EE's affair

Good morning. I need help with a situation I have never faced before in my short experience as HR: a female ee of ours has been having an affair for 6 months with the husband of another ee who just found out about it. Our doctors (this is a surgical facility wirh 9 surgeons on staff) are saying fire the culprit which is easier said than done.
I would really appreciate some help from the experts. Thanks so much.
I would really appreciate some help from the experts. Thanks so much.
If these two cannot work together (which is likely), then you have a legitimate business reason for terminating one of them, but I would follow your normal disciplinary policy when work problems start cropping up.
Good luck on this, and keep us posted!
Although NC is an "At will" state, could we fire the ee in question without fear of a law suit?
You are talking about terminating an employee for an alleged affair, correct? First off, I am assuming this is all hearsay. Secondly, how does the alleged affair justify terminating the employee?
You certainly have a morale issue and its likely that you may need to ensure that these two employees are able to work together and straighten out their personal mess. But I think it would be unwise to start firing employees for alleged personal disputes.
Does your workplace have an ethics policy or moral clause? If not, I think you need to follow the first poster's advice.
As I said the Drs here want both of them out.
Whata mess!!!! Thanks
Good luck.
As far as firing Employee A goes, I agree with those who say you should wait and see if something happens that violates company policies. Could be now that all of this is out in the open, the problem will solve itself by one of the employees quitting because the situation is just too uncomfortable.
Ciao. Marina
Now what. Employee B has several questions and problems she must deal with, none of which are the employer's dilemma. If she decides to make it a go with El Creepo, she will probably get a job at another facility to get away from Lady Lust. Or, she can decide they deserve each other and make life miserable for employee B. More than likely, if you have the patience, this too shall pass.
The Colonel
If they just don't like each other, they're just like any other two coworkers who don't like each other. One will probably leave.
Otherwise, stick with your facts, keep yourself focused on their work activities and how they impact the work environment for themselves and others, consider their influence on others' work environments by spreading their disgruntlement, and I don't exactly see reason to fire anyone. If you find them interfering with each others work or the work of others, you have every right to step in and put a stop to that, but I would think that that is hardly grounds for discharge.
Just in case you have a policy that prohibits workers from having affairs with coworkers' spouses, you have evidence and can prove the affair, and can prove you trained or warned the lustful lady that her coworker's husband is off limits, you can discharge LL without much risk of unemployment, but somehow I just don't think you have a policy like that. I'm not sure anyone does, and if they did it should probably be reconsidered based on the idea that it infringes too much on workers private lives.
best wishes
I had just returned to my office( 2 hours later) when the office manager of that facility called me to tell me that after she came back from lunch she descovered the ee's office empty and her desk cleared of all personal effects.
So perhaps she is out of here. But thanks again for the help. This has been definitely an experience!!
Good luck, and I hope this works out for your company.
she may be out of there, but am not sure you have heard the last of her. Hope I am wrong.
Please note that this ee is going thru a nasty divorce
with a husband whom she caught doing the same she is being doing: the only difference is that the woman he picked was not a collegue's wife.
As a woman, I am deeply ashamed to have this idiot on my staff: but of course this is my personal feeling.
I'll see what Monday will bring.