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  • SHADOWFAX: Do a Google with the numbers and letters in Crawford's post. I did it and boom there it is, I printed it off and gave to my assistant the specific information and ask her to get it clarified when she attends the seminar early next month…
  • SHADOWFAX: I believe you are right for the non-exempt "with early coordination" the plant is shut down for any known period of time and the non-exempt is not paid unless they take advantage of any other timed benefit. No workey/no pay for no worke…
  • I agree; everyone give a cheer to M. L. Smith, and especially, Margaret and thanks James for your letting us know that you too are still there. PORK
    in On Call Comment by pork1 March 2005
  • POPEYE: And I thought we were liberal on our "jury duty" encouragement program. We pay for the time physically missed by the participation in jury duty, if they want to get paid at all they must turn over the jury duty allowance. The ee is not al…
  • I agree with MARC, in our state there is a provision for sending the monies in the name of the loss individual, I have looked but could not find my notes. I believe you could probably make e-mail contact with your Secretary of State or AG and they …
  • Prairie: One other approach would be to connect with your Mayor and his membership in the Association of Mayors within your state. They may already have a wage and earnings survey accomplished and no one has told you about it. Out of my "HOG Wall…
  • PRAIRIE: Do a Google search for the HAY Group, they may have a public/government listings for your type of organizations. The other way is to use this forum and ask the like organizations on line for their information that might help you. PORK
  • I concurr! However, that does not stop the supervisor from exercising his responsibility for performance issues in the future. If the employee concurs with the supervisor and wanted to give it back, then you could have the ability to set up an acc…
  • SARA888: I read ole "cheap-po" Banker trying to do something for nothing and break the law. First of all if the bank is going to ask someone to come in to do quality work, the minimum should be for no less than 4 hours per evening. Make sure El c…
    in Wages Comment by pork1 February 2005
  • I believe you must take the $0llars and add it into your weekly total paid for 40 hours, which will give you rate of pay per hour worked at 40 hours. Divide this amount by the 40 hours and now you have the rate of pay per hour worked up to 40. You…
  • GBROWN: I for one would like for you to clarify your personal role as??????? The (I) words and this forum for HRs does not allow for easy posting of words to help you with your personal concerns! Welcome to the forum! PORK
  • I concur with James and have experienced the back pay with interest and penalties. The rule is very clear "meal breaks" are for no less than 30 minutes (of un-interrupted time for rest), but if you allow them to break from lunch and resume working,…
  • It reads to me like you need to get a quick briefing on your system and find out what the individuals are doing after clocking in. If you have an assembly line situation and some body blows a horn or some other mechanism to get the production line …
  • Our company pays a minimum 4 hours for any event that is weather related in order to keep the employee off the roads and out of danger or to allow the employee to get home safely before a weather event happens. If they have worked for 3 hours and w…
  • We do the same, the employee gets the rest of the day when we have made the call that a dangerous situation is or may develop and sent the crew home. We would rather suffer the the payroll cost verses the loss of life resulting from bad weather. O…
  • KathiHR: Section 785.6 provides the specific ingredients of the Definition of Employ and payment for hours worked. 785.7, .8, .9, .10 and so give you all that you will need to understand the nature of the employee's complaint. PORK
  • Better yet, would be to offer a premium payment for all hours worked after 5:00PM until 7:00AM. It works for us and they still get their meal break without pay. We pay $1.00 in addition to their base rate of pay, for all hours worked during the ni…
  • CRASH: Have you done an assessment of your needs for time recording? What is your companies goal or objective for the change? If someone has not done this then you may be spending monty not necessary. We have multiple work site locations and new…
  • ROCKIE: We are pro-active in support of the operational departments which makes everything work and creates a need for all of us to have a job. I have always insisted that HR get off of our asses and go to the operational workforce to get the esse…
  • VPHR: Remember, if the driver is the employee, then the clock starts and stops when the driving requirement begins and ends (less normal meal breaks). Otherwise, the normal woking hours are the hours to be used as hours worked including Saturday a…
  • MUSHROOM: Overtime????for an EXEMPT, what is that? I am a 24 hour 7 day a week employee go figure, any overtime!!!! You can squeeze blood out of a turnip. My new FLSA booklet does not identify overtime for an exempt nor how to figure it! It also…
  • Treating everyone on the work force equally is a must. Under the new FLSA you can suspend w/o pay for whole days of a partial day, just figure out the rate of pay for a 1/2 day and a full day and dock compensation, accordingly. PORK
  • I agree, that is the reason PTO was started. "Personal time off" to do something other than work is most appropriate. Otherwise, it would be called "compensatory time off" and everyone knows that only the government has this legal and smart way of…
  • HRING, SEDONA: Turnover, UI hearings won and lost. This is my favorite. Our attorney charges $175.00 per hour spent on defending HR cases. He has only been given one case in the 5 years, which he lost. I have prepared and presented every other …
    in HR Bonus? Comment by pork1 January 2005
  • You can not just leave it like it is! The one having a company vehicle must be keeping detailed records of usage of the company vehicle daily. On those times when he is coming to the central location if that is now the base, he should be accumalat…
  • HRMPLS: Under the new FLSA there ran across my eyes one day the words that makes me believe that we can now choose to prorate the salary for hours worked in a day. Now there is/ a connection to the remaining hours in the day being paid for by some…
  • You would owe the one non-exempt employee for his normal hours worked for a 40 hour work week through Thursday and overtime hours for the time worked on Friday and travel time on Saturday. If an employee regular works from 8am to 5pm from Monday to …
  • MYSTATE: Welcome to the forum, and quick and good responses is what it is all about. From time to time, we do get to have fun with our postings, but all in all the response to your concern was well worth the membership. Have another Blessed day t…
  • OK, I am a "dummy" on this one. My concern is then, when I the employee works 4, 6, or 8 hours over the typical 40 does someone jump to add 4, 6, 8 hours to my bank! If so I am fine with the issue. If not then we are playing the game one sided. …
  • HRCALICO: Your confusion is just the point that I have tried to make for three years now. Let his/her manager worry about those things, you have become "Time Clock Policeperson"; HR and payroll have got a great deal more to worry about than trying…