workplace noise

What recourse do I have if an employee works in a cubicle and is bothered by radio noise on both sides? This employee has difficulty concentrating with music in the background especially since all those in this department work on the phone with customers the entire day. Is there anything within the law pertaining to this?
Probably in fairness to all, you might want to consider banishing all radios, or at least all in the department/cublicles/whatever, so that everyone can work without the "noise" rather than just this group of 3. (Probably not a legal issue, but one of common sense and general workplace fairness with everyone in this department being on the phone "all day".)
Speaking of irritating background noises and conversations, I cannot imagine what it is going to be like when people are allowed to use their cellphones in flight. Some imbeciles in airports will yak on the damned phone 24 hours a day at the top of their voice. There will be a run on earplugs for sure.
I do have one EE who will put on a couple of opera CD's early in the A.M. - which isn't bad until she starts singing along. I have had to ask her to close her door for some of the high notes.
We have a mentality of laziness. But what I can't figure out is: Does the music make us lazy? Or do only lazy people play music at work? I gotta' admit that one day when I was listening to Nora Jones I was walkin' kind of slow.
I like some of Nora's stuff also, but she does make a bit introspective so work suffers. Unlike Claptons Laylaaaaaa which makes me play the air guitar - which I am quite good at.
Of course, then I harken back to the good ole days and relive some bad ole moments. But, of course I am doing it in the context of HR work ........ somehow?:DD
I'm one of those who has a radio in my ofc.... albeit, I do have a private ofc, and I generally play it low enough that people down the hall are not getting the "benefit" of my music, and so that I can have a phone or in-person conversation w/ someone and we can hear each other w/o straining or shouting. Also, I do play exclusively classical music and NPR news, so there's no raucous stuff coming out of my radio. I have to say, music at work is a major factor in maintaining my sanity in the field of HR and in the particular setting in which I practice that profession.
As to limiting radios in the ofc, though, a couple of points. 1st-- I don't see any legal issue here: as long as the policy is applied consistently, and ER has the right to put reasonable limits on personal music in the workplace....period.
Trying to ban radios outright would probably be a loser-- it'll fail, and it'll generate tons of EE resentment. If people want to listen to music, they'll find a way to do so.... they can play it of the internet thru their computers, if nothing else.
It really seems to come down to an issue of mutual respect in consideration among EEs. The neighbors who play their radios should turn the volume down to a reasonable level so they don't disturb the complaining EE. And maybe the complaining EE needs to be a little tolerant, too. I've encountered people who will complain about ANY decibel level, no matter how low, primarily because they're being attitudinous toward certain/all of their co-workers.
Good luck... this seems to me a relatively easy fix.