The Famous..or Infamous Don D.



  • Shoot Trinity....I was just getting excited about meeting you! When you come through South Dakota let me know and I'll take you up to my Ranch (yea right...on an HR salary). But don't let Margaret fool you. I think she was only being kind since I complimented her on how great her presentation was! By the way Margaret, I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. I just turned 40...isn't "Harry" a little older? Oh man, what has HR done to me???
    And Don I didn't mean to offend you on my post about surfing the net all day. I was following the lead from a previous post. Actually, I look forward to reading your words of wisdom. You must have some impact if your name comes up during a SHRM conference in the Middle of South Dakota. And how did you was a king size bed! But believe me, the expense account isn't the greatest!
  • Hey there, don't blame that "previous post" for pointing out that Don spends the majority of his career surfing the web and "researching", we in HR need to have the guts to stand up for ourselves. I was the only one who was willing to throw herself in front of the train.

    Now that I've read about Don's Deep Fried Turkey recipe at the previously mentioned web site, I'm kind of partial to the guy and promise I won't pick on him ever again, (for the rest of the day).

    Thanks for the entertainment Don D. et al. I love checking my inbox!
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