The President of the company is suddenly interested in personality testing as a recruiting tool.
What is the general opinion of this tool? What are the liability issues? What kind of tests are recommended?
What is the general opinion of this tool? What are the liability issues? What kind of tests are recommended?
Margaret Morford
I fear this question is a bit more complicated than taking recommendations for tests. The liability associated with personality tests (discrimination and privacy, in particular) are potentially significant -- to say nothing of the simple fact that a test that is valid and appropriate in some circumstances will, under other circumstances, lead hiring managers astray and be literally worse than useless.
This is not the place for a discussion of the many issues in implementing testing (a sense of a few of the legal and procudural issues can be gained by a quick review of the EEOC guidelines on employee selection procedures, available at [url][/url]).
If you want to consider testing, I would urge you to contact a qualified I/O or assessment pyschologist so that you have the greatest chance of actually improving your hiring, as well as avoiding the courtroom. You can find such a perosn through the American Psychological Association, most major universities, and credible consulting firms.
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
408 605 1870
Testing is a very specialized topic - be careful.
I have shared this information with my boss who has backed off the notion of using this as a recruiting tool for the time being.
However, he is still interested in using the tests as "a tool to assist the supervisors with interpersonal communication and making descisions regarding an employee's appropriateness for different types of positions.
Any thoughts?
Using such tests for team and personal development purposes certainly has less, but NOT zero, risk (privacy is still an issue, as is their inappropriate interpretation and abusive application. And managers can appear to have used them for promotion/transfer, even when you so prohibit). For this purpose, I would still urge you to consult someone who is experienced in their use, and in employee/organizational development.
Sorry for all of the bad news. Feel free to call if talking through this might be of some use in responding to your President.
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
408 605 1870
One of the caveats our vendor told us about was that the test should never be used as a "pass/fail" mechanism. The results should only count for 30% or less of the hiring decision. This helps to insulate the company from at least part of the legal liability. Of course training of the supervisors who use the test is essential, as is making sure the test being used has been tested and reviewed by legal counsel to at least ensure there is no on-the-face discriminatory content.
I think this testing can be useful, but should definetly be used with extreme caution.
For example, we just tested our kitchen crew. They really enjoyed learning that their assistant manager was a sanguine/choleric (very talkative and opinionated). It also was interesting to learn how the detail minded Melancholies were not getting the information they needed from the big picture Sanguines and Cholerics.
Overall, I have really enjoyed using personality testing to help my employees better understand themselves, their abilities, and preferred styles.
I use a testing system based on the Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic personality types developed by Florence Littauer.
Margaret Morford
Who is right? I can only speak for myself but I plan to continue using what works. I hope HR will always be a voice of reason arguing for the ethical application of business tools. If something works, lets figure out how it can be legitimately utilized. Too often, I think HR focuses on why we shouldn't do something.
The day we all become defensive, reactive naysayers who won't do anything risky or unusual for fear of possible litigation is the day I switch careers. Lawsuits are a reality but I don't think they should drive our industry.
The fact is that personality testing and interpretation is a difficult skill, calling for significant training and experience. And the process of choosing the right test or battery of tests for selection/promotion purposes is one that requires substantial effort, investment and organizational capability. The problem is that you readily get bad (wasteful or counter-productive) business decisions when you do not invest these resources - as someone noted with the test that (in the anecdote given) appeared to give "good" scores to bad sales people. The legal problems are only a downstream and relatively rare result of candidates holding you accountable when those bad decisions damage them.
If there are serious decisions to be made through the use of personality tests, there is a serious amount of work to be done to do it right. Again: this is not to avoid legal problems, but to avoid making bad business (hiring, promo) decisions. That these bad decisions might have legal consequences is only the most visible, but far from the most important, consideration.
On the other hand, if their use is personal development and exploration, and managed in a way that does not allow meaningful organizational decisions to be driven by them, there is any number of interesting and provocative "self-help" instruments that probably could be used. Regrettably, and for the reasons given in the second paragraph, the instruments that are well developed and most valid are generally available only through a certified user. So it goes.
Thanks and regards,
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
408 605 1870
I suspect we have different personalities
From where I sit, an employee's personality affects his or her motivation, communication style, learning style, grooming habits, stress level, need for feedback, and more. You put the wrong personality in the wrong job and you may have problems.
Example, put a social, sunny sanguine in a detailed, back room, desk job with no people contact and soon they will begin wandering to the water cooler. Or, they will be giving their two week notice. I don't use personality tests to screen applicants but I use my knowledge of personality styles (among other factors) to decide who is best suited for what job.
As managers of "human resources" I suggest we should strive to understand them.
The question is whether what are called personality tests measure what they purport to measure, when they can be used effectively, and for what purpose. For that, one might want to spend some time looking at the relevant literature. E.g.,
- Dr. Robert G. Rose, Practical Issues in Employment Testing.
- Personality testing in employment settings: Problems and issues in the application of typical selection practices.
Personnel-Review. 2001; Vol 30(6): 657-676
or even just the white paper posted by SHRM (focused on test validity), [url][/url]
The latter concludes with a comment that is an appropriate closing:
"As a final note, if you are a trainer or consultant, constructs are fun to discuss, but if you are a recruiter, you need to cut through the psychobabble nonsense and assure yourself that the score on any test you use has a legitimate and documented relationship with job performance."
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
408 605 1870
I've been thru it twice and it's always been a great tool to understand people you've worked with. I forget what all of them stand for...something like; dominant, introspective, sensitive and...ugh! It's been too long. Gotta go back and do it again.
I agree and disagree. Some people do look at the information presented to them regarding their personality, smile with recognition of their own behaviors, and then forget all about and never put it into practice.
On the other hand, in my organization I am constantly bringing this topic up and it has become a useful tool for improving interpersonal relationships. Its not uncommon to hear employees discussing their differences in terms of "personality styles" and even using the labels I teach them (sanguine, phlegmatic..)
This week I am leading two workshops for employees who want to learn more about their personality styles. The workshops have been well attended and the interest level is high. I recognize not everyone will go out and put this information into practice but I know there will be a few who may gain some information that could open doors to better self-understanding and more effective relationships.
And that's what its all about...