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  • What constitutes "working supervisors" who are exempt because they retain some of their supervisory responsibilities along with running a press. I searched the wage and hour website and all I could find was that the exempt employee does not spend …
  • Thank you, Don. We are a small company under spending scruntiny; therefore, I was trying to find a way to stretch $50 for each employee. Thanks for the idea.
  • Our plants had a similar situation and numerous employee complaints. We resolved this issue as "A holiday is considered your normal working hours for your required shift, and the rate of pay is your regular hourly rate." "Likewise, one day of vacat…
  • According to NIOSH, carbonless paper contains many chemicals including but not limited to formaldehyde. Carbonless paper chemicals can be absorbed dermally or by inhalation. Adverse health effects were first exposed in the early 60s. Symptoms att…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-08-03 AT 01:12PM (CST)[/font][p]I would like to have a sample copy of your privacy notification. My fax number is 706-882-1837 or my email is [email]hr-wdbury@mindspring.com[/email]. Thank you.
  • Yes, we are a manufacturing company that does mass printing. Therefore, math, measurements and a keen eye for detail are essential for a candidate to possess.