Affectional Preference

Here in the Land of 10,000 Protected Classes, the city of Minneapolis has added a new one. (So make that 10,001)

Employers in the city of Minneapolis are not to discriminate on the basis of "affectional preference", which means that you don't behave in the normal fashion of your sex. For example, a male who acts like a female has an "affectional preference" to the female sex.

Has anyone else out there encountered this term?


  • 46 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Acts like a female because he's going through gender reassignment, or acts like a female because he does "girly" things?
  • What? When I read your post I thought it meant having and showing affection for a co-worker. Guess that's because I have spent the better part of this week dealing with a recently engaged couple who thought our anti-nepotism policy could not possibly apply to them when I informed them that one would have to resign.

    Not familiar with Affectional Preference as you have described.
  • Rad, probably all of the above. I don't know.

    Dasher, I know as much about it as you do. There is no mention of to what degree or anything. All that is said is that this class will include those who don't follow the stereotype for their own gender. How's THAT for clarification?
  • What if it's a woman who pretends to be a man who pretends to be a woman. Whoops, that's been done. Okay, what if it's man who pretends to be a woman so he can star on a soap opera. Whoops, been done. What if it's a man who pretends to be a woman so he can be near his children. Whoops, that's been done.
  • And I would have to assume that they would all qualify.
  • What if it's a guy whose been in solitary for a long time and prefers auto. Now, let's back up a minute. How are these things going to come out in an interview? Is the state of 10,000 F.Ups going to have this on application forms?
  • Actually it's only in the city of far. What really intrigues me is that a new protected class has been established with no real definition, qualifications or degree. It's like it's a parody which, to me, makes it a slap in the face to other protected classes. Amazing.
  • So does that mean metrosexuals will fall in to this category because they wax their eyebrows and get facials and manicures? That is ridiculous.
  • OK. I've been fixated on the orange glow coming from the east coast of Florida and I must have missed something. What is a metrosexual? I checked the regs and don't see it anywhere? Are there rural or agri-sexuals as well? I can't keep up. I keep waiting for Larry to say he's joking. But seriously, metrosexual?
  • Its a recently created term referring to straight men who groom themselves similiarly to women or gay men - manicures, facials, waxing, dressing a certain way, etc. Its probably more commonly used in the city.

    Now, the reference to the grooming habits of women and gay men is not from me, so no accusations of steroetyping, please. Its just what a metrosexual is and how you know it when you see it.
  • If I see a man who has had a manicure or a facial or has 'waxed', whatever that is, how would I know it? If one waxes, must one also wane? If a man does all these things, I'm sure he would whine, but wane? And what does "dresses a certain way" mean? Are we talking about underwear here? Please clarify.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-30-04 AT 08:18AM (CST)[/font][br][br]What if they wax floors? What if they're Wane Newton? As for underwear, I would assume that boxer shorts with a smily face would qualify.
  • I did not make up the definition so I'll do my best here.

    Eyebrows, Don, they wax their eyebrows. Believe me, you'd know.

    Ditto manicure. Shiny fingernails = manicure.

    Dresses a certain way - hmmm...let me see. How can I say this? I think we all know the stereotype of a homosexual man, whether it be justified or not, and the way he may dress - very well, with a certain panache. So, I see a guy, eyebrows waxed, shiny nails, wearing something just a little more flashy than your average guy. I, and many others, would jump to a conclusion based upon a stereotype. This new group of guys evidently breaks this stereotype because they are straight.

    Does that help?
  • Yes, here in Philadelphia (the city of brotherly love...snort) the "regular" EEOC protections have been extended to include protection against discrimination that's based on one's sexual or affectional preference or orientation, and familial or marital status.

  • Thank you, Crout. See Shadowfax? I wasn't kidding.
  • Never heard that term. The State of Maryland uses "Sexual Orientation" which is supposed to cover any way the door swings. During interviews we avoid questions like "Do you wax your bikini line, always, sometimes, or never?"
  • But I still wonder how 'they' define that. I am a woman. What manly act would I have to do (don't say it, Don!) to give me affectional protection- fix a car, wear wingtips, pat my friends on the butt for a job well done, ignore the world while watching football on Sunday? And what would a man do - cook, buy a plethora of shoes, wonder if those jeans make him look fat? I just don't get it.
  • I was sure you wern't but a guy can still hope. We are surely headed for the crapper. This is another example of the proof of my belief that we are beter off when the idiots arn't in Wash..or Lansing..or St. Paul. Pay em to stay home or on junkets, just don't let them go into session!
  • I think I can provide an example. On the train I ride to work each day, one of the regulars is a woman who dresses like a construction worker (always wears men's jeans and men's shirts), swears like a longshoreman and generally acts in a boisterous, loud, obnoxious manner - a manner stereotypically identified with men.

    I suspect that under Minneapolis's ill-defined (or undefined) ordinance, she would be protected.
  • Ok, I get it. Should make enforcing a dress code interesting!
  • Shadow, a metrosexual is a guy who likes decorating, shopping for antiques on the weekend, doesn't get all that hoopla with the NFL, but exclusively likes women. It's a social term not a legal term.
  • Wait just a damned minute there Crout! I like decorating bottle trees and a corner of the back porch that has been deeded to me. I have an old chair and stool and some hubcaps nailed up and a 55 year old ice box with a wine bottle covered with different colored dripped-melted candles. It's where I sit and drink beer and talk to Bear. I also like to look for old hood ornaments and hub caps. So, according to you, I like to decorate and shop for antiques. I love the NFL and do not exclusively like women since I also am quite fond of dogs. And nobody invades my corner of the porch which I have decorated to suit my tastes. I have never waxed anything that I know of but I have wound a few clocks.
  • Since there are no real guidelines to go by here in Minneapolis, you very well just might be "protected" here, Don. I'll bet that's a comforting thought.
  • Further proof that Don is in a category of his own.
  • It all leads to a state of mind where discrimination for any reason does not happen. Resurrecting a recent Don post where we must hire the inept. Merge this with the idea that not just legislators should be paid for not doing their job and we get the ultimate socialism.

    Now who is going to do the work? Oh yeah, the illegal aliens will do all the jobs that are not outsourced.

    Wow, I am sounding way too cynical even for me. I better stop now and prepare for the debates because I know our President and the Orange man will show me a better way.

  • Shouldn't it be 'affectational' instead of 'affectional'? Isn't what is being described an affectation not an affection? If the EEOC or whomever the idiot is who thought this up can't even get the descriptive word right doesn't that prove what a crock this is? I still hope someone will kick in here and have a good yuk at our expense. C'mon Larry, say it isn't so, say it isn't so.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-30-04 AT 03:24PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Actually Shadowfax, MY preferred word would be "infectional". However, the word shows up as "affectional".

    AND GET THIS!! In Minneapolis the minimun age for discrimination is not's 18. Yep. You heard me right.

    So we have finally arrived at the point where everyone of working age is in a protected class. If that doesn't minimize the existence of legitimate protected classes, then I don't know what does. Congratulations to us!
  • So Larry, from 18 to 40 you are protected from being discriminated against because you are too young? - then from 40 up because of too old? This is mind boggling. I can hear the hooting all the way from Ca. As a practical matter, every decision, every choice we make, whether in employment or otherwise, is some form of discrimination, generally based on relative qualifications, education, experience - in which age may be a relevant consideration. Sounds like full employment for attys in Minneapolis.
  • With everyone belonging to a protected class now, one could argue that it has now become impossible to discriminate.
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