a former teacher in my daughter's school in suburban Maryland over twenty years ago. It was an outstanding program endorsed and encouraged by polititians of varying outlooks as well as community leaders, and designed to give young men (at that time) something constructive to do with their time and energy. It had leaders who in addition to the sport took opportunities to mentor and train. A number of the participants did not have desirable male role models and those responsible for them -- while hardworking and law abiding, did not exercise control needed to sustain them after a certain age. In any event, the program was successful at the time I knew of it -- as it utilized community centers which otherwise would have been empty, so the program cost was extremely low.

  • Actually LivindonSouth, the indubitable Don got it wrong from the very first sentence of his post, besides the spelling error. The Honorable Mr. Rangel is not a Senator, he is a Representative in the House. From his website:

    "Congressman Charles B. Rangel is serving his seventeenth term as the Representative from the 15th Congressional District, .... Congressman Rangel is the Ranking Member of the Committee on Ways and Means, Chairman of the Board of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Dean of the New York State Congressional Delegation."

    He has been involved in numerous causes including: Federal Empowerment Zone demonstration project to revitalize urban neighborhoods throughout America, Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

    Additionally, he has led the fight against drug abuse and trafficking as chairman of the Congressional Narcotics Abuse and Control Caucus.

    Somebody must like him in the Harlem district.

  • The saga continues.

    Today I heard the debate is continueing. We have an estimated 11,000,000 illegals in the country. Politicians and others are hopeless that we can find and deport these folks.

    Now they want to charge them $2,000 each to become American Citizens. That would raise $22 billion dollars. Our citizenship is for sale.

    In 1986 we did the one time, only amnesty for the illegals in the country at that time. I guess to get around the one time amnesty, anyone with $2,000 can be legal

    We can throw lots of rocks at the plan and come down pro and con - but what makes anyone think this will work if we don't address the problem. In another decade we will have several million illegals in the country again because of the porous borders and the lack of will to fix the problem.

    What next? I guess we can sell passports to terrorists with suitcase nukes.

  • Now that Ray has so generously provided Congressman Rangel's complete biographical resume, notwithstanding the omission of the fact that he is incompetent and totally self-serving, maybe we need to determine what THE PROBLEM is. Is the problem that we have 11 million illegals, or that we have jobs some say nobody will take, or that our borders are pourous, or is it that our social system is overburdened or that we think the tax system is not benefitting as it could or is it something else? If solving THE PROBLEM simply means granting amnesty, then what was the problem and why does that solution solve the problem? Why indeed DO countries have borders and rules and immigration quotos and ID tools? Maybe we don't have a problem at all and we need simply to whistle past the graveyard as G3 suggested. :oo
  • The problem is determining The Problem from the results of the problem. And ask 3 politicians and you will get 3 different answers. Take porous borders for example, is that why the illegals come? Will erecting a wall like East Germany did or Israel is working on solve The Problem? Is that what we want, to live within a large razorwired country? Even though the East Germans tried to seal their borders, many still escaped. We seal our borders, but that won't keep illegals out - they're desperate and resourceful - they'll figure out how to get in anyway. I guess the answer to Don's question is determined by answering why the illegals come here rather than somewhere else. Is the problem that the American Dream is too attractive?
  • So does anybody beside me remember when one of the arguments for the I-9 was that it would help stem the tide of illegals. Then, it was discovered, that they could get fake identification. So, now, social security numbers must be varified. And still, the illegal immigrants come.
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