Trucks 'n T-Shirts



  • Pizza is great. How about I fax you some?
  • No, I can wait until the end of next month. I understand it won't be totally fresh, but, hey, you can't get everything!
  • mjindra: It wasn't that you took Ray's statement the wrong way, it's that you are way too sensitive to what or how he wrote it. You question his guilt. Is it guilt or is he just trying to appease the goddess of political correctness??

    Maybe chocolate is a good idea.
  • Well, if you want to look at it that way, I won't argue. Whatever you say.

    Goddess, huh? Sounds good to me.
  • Am I out of the hot water, yet?
  • The jury is still out . . .

    Hey, I thought you had an interview. Were you able to keep a straight face throughout the meeting?
  • I did a phone interview about 2 weeks ago since he lives a little over an hour away. So, my part in today's circus was minimal, just greet him and put him at ease for the rest of the show. I talked for about 15 minutes and did have a little difficulty with my concentration.
  • Ray: I have concluded that you suck up really well! First you levelled with us about the little woman who'd damned well better KNOW her place and BE IN IT, washing your clothes. Then you get called on it by the women folk. Then you crawfish better'n any Louisiana crawdad I've ever seen, then you find a loophole and see enough daylight to promise chocolates which you can't deliver, and you hint around about meandering up to some God forsaken place in Wisconsin to deliver chocolate on the way to Arizona, and all along this trail you're trying to tell these women how you really feel about your sweet little wife and how they've misread you. And as an aside, you promise Parabeagle some chocolate with the coded wink of an eye if he will not stoke this fire. I suspect you have a grin and mustachio just about identical to that of Snideley Whiplash on the old Royal Canadian Mounted Police cartoon show, and while you have these women swooning and fantasizing about chocolate and capes on mudpuddles, you are actually tying a girl to the railroad tracks. Do I have you down pat or what? But I will keep your secret! Just between me and you.
  • I am laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes. How's that for being sensitive?

    Wait Don, the capes and mud puddles came from you and you dragged my into it. You almost got me in trouble over that one and now you bring it up again. Leslie tried to get me to carry her over the hot asphalt in AZ - knowing that at this time of year asphalt melts out there from the heat. At this point I would do it.

    No, a better metaphor for this thread is to use a sports analogy. You threw the first punch and I retaliated. The one who retaliates always gets the whistle from the ref's. Melissa and Leslie are the ref's blowing the whistle at me. And you are sitting on the sidelines laughing your head off at me because you know deep down in your heart, you are just as guilty. But, you are also very relieved that I was the one caught and you got off scot-free.

    What do the lovely ladies think? Who's story is better, Don's or mine?

    Who said Monday's aren't fun.
  • This is a tough call. You both do wax eloquent I must say. I like the sport analogy though - it's quite the truth. But the little woman thread wasn't in response to anything, was it? But if we stick to the sports, tie goes to the runner, and you do appear to be running Ray!

  • Thank you Leslie. There was nothing behind little woman comment, I just wanted to stir up a little fun - but it became more like a hornet's nest. I hope Melissa realizes I'm not that bad.

    And I'm in the running alright - running from trouble.
  • I certainly agree that Don did not set you up; you walked into it yourself with that "little woman knowing her place" comment. I'll let it slide, because I know it was just "guy talk" . . .

    I have to say, I never had a more enjoyable Monday . . . I have received over 97 e-mails from about four of these subjects today . . . and I couldn't wait to read any of them.

    Did anybody else get any work done today? I know I sure didn't.
  • Glad I could help make your day so enjoyable. x}>

    I did get a little work done.

  • >You both do wax eloquent I must say.

    "Wax eloquent," Leslie? I have another term for what they do, and it usually requires a shovel to accomplish the task (not to mention lots of air freshener). x;-)
  • Yes Beagle, but if I had stated that, they would have never seen it. I'm afraid we would find just what level of humor the x:=| have - and that phrase I think may have put them over the top.
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