It's not fair to be this swamped!

Hi all - gosh, seems like for ever since I've been around. Right now:
I'm doing a payroll conversion for one of our enterprises. How I got stuck with this and not payroll is beyond me...
My right hand guy for the past 8 years is leaving December 15 to move to Texas to be at the base his wife is stationed at so he can have some time with her before she is deployed in a few months. (I know he has it much worse than me, really I do.)
We are rolling out 2005 benefit changes, with increases of course, at mandatory meetings. Then the wellness program we are starting wasn't ready, so now we get to do a whole new set of mandatory meetings...and then schedule the screenings, all by the end of the year of course.
Everyone is already going holiday crazy. I have the possibility of four grievances in the next two weeks. Hmmm, guess I'll have to squeeze them in between the Children's Christmas party and Employee Christmas Party!
So how's it going for everyone else?
I'm doing a payroll conversion for one of our enterprises. How I got stuck with this and not payroll is beyond me...
My right hand guy for the past 8 years is leaving December 15 to move to Texas to be at the base his wife is stationed at so he can have some time with her before she is deployed in a few months. (I know he has it much worse than me, really I do.)
We are rolling out 2005 benefit changes, with increases of course, at mandatory meetings. Then the wellness program we are starting wasn't ready, so now we get to do a whole new set of mandatory meetings...and then schedule the screenings, all by the end of the year of course.
Everyone is already going holiday crazy. I have the possibility of four grievances in the next two weeks. Hmmm, guess I'll have to squeeze them in between the Children's Christmas party and Employee Christmas Party!
So how's it going for everyone else?
James Sokolowski
On top of all of this I am trying to sell my house, buy another house, have Christmas dinner at my house, get married at the end of January, and finish my neverending Christmas shopping! I must be crazy.
Maybe James will loan you his assistant, if he ever hires one. By the way James, lots of qualified types here on the forum - perhaps you can arrange for some on-line help from some of the go-getters that partipate here?
I'm swamped too, but I have the very best assistant an HR Director could hope for. You hear that, Susan?
I have never been to AZ so with all the time we'll save you, you could show Sam and I around one day to see the sights
Let me give a different take on your situation. About 15 years ago I was out of work for 8 months AND going through a divorce at the same time. I remember hoping and praying to someday soon be stuck in rush hour traffic, swamped up to my eyeballs at work, having someone in my life I could call a "coworker", drinking coffee from a company coffee pot that has been stewing for hours, having the Monday blues, and experiencing a Saturday and Sunday that didn't feel like every other damn day.
I certainly don't mean to minimize your situation, Lezlie. But don't worry; you will prevail. Just knowing you from your posts tells me you're probably pretty darn good at what you do, you care about what you do, and you make a good difference. I wanted to let you know that, 15 years ago, I would have done about anything to be in your situation today.
Consider this a visit from my ghost of Christmas past.
Thanks for a refreshing perspective. I can relate.
I won't bore you with the details of my busy little life, but I probably won't join in much 'til after year-end. x:-(
I miss chatting with you guys, but I'm still lurking around every now and then! x:-)