May he rest in peace also

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-01-05 AT 01:01PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Just heard that Pope John Paul II died. It is a sad day. I knew it would be soon after seeing him on TV trying to say a prayer the other day. It just broke my heart.
Well, now they are saying his death is not official.
Well, now they are saying his death is not official.
MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 1:59 p.m. ET April 1, 2005•
The Vatican denies reports that Pope John Paul II has died
My grandmother was full-blood Polish, and my cousins and I think that the older the pope has gotten, the more he looks like her before she died. It has provided us some comfort - she lived her life just about as close to God as JPII has.
I think our next Pope will be from Latin America or Africa as a nod to Catholics in the developing countries. It is exciting to be going into a new stage of our church's history, but I'm going to miss this old guy.
I remember when he was chosen as Pope. I believe the reason people of all faiths were impressed with him is because of his kindness to everyone anywhere in the world. He was a great humanitarian.
He will be missed by many!