Sharia law



  • This is a bit hard to read because of the formatting. Its a list of Islamic Terror Attacks for the Past 3 Months.

    It reads as follows:

    3/26/07 Yemen Saada 2 0 Two Western students (British and French) are killed by radical Shiites.
    3/25/07 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 A suicide bomber is one of at least two attacks that leaves seven Iraqis dead.
    3/25/07 India Tral 1 0 A police officer is kidnapped and strangled by the Mujahideen.
    3/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 33 At least twenty-seven people are killed by sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
    3/24/07 Iraq Fallujah 12 0 Sunni terrorists murder a dozen people.
    3/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 36 26 A suicide truck bomber kills rival Muslims in a neighborhood, as sixteen bodies are found elsewhere.
    3/24/07 Iraq Tal Afar 8 10 A Fedayeen bomber blows himself up in a market, killing eight shoppers.
    3/24/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist policemen are shot to death at point-blank range at a market by Muslim radicals.
    3/24/07 Sudan Sirba 3 15 Three African villagers are killed by Arab militias in a deadly raid.
    3/24/07 Chechnya Grozny 1 3 A Russian is killed in a Mujahideen roadside bomb attack.
    3/24/07 Iraq Haswa 11 45 Eleven people at a rival mosque are killed by a suicidal Muslim blasting his way to paradise.
    3/23/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two teenagers are among four people slain by Islamic radicals.
    3/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 8 Islamic insurgents attack Ethiopian troops. At least two people are killed.
    3/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 9 15 Nine people are killed during an assassination attempt on the country's vice president by Islamic terrorists.
    3/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 19 Six people are killed in a Jihad car bombing at a used car lot.
    3/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 2 A mother and daughter are among two dozen people murdered by sectarian Jihadis.
    3/23/07 Iraq al Bu Ajeel 4 0 An infant is among four members of a family murdered inside their home by Muslim gunmen.
    3/23/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 3 A 2-year-old child is killed in the crossfire when Fatah and Hamas open up on each other.
    3/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 11 0 Somali Islamists shoot down a cargo plane with a rocket, killing eleven Belarus civilians.
    3/23/07 India Shopian 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is shot and killed by the Mujahideen.
    3/23/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 5 In three separate attacks, religious extremists ambush Afghan police, killing at least five.
    3/23/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 17 4 Taliban extremists ambush a supply convoy, killing two truck drivers and fifteen security guards.
    3/22/07 India Kupwara 1 0 A policeman dies of injuries suffered in a Mujahideen attack two days earlier.
    3/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 28 5 Twenty-eight victims of sectarian violence are killed in various attacks.
    3/22/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 7 Two Jihad attacks leave three civilians dead.
    3/22/07 Somalia Kismayo 1 3 A woman is killed in a grenade attack.
    3/21/07 Iraq al-Madaen 8 18 Jihadis slam two mortars into a residential area, killing eight people.
    3/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thrity-three people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
    3/21/07 Nigeria Gombe 1 0 A female Christian teacher is attacked and killed by her students, who accused her of 'desecrating' the Qur'an.
    3/20/07 Iraq al-Touz 2 0 Two brothers are killed by Muslim terrorists.
    3/20/07 Iraq Mosul 12 40 A suicide bomber is one of two Sunni extremists who kill innocent people in separate attacks.
    3/20/07 Afghanistan Zabul 1 0 An Afghan driver's decapitated body is found a week after he was killed by the Taliban.
    3/20/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Muslim radicals murder a Thai soldier and injure two others in a shooting attack.
    3/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 6 36 Four Somali and two Ethiopian soldiers are killed by Islamists, who drag the bodies of several through the streets.
    3/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Islamic militias mortar a neighborhood.
    3/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 43 36 Forty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace lose their lives in at least three separate attacks.
    3/19/07 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 6 Two children are killed in crossfire between rival Islamist groups.
    3/19/07 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A policeman is shot to death by Taliban militants.
    3/19/07 Iraq Kirkuk 12 39 Jihadis massacre a dozen Iraqis with car bombs.
    3/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 25 Sunni radicals plant a bomb in a Shia mosque, killing four worshippers.
    3/19/07 Pakistan Jacobabad 1 0 A woman is killed by her brother for having 'illicit' relations outside of marriage.
    3/19/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A 15-year-old boy is killed by a suicide bomber.
    3/19/07 Thailand Pattani 3 3 Three Buddhist women are shot to death by militant Muslims while riding to work at a farm.
    3/18/07 Iraq Ramadi 9 0 Nine Iraqi policemen are tortured and then decapitated by Sunni militants.
    3/18/07 Thailand Songkhla 2 2 Two Buddhist factory workers, a mother and daughter, are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
    3/18/07 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 Islamic insurgents assassinate a police chief.
    3/18/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot off of his motorcycle by Muslim radicals.
    3/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 30 Sunni terrorists detonate a car bomb in a Shia neighborhood, killing six residents.
    3/18/07 Paskistan Mardan 1 0 Religious extremists gun down a watchman, then set fire to four music shops.
    3/18/07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 A woman and her daughter are killed when Freedom Fighters lob a mortar into their home.
    3/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 18 Two people are killed when Islamic militias bomb a restaurant.
    3/18/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and killed by Islamic terrorists.
    3/17/07 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 0 Two people are tortured to death by Islamic terrorists.
    3/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Sunni-Shia sectarian violence leaves at least nineteen dead.
    3/17/07 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two policemen are killed during an ambush on their convoy by religious extremists.
    3/17/07 Thailand Songkhla 3 7 Muslim terrorists attack a boarding school with bullets and bombs, killing three children and injuring at least seven more.
    3/17/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two children are murdered by a suicide bomber.
    3/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Twelve people are killed by sectarian Jihadis in at least two attacks.
    3/16/07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban execute the captured Afghan driver of an Italian journalist.
    3/16/07 India Baramulla 1 7 The Mujahideen throw a bomb into a bus stop, killing one person.
    3/16/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A government official is killed by a Hamas gunmen.
    3/16/07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 1 Islamic militias bomb a house, killing seven people, including four children.
    3/16/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Terrorists slay two men and two women, but leave two infants alive beside the bodies.
    3/16/07 Iraq Fallujah 8 350 Freedom fighters unleash suicide chlorine bombers on a populace, killing at least eight and injuring hundreds.
    3/15/07 Iraq Iskandariya 6 23 Jihadis kill six passengers in a car-bomb attack on a bus.
    3/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 8 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis and injures two dozen more.
    3/15/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Muslim terrorist shoots an office worker three times in the back before fleeing.
    3/15/07 Iraq Mosul 4 11 Two separate Jihad attacks leave four people dead.
    3/14/07 Thailand Yala 9 1 Islamists bomb a bus full of Buddhists, then shoot all of the victims at close range. Two teenage girls are among those massacred.
    3/14/07 Afghanistan Faryab 1 1 Taliban militants shoot a police officer off of a motorbike.
    3/14/07 Thailand Yala 2 11 Radicals throw a bomb into a coffee shop, killing two innocents.
    3/14/07 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Four decapitated heads are found.
    3/14/07 Afghanistan Khost 5 38 A suicide bomber wearing a Muslim prayer cap strikes near a police patrol, killing five other people.
    3/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 11 Islamists bomb a moderate mosque, killing at least one person.
    3/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Freedom fighters murder seventeen Iraqis.
    3/14/07 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 10 15 A suicide bomber yells, "Allah Akbar," then blasts the life out of ten people at a market.
    3/14/07 Iraq Mosul 2 4 Jihadis kill a man and his young child with mortars.
    3/14/07 Iraq Hillah 3 0 Three off-duty policemen are brutally gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
    3/14/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A human rights activist is gunned down while drinking tea at a shop.
    3/13/07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 6 Three civilians are blown to bits by a suicide bomber, who detonates in a crowd of people.
    3/13/07 Somalia Sheik Sufi 3 1 Islamic militias fire shells into a neighborhood, killing three civilians.
    3/13/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 The 12-year-old son of the president is killed in a mortar attack by Islamic militias.
    3/13/07 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 6 A suicide bomber murders at least one other person.
    3/13/07 Iraq Mosul 18 4 Eighteen victims of sectarian violence are found over a 48-hour period.
    3/13/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 1 Two people, including a teacher, are gunned down in separate sectarian attacks.
    3/13/07 Yemen Saada 12 0 Twelve Yemeni soldiers are killed in a clash with radicals Shias.
    3/13/07 Pakistan Borianwala 2 0 A young woman and her lover are gunned down by her father and brothers in an honor killing.
    3/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 7 At least thrity people are killed in six separate bombing and shooting attacks by Islamic terrorists.
    3/12/07 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 al-Qaeda militants kidnap and behead a civilian.
    3/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias attack Ethiopian troops. A boy and a woman are killed in the crossfire.
    3/12/07 Thailand Pattani 3 10 Islamists set off a bomb, injuring ten people, behead a migrant worker and shoot two more to death.
    3/12/07 Afghanistan Bakwa 9 1 Religious extremists blow up an Afghan police convoy, killing nine officers.
    3/12/07 Pakistan Belod 3 0 Two men and a woman are shot and stoned to death for adultery by the Lashkar-Islam group.
    3/12/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shia rickshaw driver is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
    3/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found around the city.
    3/12/07 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four firemen are killed by Islamic terrorists in a bombing.
    3/12/07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 2 Jihadis mortar a soccer field, killing two boys.
    3/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 At least one person is killed when an Islamist tosses a bomb into a restaurant.
    3/11/07 Iraq Mussayab 5 7 Jihadis kill five people in two separate attacks.
    3/11/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two Buddhists, a brother and sister, are murdered by radical Muslims as they are returning from their rubber plantation.
    3/11/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 60-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Islamists.
    3/11/07 Iraq Karbala 32 25 A suicidal Sunni targets a truck carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to murder over thirty.
    3/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 8 A suicide bomber kills ten fellow human beings.
    3/11/07 Somalia Mogadisuh 4 0 Four civilians are gunned down in separate attacks.
    3/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 0 Twenty victims of sectarian hatred are found executed in various parts of the city.
    3/11/07 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 Four policemen are killed in a terrorist bombing.
    3/10/07 Afghanistan Arghastan 8 2 Religious extremists cross over from Pakistan and kill eight Afghan border guards.
    3/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A bomb kills one person at a pasta factory.
    3/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 37 Freedom fighters murder over two-dozen Iraqis in at least five separate attacks.
    3/10/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 55 Jihadis rocket a bus station, killing at least three innocents.
    3/10/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A Pakistani solider is shot to death by Islamic militants at a checkpoint.
    3/10/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 A government employee is killed by radical Sunnis while buying milk at a grocery.
    3/10/07 India Tral 2 0 Two civilians are killed when fleeing militants use them as human shields.
    3/10/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and wife are brutally slain by Muslim gunmen as they are driving home from market.
    3/10/07 Pakistan Dwatoi 1 0 A Pakistani soldier is killed by radical militants along the Afghan border.
    3/10/07 India Srinagar 1 2 One member of a security patrol is killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
    3/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered..
    3/9/07 Afghanistan Arghandab 2 6 Two civilians are killed and six wounded by a roadside bomb attack.
    3/9/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shia businessman is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
    3/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists enter a grocery store pretending to be customers, then shoot the owner to death.
    3/9/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 An Afghan refugee is executed by Taliban militants.
    3/8/07 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Jihadis kill two civilians with a bomb, and another in a shooting attack.
    3/8/07 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A Sunni activist is gunned down by radical Shias while sitting in a café.
    3/8/07 Afghanistan Mirwais Mena 1 5 Three children are among five civilians injured by a suicide bomber. Elsewhere, a German aid worker is killed.
    3/7/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist rubber tapper is beheaded by Muslim radicals, who then set his body on fire.
    3/7/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists, who also injure his wife and a 7-year-old girl.
    3/7/07 Iraq Diwaniya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill a police officer and his 10-year-old son.
    3/7/07 Pakistan Sui 1 12 Terrorists detonate a bomb, killing a pro-government tribal elder and wounding 12 others.
    3/7/07 Iraq Balad Ruz 30 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows himself up in a café, taking the lives of thirty innocent people.
    3/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 49 Sunnis kill another twenty-two Shia pilgrims walking by the side of the road in four separate attacks.
    3/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 12 19 Islamic militias ambush a Ugandan convoy, killing a dozen civilians along a city street.
    3/6/07 Iraq Mosul 5 18 Terrorists set off a car bomb, killing five civilians.
    3/6/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist is murdered by militant Muslims in a drive-by attack.
    3/6/07 Aghanistan Nangarhar 8 35 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves eight civilians dead and over thirty-five injured.
    3/6/07 Pakistan South Waziristan 7 1 Uzbeki Mujahideen attack a local chieftan's home, killing his brothers. Four others are killed in the ensuing gunfight.
    3/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 18 36 Three car bombs set by radical Sunnis target Shia pilgrims, killing at least eighteen.
    3/6/07 Iraq Tikrit 14 76 Sunni gunmen shoot fourteen Shia pilgrims to death in at least four shooting attacks around the country.
    3/6/07 Pakistan Kandhkot 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her brother-in-law on suspicion of having an affair.
    3/6/07 Philippines Mindanao 1 2 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a government post, killing a solider.
    3/6/07 Iraq Hilla 93 150 Sunnis suicide bombers attack Shia pilgrims walking in a procession, killing about one-hundred in a brutal attack.
    3/5/07 Iraq Sulaiman Bek 4 0 Four people are tortured and shot to death by Islamic militants.
    3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 27 Children are among those killed when Sunnis attack Shia pilgrims in at least three separate bombing and shooting attacks.
    3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 54 Over two dozen people are slaughtered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber along a city street.
    3/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 21-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim insurgents while standing in a phone booth.
    3/5/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are gunned down by radical Muslims in a drive-by shooting.
    3/5/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist rice paddy workers are murdered by Muslim gunmen as they are working.
    3/5/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by militant Muslims.
    3/5/07 Thailand Yala 1 3 Two married couples are targeted by Muslim gunmen, resulting in one death and three injuries.
    3/5/07 Sudan Graida 2 0 Two African Union peacekeepers are murdered by suspected Arab militias.
    3/5/07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 Islamic militias are suspected in three separate shooting attacks that leave seven people dead, including business leaders.
    3/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred are found executed.
    3/4/07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 16 25 The Hezb-e-Islami terrorist groups takes responsibility for a suicide attack that kills sixteen Afghan civilians.
    3/4/07 Iraq Mosul 21 0 Four brothers are among twenty-one people murdered by Islamic terrorists in at least three attacks.
    3/4/07 Algeria Beni Yeni 7 1 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police convoy, killing seven people.
    3/4/07 India Dharmari 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
    3/4/07 Afghanistan Khost 2 10 The Taliban attack a forest ranger station, killing two innocent people.
    3/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 34 7 Thirty-four people are killed by Islamic bombers and gunmen over a 24-hour period.
    3/4/07 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 A Muslim man hacks his sister and her lover to death with a hatchet in an honor killing.
    3/3/07 Iraq Tikrit 3 3 Three Iraqis are killed in a terrorist bombing.
    3/3/07 Indonesia Ambon 0 13 At least a dozen people are injured in a nail bomb blast. Children are among the casualties.
    3/3/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two teenage girls are murdered by Islamists as they are on their way to take a school exam.
    3/3/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while on his way to work at a rubber plantation.
    3/3/07 Iraq Ramadi 12 22 A child is among a dozen people blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
    3/3/07 Afghanistan Herat 2 17 Two Afghan civilians are blown to bits by a bomb planted by religious extremists.
    3/3/07 Iraq Latifiya 3 0 Freedom fighters murder a mother and her two children with a roadside bomb.
    3/3/07 Algeria Ain Defla 4 5 Four oil workers are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists while traveling in a bus.
    3/3/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Muslim militants.
    3/3/07 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 Two British soliders are killed when Taliban militants fire rockets into their camp.
    3/3/07 Iraq Yusufiya 6 0 Six members of one family are shot to death inside their home by Sunnis angry that they were seeking peace with Shias.
    3/2/07 Iraq Diyala 18 0 Eighteen policemen are kidnapped by al-Qaeda and executed in captivity. A video shows the killers screaming, "Allah akbar," as they do their work.
    3/2/07 Pakistan Multan 3 8 A bicycle bomb targets an anti-terror judge, killing at least three people.
    3/2/07 Iraq Iskandariya 4 10 Freedom fighters lob mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four people.
    3/2/07 Chechnya Lada 2 1 A policeman and his wife are slaughtered in an ambush by Jihad warriors on their vehicle.
    3/2/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 17 Sunnis car bomb a used car lot, killing at least Shia patrons. Six bodies are found elsewhere.
    3/2/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a man to death while he is sitting in his pickup truck.
    3/2/07 Afghanistan Kunar 1 2 Taliban terrorists attack a police station, killing an officer.
    3/2/07 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Terrorists shoot to death two members of a soccer team.
    3/1/07 Afghanistan Farah 3 48 Taliban terrorists detonate a bomb by remote control, killing at least three civilians. Ten children are among the injured.
    3/1/07 Afghanistan Garmser 1 0 An Afghan doctor is kidnapped and murdered by extremists.
    3/1/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic insurgents kill the bodyguard of a government official.
    3/1/07 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 23-year-old man strangles his 43-year-old aunt to death on the (erroneous) suspicion that she was not a virgin.
    3/1/07 Iraq Fallujah 7 6 Seven people at a wedding party are murdered by a terrorist bombing.
    3/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 4 At least two separate terror attacks leave sixteen people dead.
    3/1/07 India Kishtwar 2 0 A man and his father are killed inside their home by Harkat-ul-Jehad Islami terrorists.
    3/1/07 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Muslim murders a heretic after shouting, 'You are an infidel.'
    2/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are found murdered in the captial; six in Mosul. Two were beheaded
    2/28/07 Iraq Habaniya 4 14 Jihadis lob mortars into a residential area, killing four people.
    2/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist is brutally shot to death by Muslim militants.
    2/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 59-year-old teacher is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
    2/28/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a middle-aged rubber worker to death by the side of the road.
    2/28/07 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by sectarian terrorists.
    2/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 23 Two car bombs, one a suicide blast and the other at a vegetable market, leave at least a dozen people dead.
    2/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 42 At least sixteen people are murdered in various attacks by Islamic terrorists.
    2/27/07 Iraq al-Baaj 4 6 A suicide bomber walks into the reception area of a cement company and kills four other people.
    2/27/07 India Wagoora 1 0 A man who was shot by the Mujahideen a week earlier succumbs to his injuries.
    2/27/07 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 A teacher is abducted and beheaded by militant Muslims, who then dump his body in a sack.
    2/27/07 Afghanistan Bagram 23 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows apart two-dozen innocent lives.
    2/27/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Three prostitutes are gunned down in suspected honor killings by religious fundamentalists.
    2/27/07 Iraq Mosul 7 42 Seven people are murdered when a suicide truck bomber detonates along a city street.
    2/27/07 Algeria Ain Rich 3 1 Three security officers are killed in separate attacks by Islamic fundamentalists.
    2/26/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 7 A policeman is killed when he tries to stop a suicide bomber from entering a station.
    2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 31 Six people are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a public works factory.
    2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A Scottish man is among four killed by a roadside bomb.
    2/26/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A suicide bomber kills two civilians.
    2/26/07 Saudi Arabia Medina 4 0 A 17-year-old boy is among four French nationals brutally gunned down by Islamic purists.
    2/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five people are murdered in sectarian attacks within the Religion of Peace.
    2/25/07 Israel Hebron 1 0 An Isreali settler is stabbed to death by Palestinian militants.
    2/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 42 55 Suicide bombers strike a university, slaughtering at least forty innocents in the reception area.
    2/25/07 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Sectarian factions go on a killing spree, taking down at least two dozen Iraqis.
    2/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 19 4 Nineteen people are murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
    2/25/07 Pakistan Kahan 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when Taliban-backed militants fire a rocket into a home.
    2/25/07 Pakistan Larkana Tehsil 0 3 Three Hindu woman are gang-raped in their home at gunpoint by a Muslim gang.
    2/24/07 India Habbaniyah 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a cop.
    2/24/07 Iraq Habbaniyah 52 110 Over fifty innocent people are massacred by suicide bombers, who drive through the wall of a mosque on their way to paradise.
    2/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 33 Multiple Jihad attacks leave about two dozen people dead.
    2/24/07 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A 28-year-old civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants in front of his home.
    2/23/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals while sitting in a tea shop.
    2/23/07 Chechnya Gudermes 5 3 Five police officers are killed in a bombing by Jihad fighters.
    2/23/07 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 At least three separate attacks by Islamic militias leave nine civilians dead.
    2/23/07 Philippines Lamitan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf suspected in the murder of a man riding his bicycle.
    2/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 A child is among six people killed by Islamic terrorists.
    2/22/07 India Wahipora 1 0 A man is abducted by the Mujahideen, who kill him in captivity.
    2/22/07 India Damhal Khushipora 1 0 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death.
    2/22/07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
    2/22/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A civilian is shot to death in a drive-by shooting by Muslim gunmen.
    2/22/07 Pakistan Allah Bux Brohi 2 0 Two girls are hacked to death by their families for premarital sex.
    2/21/07 Sudan Umm Dhai 20 0 Arab militias backed by the Islamic Republic massacre another twenty villagers.
    2/21/07 Afghanistan Shindand 1 2 A female Spanish soldier is killed when Islamic radicals explode a mine under her truck.
    2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
    2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals fire on two brothers, killing one.
    2/21/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two men are gunned down by suspected Islamists in separate attacks.
    2/21/07 Pakistan Badar 1 0 A civilian is gunned down in what appears to be a random terror attack.
    2/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 73 Six people are killed in a chlorine bomb attack by freedom fighters.
    2/21/07 Iraq Baghdad 20 0 Twenty victims of sectarian hatred are found around the capital.
    2/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a teacher to death as he is riding to work.
    2/21/07 Iraq Najaf 11 38 Sunni terrorists murder eleven people with a suicide bomb blast.
    2/21/07 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A tribal elder is killed in his home by al-Qaeda backed militants.
    2/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 16 40 Islamic militias rain down mortars on areas of the city, killing at least sixteen residents.
    2/20/07 India Anantnag 2 0 Two guards are killed by the Al-Mansooran terrorist group.
    2/20/07 Iraq Baghad 10 31 Two Jihad bombings, one a gas station and the other at a vegetable market, kill ten innocent people.
    2/20/07 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 0 A woman is shot to death by an Islamic extremist for not wearing a head scarf.
    2/20/07 Iraq Taji 5 138 Islamic terrorists explode a truck near a restaurant, spreading chlorine gas over an area.
    2/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 A suicidal Sunni attacks a Shia funeral procession, killing seven innocents.
    2/20/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A village chief is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
    2/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in the capital and in Mosul.
    2/20/07 USA Nashville, TN 0 1 A Muslim cab driver runs over a Christian after arguing about religion. The young man's ankle and hip are broken by the vehicle.
    2/19/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are kidnapped and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
    2/19/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Another bombing kills another Thai. This time a soldier leaving his home.
    2/19/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Islamists cut off a man's head, hands and feet. Dumping the body along with a note.
    2/19/07 Iraq Ramadi 11 4 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill eleven other people along a city street.
    2/19/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 40 Ten people are killed in twin roadside blasts and a minibus attack, and another twenty victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
    2/19/07 Iraq Dhuluiya 5 10 A suicide bomber murders five other people.
    2/19/07 Iraq Tal Afar 4 5 A 12-year-old boy is among four people killed when terrorists booby-trap a house.
    2/19/07 India Moghal Maidan 1 2 A security patrol is brutally ambushed by the Mujahideen.
    2/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 Seven people are murdered in at least two separate Jihad attacks.
    2/18/07 Afghanistan Farah 4 2 Four policemen are killed in a suspected Taliban bomb attack.
    2/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 22 Islamists stage a series of bombings against karaoke bars, killing at least one person.
    2/18/07 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three Chinese Buddhists are gunned down in a brutal assault by Islamic radicals.
    2/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 60 131 Sixty Iraqis shopping at a market are blown to bits by Islamic Freedom Fighters. Over a hundred others are injured.
    2/18/07 Thailand Yala 3 24 Three more people are killed in separate bombings.
    2/18/07 Pakistan Turab Gholato 2 0 Two children are killed by a landmine planted by Taliban-backed militants.
    2/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Islamic gunmen attack a car carrying Somalis, killing at least one.
    2/18/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 A car explosion at a soccer stadium kills four people.
    2/18/07 Iraq Fallujah 13 0 al-Qaeda lines up a family of thirteen, including an elderly woman and two boys, and shoots them to death.
    2/18/07 Iraq Balad 6 0 The bodies of six victims of sectarian hatred are found around the country.
    2/17/07 Iraq Karbala 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
    2/17/07 India Koti Nullah 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home and kill him in captivity.
    2/17/07 Pakistan Quetta 16 30 Sixteen people are murdered when a suicide bomber blows himself up inside a packed courtroom.
    2/17/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A hunter and his dog are shot and hacked to death by Islamists, who then burn the bodies.
    2/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 11 83 Sunnis murder at least eleven Kurdish shoppers with a double car-bombing along a crowded market area.
    2/17/07 Iraq Hilla 2 0 A woman and her young daughter are stabbed to death by Jihad militants.
    2/16/07 Pakistan Bajaur 1 3 Pro-Taliban militants kill a doctor with a roadside bomb
    2/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of sectarian hatred are found in the capital and in Mosul.
    2/16/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 12 Islamic militias lob a mortar into a displaced persons camp, killing a refugee.
    2/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 45 Two car bombings and a shooting attack on a bus full of women combine with twenty other bodies found victimized by Islamic terrorists.
    2/15/07 Iraq Al Gasreen 8 14 Women and children are among eight civilians killed in a Jihad mortar attack on a civilian area.
    2/15/07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 Jihadis set up a fake checkpoint and gun down three Iraqis.
    2/15/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 Children are among four killed by mortar fire from Islamic militias.
    2/14/07 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist father and son, selling herbal medicines by the roadside are brutally gunned down by Islamic gunmen.
    2/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Four Christians are killed in an Islamic car bombing of their hospital.
    2/14/07 Iran Zahedan 18 0 A radical Sunni group takes credit for a bomb attack on a bus carrying Revolutionary Guards. Eighteen are killed.
    2/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 5 One person is killed in a bomb attack by radical Muslims.
    2/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A married couple is attacked by Muslim radicals. The wife dies from injuries.
    2/14/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslims while riding his motorcycle.
    2/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 30-year-old rubber tapper is murdered by Islamic radicals.
    2/14/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
    2/14/07 Yemen Saada 2 2 Two members of the military are killed in an ambush by radical Shiites.
    2/14/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
    2/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 30 Three Jihad car bombings leave six people dead.
    2/13/07 Lebanon Bikfaya 3 19 Following threats by Islamic groups, two coordinated bomb blasts rip through a Christian town, killing at least three persons.
    2/13/07 Iraq Baghdad 22 44 Separate car bombings, including a suicide bomber near a college, leaves nearly two-dozen people dead.
    2/13/07 Iraq Nahrawan 5 12 Jihadis lob mortars into a town, indiscriminately killing five people.
    2/13/07 Algeria Algiers 6 30 Six people are killed in at least four deadly bombings by Islamic fundamentalists across the country.
    2/13/07 USA Salt Lake City, UT 5 4 A Muslim immigrant enters a gift shop and mows down five people buying Valentines Day cards, in a brutal hate crime.
    2/13/07 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
    2/12/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a public phone booth in front of his wife and son.
    2/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamists lob mortars into a home, killing a father and his 6-year-old son.
    2/12/07 Afghanistan Zabul 2 1 Two policemen are killed when Taliban militants ambush their vehicle.
    2/12/07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A student is among three people kidnapped, tortured and killed by Islamic extremists.
    2/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 43 26 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims four dozen lives, including a market bombing.
    2/12/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A woman is killed when Somali Islamists lob a mortar into her home.
    2/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 79 165 Sunnis bomb a Shia market with three coordinated blasts, sending blood and body parts across several blocks.
    2/11/07 Iraq Tikrit 11 15 Eleven people are killed by a suicidal Sunni in an explosives-laden car.
    2/11/07 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three villagers are shot to death by Muslim militants. The victims included two women.
    2/11/07 Iraq Baghdad 35 0 Thirty-five people are found dead in various locations from sectarian violence.
    2/11/07 Somalia Kismayu 4 20 Islamic extremists toss a grenade into a parade, killing four people.
    2/11/07 India Kangan 1 0 A cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
    2/10/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 56-year-old truck driver is gunned down on the job by Islamic radicals.
    2/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 Two girls are among five killed in two rocket attacks after Islamic groups vow to step up the violence.
    2/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 A Jihad car bombing kills at least three people at an intersection.
    2/10/07 Iraq Mussayab 3 2 Three members of a Shiite family are killed in their home by Islamic gunmen.
    2/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 Five people near a bakery are killed by a Sunni suicide bomber.
    2/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three people are killed when Islamists bomb a market.
    2/10/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight young border guard recruits are brutally gunned down in a machine-gun assault by Muslim gunmen.
    2/9/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 Four Afghan policemen are killed in a Taliban ambush.
    2/9/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 20-year-old civilian to death at a tea shop.
    2/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Eleven people are found dead hours after being kidnapped by Muslim terrorists.
    2/9/07 Iraq Hilla 2 8 Jihadis plant a bomb at a market, killing two people.
    2/8/07 Iraq Mosul 45 10 Forty-five people are killed in three locations in the country, as Islamists vow to keep killing.
    2/8/07 India Baharabad 1 2 A man is gunned down in a Muslim shooting attack that leaves his wife and one other injured.
    2/8/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 72-year-old Buddhist man is beheaded by Islamists.
    2/8/07 India Aragam 4 1 A brutal ambush by Islamic militants leaves four people dead, including a civilian.
    2/8/07 Iraq Rafiyaat 14 1 Gunmen storm a house and shoot fourteen men from the same family to death.
    2/8/07 Iraq Aziziya 17 27 Islamic terrorists bomb a vegetable market, netting seventeen dead Iraqis.
    2/8/07 Iraq Haditha 7 3 A suicide bomber attacks a police station, killing seven people inside.
    2/8/07 India Hajin 1 2 A pro-India political figure is gunned down in an attack that also injures his wife.
    2/8/07 Iraq Balad 10 0 Ten men are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
    2/8/07 UAE Dubai 1 0 A man kills his 22-year-old sister on suspicion that she was having an affair, based on a mobile phone picture.
    2/8/07 Iraq Iskandariya 7 10 Jihadis use mortars to kill seven residents.
    2/7/07 Chechnya Vedeno 1 0 A local official bleeds to death after Jihadis blow off his foot with a bomb.
    2/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Two children are reported killed in a mortar attack by Islamic militias.
    2/7/07 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 1 1 al-Qaeda militants gun down a Pakistani ISI agent in an attack on his vehicle.
    2/7/07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 6 Two Afghans are killed, and six wounded, by a Taliban bomb planted on a motorbike.
    2/7/07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 2 Three Afghan cops are killed by a remote-controlled device.
    2/7/07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his wife are killed in their home by Islamic militants.
    2/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 39 0 Thirty-nine people are killed in at least four separate Jihad attacks.
    2/7/07 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The remains of a Hindu man, kidnapped and murdered by Islamists, are found six months later.
    2/7/07 Iraq Suwayra 7 23 Three car bombs take the lives of seven innocent people.
    2/6/07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A man is shot to death while riding a motorbike with his wife and 3-year-old daughter.
    2/6/07 Pakistan Islamabad 0 10 A suicide bomber blows himself up in a botched attack on the city's main airport.
    2/6/07 India Bandipora 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and killed by the Mujahideen.
    2/6/07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
    2/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 19 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead.
    2/6/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 2 0 Islamic terrorists bind two men and then shoot them to death.
    2/6/07 India Pukharni 1 0 Terrorists kill a boy with a landmine.
    2/6/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims hack a 37-year-old laborer to death with machetes.
    2/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 24 108 Three car bombs, one at a children's hospital, rack up about twenty dead civilians for Sunni Jihadis.
    2/5/07 Pakistan Bajaur 2 1 Pro-government tribal leaders are killed by al-Qaeda supported militants.
    2/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found tortured and executed.
    2/5/07 Iraq Haditha 6 0 Six people are found murdered by Jihadis.
    2/4/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist school official is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
    2/4/07 India Srinagar 1 0 A man is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
    2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 31 76 A series of bombings by Islamic terrorists leave thirty-one innocent people dead.
    2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A woman and her two children are killed when Jihadis mortar a house.
    2/4/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three bodies are found as sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace rages.
    2/4/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 Two more Palestinians die from a Hamas sniper attack. One is 17-years-old.
    2/4/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 68-year-old Buddhist man is shot off his motorbike by Islamic radicals.
    2/3/07 Iraq Falluja 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, executed and dumped by sectarian rivals.
    2/3/07 Pakistan Tank 2 6 Two Pakistani soldiers are killed when a suicide bomber rams into their convoy.
    2/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 135 359 A single Fedayeen suicide bomber racks up over one-hundred and thirty civilians at a market. Nearly four-hundred others suffer injury.
    2/3/07 India Pulwama 4 6 Mujahideen ambush a group of policemen, killing at least four.
    2/3/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 12 Over two-dozen people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
    2/3/07 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 0 Militants kill three policemen in two coordinated attacks.
    2/3/07 Iraq Mahmudiya 8 12 At least eight people are killed in a Jihad car bombing on a market.
    2/2/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 15 90 Hamas sniper set up around a Palestinian training camp and fire into it. Some fifteen people are killed and nearly a hundred others injured.
    2/2/07 Iraq Yusufiyah 3 11 Two children are among three Iraqi civilians killed by Islamic terrorists.
    2/2/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 185 Seventeen people, including children, are killed in sectarian fighting between Muslim militias over a 24-hour period.
    2/1/07 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 A man and his wife are killed, and their four children injured in a bomb blast.
    2/1/07 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A man is beheaded by Islamic militants, who then pin a note to the body.
    2/1/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 3 2 Three people, including an engineer and a road inspector are killed by al-Qaeda backed militants.
    2/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims shoot a Buddhist ice cream vendor to death, then chop off his head and leave the body sitting up in the vehicle.
    2/1/07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 1 Two children are among three civilians killed in separate rocket attacks by the Islamic militia.
    2/1/07 Yemen Saada 10 20 Shiite radicals kill ten Yemeni soldiers in an attack on a roadblock.
    2/1/07 Iraq Hillah 73 150 Two Islamic suicide bombers take out dozens of innocent people in a coordinated attack on a packed market.
    2/1/07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A college dean and two students are among four people murdered by Jihadis.
    2/1/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Another ice-cream vender is murdered by Islamists - this one while driving to work.
    2/1/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists gun down a civilian and seriously injure his wife in the attack.
    2/1/07 Iraq Baghdad 46 71 Sectarian violence leaves about four dozen Iraqis dead.
    1/31/07 Thailand Yala 1 6 A 59-year-old rubber tapper is murdered in drive-by shooting by Islamists.
    1/31/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Sectarian violence around the city leaves at least a dozen dead, including a decapitation.
    1/31/07 Iraq Fallujah 7 0 Seven people, including a teenager, are gunned down by Jihadis.
    1/31/07 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 1 A policeman is killed in a bomb attack by suspected Islamic extremists.
    1/31/07 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Islamists kill a villager with a bomb.
    1/31/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 1 Two people inside a house are killed in a sectarian mortar attack.
    1/31/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Three university professors and a student, kidnapped by Islamic militants three days earlier, are found dead.
    1/30/07 Iraq Ramadi 16 0 A suicide truck bomber kills sixteen people.
    1/30/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 14 Two Afghan refugees are killed by Sunni extremists following a Shia religious festival.
    1/30/07 Iraq Adhamiya 17 72 Jihadis rain down mortars on a residential area, killing seventeen innocent Iraqis.
    1/30/07 Iraq Khanaqin 13 39 A Shiite religious ceremony is the target of a deadly roadside bomb, as Sunnis rack up more dead Shia.
    1/30/07 Iraq Baghdad 25 9 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead in various attacks.
    1/30/07 Afghanistan Herat 0 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams his truck into an Afghan convoy, injuring a dozen innocents.
    1/30/07 Iraq Balad Ruz 23 57 A suicidal Sunni blows two-dozen Shia worshippers to Allah at a mosque.
    1/29/07 Israel Eilat 3 3 Three Israelis are murdered by an al-Aqsa suicide bomber at a bakery.
    1/29/07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 7 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a park, killing two other people.
    1/29/07 Thailand Songkhla 3 1 Two Buddhist couples are brutally assaulted by Muslim radicals. Three people are killed.
    1/29/07 India Kishtwar 2 2 The Mujahideen attack Indian troops, killing two.
    1/29/07 Chechnya Gudermes 4 0 Four Russians are killed in a shooting and suicide attack by Islamic militants.
    1/29/07 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 5 0 Sunnis blast a Shiite mosque, killing five worshippers.
    1/29/07 India Gorakhpur 1 0 A Hindu man is killed by a mob of angry Muslims.
    1/29/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A teenager dies after his throat is slashed and he is stabbed by radical Muslims.
    1/29/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot a civilian off his motorcycle.
    1/29/07 Iraq Zaafaraniya 16 28 Jihadis stage a mortar attack on a residential area, killing sixteen innocents.
    1/29/07 Algeria Batna 5 0 Islamic fundamentalists open up on a checkpoint with automatic weapons, killing five Algerian security staff at point-blank range.
    1/29/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 Sunnis plant a bomb on a minibus, killing four passengers.
    1/29/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a man driving his wife to work.
    1/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine victims of sectarian hatred are found executed across the city.
    1/28/07 Philippines Rangaban 1 1 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a village, killing one defender and injuring another.
    1/28/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 20 Five school girls are killed when freedom fighters mortar a school.
    1/28/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a Muslim drive-by attack.
    1/28/07 Iraq Ramadi 5 10 Two children are among five killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
    1/28/07 Iraq Kirkuk 16 34 Two separate suicide bombings, one at a market, leave sixteen innocents dead.
    1/28/07 Iraq Baghad 14 64 Four Jihad bombings leave fourteen people dead and over sixty injured.
    1/28/07 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 A couple in their 40's are tied to a tree and stoned to death for adultery.
    1/28/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 33-year-old woman is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
    1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Two women are among forty bodies found around the city as Sunnis and Shias go at it.
    1/27/07 Pakistan Peshawar 14 60 A suicide bomber targets a crowd leaving a mosque, killing at least fourteen.
    1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 13 43 Two suicidal Sunnis murdered at least thirteen Shias in an attack at a market.
    1/27/07 Yemen Saada 6 20 Radical Shiites ambush and kill six Yemeni soldiers.
    1/27/07 Algeria Skikda 1 4 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police station, killing one officer.
    1/27/07 Afghanistan Kunar 1 3 Taliban terrorists kill an Afghan contractor during an ambush on a security base.
    1/27/07 Iraq Baghdad 5 3 Sunnis storm a Shia home, killing five members of the same family.
    1/27/07 Pakistan Babar Kuch 2 3 A rocket attack by Taliban-backed militants on a civilian vehicle leaves two dead.
    1/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 29 14 Twenty-seven people are kidnapped and murdered by Jihadis. Two others are killed by a suicide bomber.
    1/26/07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 A man and a 16-year-old are killed in separate Hamas attacks.
    1/26/07 Pal. Auth. Khan Yunis 1 0 A 2-year-old girl is killed when Islamic factions clash in Gaza.
    1/26/07 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Islamists gun down a cop and injure four civilians with a bomb blast.
    1/26/07 Pakistan Islamabad 1 6 A suicide bomber blows himself up outside the Marriott hotel, killing a guard.
    1/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 55 Sunnis target innocent Iraqis at a pet fair, killing over a dozen with a shrapnel bomb.
    1/26/07 India Tanur 1 5 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by Muslim gangs.
    1/26/07 Pakistan Khan Yunis 1 1 al-Qaeda militants ambush a police patrol, killing an officer.
    1/26/07 Sudan Magwe 1 2 An Indian peacekeeper is gunned down by suspected Jihadis.
    1/25/07 Pakistan Hangu 2 4 Two passersby are killed in a car bombing.
    1/25/07 Somalia Kismayo 1 1 An Ethiopian solider is shot to death by Muslim militants.
    1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 64 Over two-dozen people are blown to bits by Sunni bombers in a shopping district. Dozens more suffer injury.
    1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 Seven people are killed in separate marketplace bombings by Islamic terrorists.
    1/25/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 57-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamic radicals on his way to work.
    1/25/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A young man is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
    1/25/07 Philippines Midsayap 1 0 At least one person is killed when Moro terrorists attack a group of families.
    1/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 42 17 Forty-two victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found over a 24-hour period.
    1/25/07 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 A boy and an elderly woman are murdered by Muslim bombers.
    1/24/07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamic militias fire mortars into an airport.
    1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred are found murdered.
    1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
    1/24/07 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A female bank employee and a professor are murdered by Jihadis in separate attacks.
    1/23/07 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 Two teachers are shot to death by radicals.
    1/23/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists as he drove his 7-year-old son home from school.
    1/23/07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine Afghan policemen are murdered in a Taliban ambush in a remote area.
    1/23/07 Iraq Suwayra 6 9 Radical Sunnis wipe out five members of a Shia family and one other in a terror attack.
    1/23/07 India Bandina 3 2 The Mujahideen blow up a passing security vehicle, killing three occupants.
    1/23/07 Afghanistan Khost 10 14 A Taliban suicide bomber blows ten Afghan civilians to Allah.
    1/23/07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are gunned down in a drive-by shooting by Islamists.
    1/23/07 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Seventeen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
    1/23/07 Chechnya Kurchaloi 1 0 Jihadis shoot a police officer to death.
    1/23/07 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is shot four times in the head by her father, who thought she had had sex. An autopsy showed she was a virgin.
    1/23/07 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three butchers are killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
    1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty victims of sectarian violence are found bound and executed.
    1/22/07 Pakistan Miran Shah 5 20 Four Pakistani soldiers and a female passerby are killed in a Fedayeen suicide attack on a checkpoint.
    1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 88 190 Sunni extremists score big at a market, killing nearly ninety unsuspecting Shia shoppers with coordinated bombs.
    1/22/07 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Fundamentalists murder a female teacher on her way to work at a girl's school.
    1/22/07 Syria Damascus 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is stabbed five times in the back and neck by her brother, angry that she had been raped.
    1/22/07 Iraq Rutba 4 0 Four people are kidnapped, tortured and executed by sectarian rivals.
    1/22/07 Iraq Khalis 12 39 A dozen civilians are killed in an Islamic bombing attack.
    1/21/07 Iraq Mosul 9 4 A woman is among nine people killed by Jihadis in shooting and bombing attacks.
    1/21/07 Iraq Karrada 6 15 A half-dozen people are incinerated in a suspected suicide blast on a minibus.
    1/21/07 India Baramulla 1 12 A grenade attack by the Mujahideen eventually kills one of thirteen people injured.
    1/21/07 Algeria Jijel 1 8 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, kills an Algerian soldier in a bomb attack.
    1/21/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A middle-aged Buddhist man is gunned down by militants as he is standing in front of his home talking with friends.
    1/20/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A noodle vendor is shot to death in front of his 12-year-old daughter by Muslim militants.
    1/20/07 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four civilians are killed in an Islamic attack.
    1/20/07 Iraq Baghdad 40 10 Religious violence claims the lives of at least forty people in various attacks.
    1/20/07 Iraq Iskandariya 4 4 Four people are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
    1/20/07 Philippines Parang 1 7 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a Filipino soldier in an ambush.
    1/20/07 Iraq Mosul 7 2 Seven people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
    1/19/07 Iraq Yusufiya 4 0 Two very young children, ages 1 and 5, are among four killed in a bombing by Sunni militants.
    1/19/07 Iraq Karbala 4 0 Four American soldiers are abducted and brutally killed in captivity by Islamic militants.
    1/19/07 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 An advocate for the victims of Armenian genocide is gunned down by a Muslim who says, 'I killed the infidel.'
    1/19/07 Iraq Hilla 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a butcher.
    1/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist woman working as a health care volunteer is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
    1/18/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gunmen kill a 68-year-old man and injure his son.
    1/18/07 Afghanistan Paktika 1 5 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan soldier.
    1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 26 0 Twenty-six people are found shot and tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
    1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 12 34 A series of terrorist bombings leave at least eleven people dead.
    1/18/07 Iraq Mosul 13 21 Thirteen people are killed in shootings, including one on a wedding party, and a Fedayeen suicide blast.
    1/18/07 India Nayidgam 1 0 A mechanic is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
    1/18/07 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Sunnis bomb a vegetable market, killing ten patrons.
    1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 An American woman working for an NGO is among three civilians murdered in a bomb attack.
    1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 33 Sunnis car bomb a Shia market, killing fifteen patrons.
    1/17/07 India Wagoora 1 0 Local Mujahideen shoot an electrical employee to death.
    1/17/07 Iraq Kirkuk 10 42 A suicide truck bomber drives into an Iraqi police station, killing ten people.
    1/17/07 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Police find thirty victims of sectarian violence in and around the city. Most were tortured and shot.
    1/17/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 42-year-old Buddhist scrap dealer is shot dead by Muslim terrorists in front of his home.
    1/17/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a Buddhist rubber-tapper.
    1/17/07 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are delivered to the morgue.
    1/16/07 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve people, including at least one woman, are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
    1/16/07 Israel Juarish 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is shot to death in her own bed by relatives for violating the family's honor.
    1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 70 180 Islamic terrorists manage to slaughter at least seventy students, mostly female, at a university using a car bomb and then a suicide bomber on foot to catch the survivors!
    1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 16 11 Jihadis kill ten civilians in a drive-by shooting and another six with a car bomb.
    1/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 74 Sunnis target Shia civilians in a marketplace, killing at least fifteen with a suicide attack.
    1/16/07 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill an Iraqi woman and her son in a mortar attack.
    1/16/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Islamic militants kill a village chief with a roadside bomb.
    1/15/07 Iraq Mosul 5 28 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five Kurds to Allah.
    1/15/07 Iraq Baghdad 7 5 Two separate bombings leave seven Iraqis dead.
    1/15/07 Iraq Baqubah 11 0 Eleven people are kidnapped by sectarian rivals, bound, gagged and executed.
    1/15/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death by radical Muslims.
    1/15/07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists in an attack that also leaves his wife injured.
    1/15/07 India Hajan 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot dead a man shopping at a market.
    1/15/07 India Sumbar 1 0 A civilian is abducted by the Mujahideen and shot to death in captivity.
    1/14/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims gun down another Buddhist civilian.
    1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A married couple is murdered by Islamic radicals at the entrance to their business. The man is decapitated. A note pinned to the body says, 'We kill all Buddhists.'
    1/14/07 Pakistan Matta 3 0 Two girls and their mother are killed in a mine attack by local Taliban.
    1/14/07 Iraq Mosul 14 8 Fourteen people are murdered in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
    1/14/07 Iraq Baghdad 41 0 Forty-one victims of sectarian violence are found in various locations.
    1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 1 5 Islamic militants bomb a Thai military vehicle, killing one soldier.
    1/14/07 Pakistan Butkhela 1 1 Pro-Taliban militants shoot an Uzbeki man to death.
    1/14/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 31-year-old man is shot off the back of a motorcycle by Islamic terrorists.
    1/13/07 Dagestan Aimaumakhi 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by suspected Islamic rebels.
    1/13/07 Iraq Iskandariya 3 1 Terrorists attack a private factory, killing three workers.
    1/13/07 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 Muslim terrorists shoot two engineers to death.
    1/13/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist firefighter is shot to death by radical Muslims in front of his office.
    1/13/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists murder a Buddhist policeman on his way to work.
    1/12/07 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist men are murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen in separate attacks.
    1/12/07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a village guard outside his home.
    1/12/07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old civilian is gunned down by Islamic terrorists as he is carrying his 2-year-old grandson on a motorbike.
    1/12/07 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Ten intact bodies and one severed head are discovered by police.
    1/12/07 Iraq Ishaqi 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
    1/11/07 Iraq Khadra 5 0 Five off-duty policemen are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni terrorists.
    1/11/07 Indonesia Poso 1 0 A police officer at a funeral for a terrorist is beaten to death by an angry Muslim mob.
    1/10/07 Iraq Baghdad 68 0 Sixty-eight victims of Sunni-Shia sectarian violence are found murdered in three cities over a 24-hour period.
    1/10/07 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A female teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants on her way to school.
    1/10/07 Philippines General Santos 6 23 Six people, including two young children and two woman, are killed in a suspected Abu Sayyaf bomb attack on a lottery office and market.
    1/10/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists fire a rocket into a home, killing a family member.
    1/10/07 Iraq Karbala 11 14 Sunni gunmen massacre Shia pilgrims returning home in a convoy of buses.
    1/10/07 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are found dead from terror attacks.
    1/10/07 Philippines Cotabato 1 0 Muslim militants kill a garbage collector with a bomb.
    1/10/07 Iraq Tal Afar 5 16 A child is among five people killed in separate suicide bombings.
    1/9/07 Iraq Baghdad 46 0 Forty-six victims of sectarian hatred between Sunnis and Shia are found around the country.
    1/9/07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A janitor is murdered by Islamists shortly after dropping his daughter off at school.
    1/9/07 Pakistan Qamber 2 0 A man kills his sister and her lover in an 'honor' killing.
    1/9/07 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 A newspaper journalist is beheaded by Islamic militants.
    1/9/07 Pakistan Jacobabad 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death in a coordinated terror attack concerning an issue of sexual impropriety.
    1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 32 16 At least four separate Jihad attacks leave nearly three dozen civilians dead.
    1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Sunnis gun down six members of a Shiite family as they are moving their furniture.
    1/8/07 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
    1/8/07 India Indergam 1 0 A 9th grade student is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
    1/8/07 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist teacher, brutally beaten into a coma by a Muslim mob seven months earlier, finally expires.
    1/8/07 Iraq Baghdad 15 15 Fifteen cleaning contractors are brutally murdered in a Sunni assault on their bus.
    1/7/07 Afghanistan Khost 4 2 Two women and two children are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
    1/7/07 Iraq Baghdad 23 7 Two dozen people lose their lives to sectarian violence in three attacks.
    1/7/07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamic militants kill a young girl with automatic weapons fire.
    1/7/07 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
    1/7/07 India Andergam 1 0 A 16-year-old student is gunned down in his home by Islamic radicals.
    1/7/07 Iraq Hilla 2 11 A Jihad car bombing kills two civilians.
    1/7/07 Pakistan Mansehra 1 0 A young woman is murdered by her brother for pursuing an education. The brother claims she 'met Allah's destiny.'
    1/7/07 Iraq Suwayra 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and executed, one by decapitation.
    1/6/07 India Shopian 3 23 Three people are killed in a Mujahideen grenade attack on a market.
    1/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 27 0 Police find twenty-seven victims of sectarian violence killed in gruesome fashion by Religion of Peace rivals.
    1/6/07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six people are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
    1/6/07 India Dangiwacha 1 0 A civilian is gunned down on the job by the Mujahideen.
    1/6/07 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A security official is shot to death by religious extremists.
    1/6/07 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four additional victims of sectarian violence within Islam are found executed.
    1/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis drop bombs on a market, killing four shoppers.
    1/5/07 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Another forty-seven victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
    1/5/07 Iraq Iskandariya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and tortured to death by Islamic militants.
    1/5/07 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 A young man guns down his aunt on suspicion that she was engaged in adultery.
    1/5/07 Ethiopia Kofele 1 0 A Christian is beaten to death by Muslims with a metal bar.
    1/5/07 Pal. Auth. Mughazi 1 0 Hamas gunmen murder a critic at a refugee camp.
  • I would only add that our avoidance of the issue, our attempt as a country to be politically correct throughout the 80's and 90's, has emboldened and empowered these radical extremists. You can look no further back that the 1980's and the Iranian crisis where the U.S. was identified as the great satan. It didn't just start and it won't suddenly stop if we abandon Iraq. Our American way of life is being diluted daily and only our own recognition and awareness can turn it back.
    End of editorial.

  • Is there a job description signed by the employee that details the job requirements? If food handling is in it and they signed the form, isn't that enough to terminate? It does get confusing when they hire on knowing the requirements and then get protected.
    I could say a few things about the terrorism slant but I don't think it would be too readily accepted. Just would like to point out the Timothy McVeigh was not a muslim...The rest belongs to the har de har section.
  • Thank you, Elizabeth.

    On 9/12 I met with the owners of the company I was working for and heard 8 million reasons why I needed to thoroughly investigate every applicant to make sure we weren't letting any Osama Bin Ladens in the door.

    I told them instead of worrying about the Osamas in our applicant pool, they needed to worry about the McVeighs in the breakroom.

  • You would compare the global rise of radical Islam with two right wing nuts with a Uhaul and fertilizer bombs?

    If Timothy McVeigh's teachings had 1.5 billion followers, the comparison might be more reasonable.

    As to signed job descriptions, religious accommodation must be made regardless of what a job description says. The issue, as I understand it, is whether the accommodation creates an "undue hardship" on the employer.

    Interestingly, the EEOC does provide that employers need not make accommodations that infringe on the rights of others or conflict with other established laws or regulations.

    It would seem that refusing to provide someone access to public transportation (cabs) because they happen to have a container of alcohol or a seeing eye dog would conflict with our established system of public transportation.

    Perhaps the concerns I raise could be rightly called silly or even hateful if the pattern hadn't already been established in other parts of the world.

    The strength of the United States is our diversity. We are a melting pot. People of all races, creeds, and nationalities live and prosper here.

    In 1980, the Islamic Council of Europe laid out their strategy for the future which was to "never dilute your presence" or in other words, non-integration. A quote:

    "...concentrate Muslim presence in a particular area until you are a majority in that area, so that the institutions of the local community come to reflect Islamic structures."

    And that is exactly what has happened. To the point where some Muslim men are taking four wives and claiming it is their religious right to do so.

    Personally I think millions of Muslims disagree with the radical element of their leadership. However, its the same radical leaders who seem to be in control. One such leader in a debate over Sharia law in the UK, stated "we believe one day the whole world will be under Sharia law."

    Another quote from a Shariah blog: "We know from prophecy that Shariah will again rule the earth someday and it is basically the rule of God for mankind and it is our job to submit and to implement God’s rules in our lifes."

    Source: [url]›-create-new-post-—-wordpress/[/url]

    It seems like the increasing influence of Sharia law is headed towards an inevitable collision with our long held traditions of liberty, government, and social system.

  • >You would compare the global rise of radical
    >Islam with two right wing nuts with a Uhaul and
    >fertilizer bombs?

    Yes, and I think the people of Oklahoma City would agree with me.

    >If Timothy McVeigh's teachings had 1.5 billion
    >followers, the comparison might be more

    I feel confident there are many more right-wing nutcases in my area than Islamic suicide bombers. Call it a hunch.

    >As to signed job descriptions, religious
    >accommodation must be made regardless of what a
    >job description says. The issue, as I
    >understand it, is whether the accommodation
    >creates an "undue hardship" on the employer.
    >Interestingly, the EEOC does provide that
    >employers need not make accommodations that
    >infringe on the rights of others or conflict
    >with other established laws or regulations.
    >It would seem that refusing to provide someone
    >access to public transportation (cabs) because
    >they happen to have a container of alcohol or a
    >seeing eye dog would conflict with our
    >established system of public transportation.


    >It seems like the increasing influence of Sharia
    >law is headed towards an inevitable collision
    >with our long held traditions of liberty,
    >government, and social system.

    Also agreed.

  • Let's take this to the non HR section. I think it is important to talk about this. I want to understand how others think about ther Islamic issue. I am willing to listen to other responses but not here with the original HR dialogue.
  • Keep in mind my original post was asking if anyone else had heard about Sharia law and how some Muslim employees were asking for special treatment. That is certainly an HR issue.

    This is not a thread about Islam. Rather, I am asking about Sharia law and how it could impact employers if Muslim employees are allowed to refuse to do certain things or provide service to certain people.

    I find it interesting that some people just don't want to acknowledge it.
  • The HR issue is an HR issue but all the rest and the name calling-sorry-I am not going to respond.
  • I see this whole thing as an HR issue because we make decisions every day based on (1) the law, (2) business precepts and standard practices, and (3) commentary.

    For every person you hire, you make sure that you are complying with the law, not being discriminatory,and you also look to whether they will fit in with the corporate culture of your business. Many of the laws we now deal with today are the result of many conversations like the one we're having here. By analyzing our current political climate, and seeing what others think about these situations, we enable ourselves to make more informed decisions and insights, especially in areas where the law is vague or emerging.

    This entire thread is basically about how far we allow religion to enter employment law and the workplace. The United States has a separation of church and state for a reason, and when employment decisions are being made on the basis of religion, we are combining church and state, whether intentionally or not.

    Is some of this thread commentary? Absolutely. Just remember that court decisions are made up of statements of law and supportive/negative commentary.

    And if you can't discuss employment in an HR forum, then where can you discuss it? This is a serious discussion related to HR, even if it weaves in and out of direct relation.
  • I agree.

    HR people especially need to be aware of trends in the legal system, as well as how our employees might be viewing others. We absolutely need to keep our personal bias out of the workplace, but we also need to be aware of what is going on in the world that will affect our employees and their biases. 9/11 brought a lot of scared, prejudiced and hot-tempered people together on the same side, at least temporarily. Much of what happened as a result is in the court system, and a lot of it has died down. That doesn't mean it has gone away. Nor should it go away completely. We are still in danger and need to remember it, but that doesn't mean that we should jump to any conclusions.

    BTW, I was born in Okalahoma City. I spent about half of my youth there, and go back several times a year. I do not put Timothy McVeigh in the same category as the attacks going on around the world. They are all extremists, but TM wasn't nearly as committed or dangerous. He was willing to kill, but he didn't deliberately die to fulfill his mission (he never intended to die). He was also easier to catch and eliminate. If only we could say the same about those who are determined to hurt others in order to bring the world to their point of view.

  • You said it better than I could, NeedCoffee. I would like to think we could have a very plaintive discussion here about difficult but important topics.

    Honestly, I dont see any name-calling.

  • >You said it better than I could, NeedCoffee. I
    >would like to think we could have a very
    >plaintive discussion here about difficult but
    >important topics.
    >Honestly, I dont see any name-calling.


    Whoa - another thing Paul and I agree on! :-)

  • Your list isn't particularly useful if you're not including a reference point that lists other religiously-inspired acts of violence.

    Also, there's no doubt that *radical* Islam is dangerous. The problem I had was with equating "radical Islam" with all of Islam, which a lot of people seem to do.
  • You are right. I think there is a difference between your typical Muslim and the extremist leaders.

    I think that is one of the key issues here. My guess is that most Muslims fall in the moderate category but the radical element of their leadership fears integration within Western society. The more "westernized" a Muslim becomes, the less control the hard liners have over them.

    So they push for the spread of sharia law which effectively distances a Muslim from the rest of our society and gives greater control over their lives (marital, banking, etc) to the sharia councils.

    That is my theory anyways. It seems to be backed up by what some Muslim leaders have stated themselves.
  • I too am concerned about the law itself.
    There is no question that terrorism of any kind is a horrible way to resolve conflict.
    But don't assume because people might not want to blame everything on Muslims, that they are not "acknowledging it" That is the name calling; however subtle it implies ignorance.
  • Here in the US, we have the benefit of Europe's example staring us in the face. So, if someone chooses to ignore that example, I would have to call them ignorant.

    Europe's well meaning attempts at multi-culturalism left them essentially unprepared to deal with a rapidly growing minority population that did not share a liberal "let's all get along" mentality.

    Now, countries like England have a large Muslim population that feel disconnected from British society. In essence, they feel more "Muslim" than "British". When it comes to matters of finance, marriage, and legal disputes, they distrust the British system and its "corrupt" western values. They want their own Sharia law to govern their daily lives.

    Interestingly, in Florida recently, the first ever "Secular Islam Summit" was held. It was an opportunity for leaders within Islam to speak out against jihad and other totalitarian forms of Islamic expression.

    Their intent was to challenge the atmosphere of intimidation that discouraged dissent and critical thinking within the Muslim community.

    They created the following statement:


    Released by the delegates to the Secular Islam Summit, St. Petersburg, Florida on March 5, 2007

    We are secular Muslims, and secular persons of Muslim societies. We are believers, doubters, and unbelievers, brought together by a great struggle, not between the West and Islam, but between the free and the unfree.

    We affirm the inviolable freedom of the individual conscience. We believe in the equality of all human persons.

    We insist upon the separation of religion from state and the observance of universal human rights.

    We find traditions of liberty, rationality, and tolerance in the rich histories of pre-Islamic and Islamic societies. These values do not belong to the West or the East; they are the common moral heritage of humankind.

    We see no colonialism, racism, or so-called "Islamophobia" in submitting Islamic practices to criticism or condemnation when they violate human reason or rights.

    We call on the governments of the world to reject Sharia law, fatwa courts, clerical rule, and state-sanctioned religion in all their forms; oppose all penalties for blasphemy and apostasy, in accordance with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights; eliminate practices, such as female circumcision, honor killing, forced veiling, and forced marriage, that further the oppression of women; protect sexual and gender minorities from persecution and violence; reform sectarian education that teaches intolerance and bigotry towards non-Muslims; and foster an open public sphere in which all matters may be discussed without coercion or intimidation.

    We demand the release of Islam from its captivity to the totalitarian ambitions of power-hungry men and the rigid strictures of orthodoxy.

    We enjoin academics and thinkers everywhere to embark on a fearless examination of the origins and sources of Islam, and to promulgate the ideals of free scientific and spiritual inquiry through cross-cultural translation, publishing, and the mass media.

    We say to Muslim believers: there is a noble future for Islam as a personal faith, not a political doctrine; to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Bahaâ'is, and all members of non-Muslim faith communities: we stand with you as free and equal citizens; and to nonbelievers: we defend your unqualified liberty to question and dissent.

    Before any of us is a member of the Umma, the Body of Christ, or the Chosen People, we are all members of the community of conscience, the people who must chose for themselves.

  • From the 4th line of the summit statement:

    "We insist upon the separation of religion from state and the observance of universal human rights."

    Separation of religion from state. Sharia law is religious law, and therefore I do not believe it should take precedence over civil law. If a person refuses to do the job that they accepted and are paid for, then I believe they should be able to be terminated without repercussions.

  • I just read in the paper that the muslim lady who refused to take off her "veil" to testify at a trial and was dismissed by the judge, has sued the judge! So it seems like all the predicions made in the forum are actually becoming a reality. I agree with Paul in just about everything he wrote. Are we going to let the muslims dictate our laws too? I desperatly hope not!! But it is starting!


  • I find it interesting that the same people who deplore any signs of Christianity in the public place turn a blind eye toward the Muslims. Can't have a creche on public property or can't have the 10 Commandments displayed in a court house. But, Sharia Law? Who cares! After we started this discussion here, I asked a liberal friend who takes great pride in paying attention to the news and being up on current events and thinks Bush ought to be impeached and Gonzales lynched. She is very opinionated concerning the current administration. I asked her what she knew about Sharia Law and she had never heard of it. I sent her a link describing its implementation in Canada and her reaction was she didn't have time to read it or be concerned with it.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-30-07 AT 11:48AM (CST)[/font][br][br]The irony is that the hard liners in the Muslim community want privileges here in the United States that they deny others in countries where Islam is the dominant ideology.

    By the way, is it my imagination or is post #48 missing??
  • Nope, #48 is up near the top.

    There are few things that make me angrier than someone who says, "I don't have the time or interest to be informed about my country's news."

    That is just sad.
  • I think what I have decided to do is just post links to articles about Sharia law either here in the US or globally and let people decide for themselves if its something to be concerned about.

    Todays article comes from Pakistan where an influential muslim cleric has demanded the government enforce sharia law within 1 week or else muslims in the country will do it themselves.

    "If we find a woman with loose morals, we will prosecute her in Lal Masjid," the Daily Times quoted Maulana Aziz as saying.

    Here is the link: [url][/url]

    At the very least, there may be a few members of this forum who may want to stay off the streets of Pakistan. :)
  • Today's link: [url][/url]

    A Muslim teaching assistant who was dismissed for wearing a veil in class loses her appeal. This is a case from the UK so I dont know if there has been a similar case here.

    Interestingly it was argued that while it was intolerable for the teaching assistant to weir a veil while in the classroom, there was some feeling that it might be harder to prohibit veils in other non-teaching positions.
  • And here's a link regarding a lawsuit brought against Fed Ex for dismissing employees for wearing dreadlocks as an expression of their religious beliefs:


    And here's one regarding a lawsuit brought by Amish folk who argued that their buggies shouldn't have to bear the orange triangles Pennsylvania requires slow-moving vehicles to bear in order to increase visibility, because they believe the triangles to be a slur to God:


    So what? Is the link you posted meant to support your contention that we should be concerned about Sharia? First of all, Sharia did not prevail in the case mentioned in the link, so it doesn't look as though there's any special catering by the courts to those religious laws over others. As for the fact that the suit was filed at all, should we be concerned that, in addition to Rastafarians and the Amish (and countless others), there are Muslims who also seek religious accommodations for their own religiously-prescribed dress habits? I don't see that as anything particularly noteworthy or worrisome.

    I also don't find it particularly interesting that there was an indication that it would be harder to prohibit veils in certain other job positions. That seems obvious to me, as well as reasonable. I don't know exactly what the law is in the UK, but here there is some duty to accommodate religious practices, even those of Muslims. Obviously there are limits (like when it interferes with the ability to perform the job, as exemplified in the link you provided). But if, for example, a person's job involves sitting at a desk all day writing computer code, what would be the basis of prohibiting her from wearing a veil (or a yarmulke, or dreadlocks, or a long beard, or whatever)?

  • Wearing a veil would pose obvious security problems in some environments.

    How would you feel allowing a veiled courier pick up important documents from your office for example?

    But more likely, a veiled employee would probably just make certain co-workers and customers uncomfortable which is probably not an "undue hardship".

    I think the Amish example is pretty good. More than any group, they have attempted to live seperately from "the English" as they call us. They have their own distinct beliefs and customs. I am not aware of any examples, though, where the Amish have demanded to have their own seperate ruling body to decide legal matters.
  • Hello everyone. Since I was very ignorant of the Sharia Law itself, I went into a website to read more. I found it informative. I too oppose the imposition of any concept of Sharia Law. The article I read brings up the responsibility of government to represent the people and through Democracy (represented by the Republic for USA)the individual rights are to be upheld and valued. Sharia Law is based on Theocracy ruling based on groups of people based on religion. This concept goes against our founding fathers ideal and stated by Thomas Jefferson, life, liberty and the persuit of happiness...We hold these truths to be self evident. Self being the important piece in this.
    I think that when we begin to judge people by groups we are playing into the same principal that inspires non-secular government. How do we unite as a people and respect differences? Its an age old question but I think our forefathers had the right idea and going back to our original purpose as a nation, we must respect differences but oppose freedom limiting laws. Eternal Vigilance is the cost of Freedom (paraphrase Thomas Jefferson) It's constant. The constant question to Equal rights, non discrimination, laws to protect society and respect all merge when we are required to participate in our Freedom.
  • Here is a link to an article out of Pakistan where a serious struggle is taking place between the established government and militant clerics who are demanding the institution of Sharia law.

    Roving bands of "sharia gangs" are threatening shopkeepers who sell anything "un-Islamic".


    Over the weekend, Muslim clerics in Pakistan issued a "fatwa" against a Pakistani female tourism minister. Her crime? Being photographed "para-gliding".


    Its incredible that any form of Sharia law is being even considered in the US.
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