
I just want to express to anybody who will listen, how much I hate snow, shoveling and oh yes the plow truck drivers!!

25" of snow and I think my husband and I have shoveled every flake four times (that's four times by both of us). I think the snow plow driver has it in for us...we shovel for hours for just a tiny little path...walk to the front door and I can hear it coming...what just took me 2 hours to do is undone in seconds! Yes and the bad words and gestures follow his departure. Where I live, we are given 12 hours from the time it stops snowing to clear the sidewalks. My husband and I worked as a well oiled tag team (look out WWF). All for not when the dreaded plow train came!!

Okay thank you for letting me rant. I'm moving South!!


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Come on down to South Carolina When we get a flake or two, the State declares it a blizzard and shuts everything down (except health care of course. They will come get us in a four wheel drive, but at least we don't have to drive in the mess). It has gotten cold here this year (for South Carolina) more pipes have frozen than I can remember since I was a child.

    The downside of living here is that it gets hotter than the hinges of Hades in the summer time with gut sucking humidity. Air conditioning cannot get it cold enough.

    But...there is very little snow.

  • Come on down!! While I miss those occasional snow days, do not miss the shoveling!! What a nasty storm!
  • I am no fan of cold weather and snow (so why I live in MN is beyond me!!) but I will take snow ANY DAY over "hotter than the hinges of Hades" and "gut sucking humidity"! Although we get some heat and humidity in the summer, I'd never be able to tolerate that as a way of life for several months! I am amazed at those who can stand it!

    As for all of the snow out east - you've had more in this one snowfall than we in MN have had all year ... somehow, we've gotten off easy this year (knock on wood!!)
  • ...or consider coming to the great Northwest. Here you can avoid both snow and humidity. The only inconveniences we have are: volcanos, perpetual rain (that's why we're so green), floods, earthquakes, Cowboys and Indians, wild animals such as black bears and cougars.... x;-),

    There's room here for everyone, if you don't mind these minor inconveniences on occasion!!! In fact, I don't think anyone's been eaten by a bear in over a week now.
  • Come on over to Sunny Southern California. It's a clear 65-70 degrees out today. Of course you'd have to deal with the traffic (it took me over an hour to get to work today- usually it's 30 minutes), the cost of living( houses are averaging 300-400k in most parts) and of course the dreaded Earthquakes (this is really nothing- we hardly ever have them). Even with all this though I don't think I'll ever leave!

  • What? You didn't hear about the bear that ate the anarchist war protester on the corner of 23rd and Everett in downtown last week? Oh, no, wait. That was no bear, that was a cop!

    I must agree, that "gutsucking humidity and heat" in the South really will put you down for the count -- and my significant other (who lives in AL) keeps dropping hints that there are some really great HR management jobs in Birmingham, and what size apartment do I want to rent when I move? :-S
  • Okay folks - the Arizona valley is the place. Very little humidity - and just a couple days in June over 115. After a while the critters scamper off into the desert, or the orange groves, whichever is closer. Beware though - scorpions love wood,leaf or rock piles. But it's pretty cool - throw a black light on your fence at night and you can sure tell if you have 'em. Five hours to the ocean - either Mexico or Cali - and way less than that to the snow. The commute is kind of bad if you're going into Phoenix from the suburbs. I, however, work on the outskirts of town and drive 13 miles in 15 minutes! I'm originally from the Chicago area, moved here at 13. All that snow was sure fun as a kid, but I can't imagine how lousy it is as an adult - and right now you have sooooo much of it.
  • So far, "Endlessly" here has made the best marketing presentation. Although, I don't relish the desert critters all that much, the weather at least sounds ideal! For my money, I think I'd prefer it up north of there just a ways -- Flagstaff, that is. My native home town, where I was a young rascal once upon a time!!!
  • Am I going to have to change my username? Anyway, Flagstaff is gorgeous - and exactly one of the places you go to for snow - and then you go home!
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