Suspected Spousal Abuse

In all my 20+ years in HR, I have never had to deal with spousal abuse involving an employee. We have just learned that we may have a female employee who is getting abused. Has anyone had any dealings with this and if so, how did you approach it? Do we wait until she comes to us and asks for help? I am sure there are some privacy issues if we approach her first. HELP!
However, if you have a worry the violence will come to the workplace then you have a completely different situation. Is that the case?
How did you learn that the employee is being abused? Were you told in confidence, or is it just obvious when you look at her? Need more info.
The previous advice has been very good. From my experience, abusive situations are very complex. Be caring but cautious.
Paul, I'm going to send you an e-mail, I would like the EAP information also please.
I'm going to respectfully disagree with some of the advice you've been given, at least to the extent that the advice says that there is nothing an employer can do. I'm a Boston-based management-side employment lawyer and many of the companies that I represent have adopted specific workplace policies to help victims of domestic violence. (I helped write a chapter of a book that's all about how employers can help address domestic violence.)
You can find a lot of great information from the Family Violence Prevention Fund's site on how employers can help at [url][/url]
Also, I've made it a policy to offer my draft policy for free to interested employers. Let me know if you'f like a copy emailed.
I especially like the website you present and the part about employers partnering with local domestic abuse organizations. Sadly, this is far to common a problem and it hurts alot of people. Employers should do all they can to help the victims not only because it makes good business sense, but it is just plain the right thing to do.
Many times, the employer is the victim's only recourse for help.
I'll need your email address to send you the policy.
Could you please send me a copy of you policy on domestic violence. We have wanted to include one in our policy manual for some time now and you are the only one that I have seen that has a draft of a policy. My email is [email][/email].
Thank you
I think what you are doing is fantastic, and I'd like a copy to when you have time. My email address is [email][/email]. Thanks!
Thanks, Lee
Would you please email me a copy of that? Thank you...
I would also respectfully ask for a copy. My email address is [email][/email].
Thank you.
Thank you!
By the way, it was a very good answer.
Thank you.
E Wart
May I also receive a copy of your policy. Being in a college environment, this could be very helpful in a number of ways for us. This is a great service you are providing. My office e-mail is [email][/email]. Thank you.