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  • Cool! Sounds like great fun!
  • Probably the same kind that places their toddler's food directly on the table in a restaurant, then allows their toddler to pick the food up off of the table and place it in their mouth, without care or worry of who or what previously touched that t…
  • Started out with a company as a Secretary under a contract program; that program ended and there was a clerical position open in HR. Transferred into that position and you know the rest. Stayed in HR because I liked the "helping people" part; the …
  • Hat's off to you! It takes discipline and sacrifice to do what you're doing, but in the end, it will pay off. You hang in there and be proud of the example that you set for your child. The one that says you can do anything you put your mind to an…
  • Do it now!!!! It is never too late and oh such a rewarding experience to achieve it.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-20-05 AT 08:48AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I went because I was sick of being told that my "career and financial advancement opportunities were limited due to lack of formal education", which was religiousl…
  • Got mine from Godly, Christian parents who instilled a sense of personal responsibility and self-respect. Further enforced by own decision to "walk the aisle" as a child of 7. Large lessons resulted from growing up on a dairy farm in Kentucky that…
  • Absolutely nothing but relax and enjoy a long weekend of recovery from the Christmas holiday. Probably won't even stay awake to watch to ball drop.
  • Merry CHRISTMAS! And may God bless each of us as we celebrate the birth of JESUS CHRIST! As for me, I refuse to succumb to the PC idiocy. Our company still calls a Christmas party, a Christmas party. We support an employee led invocation and I s…
  • Death penalty. Seems the jury thought so too!
    in VOTE Comment by dchr9203 December 2004
  • Fortunately (unfortunately now that I'm a little curious), I tuned in too late to catch her antics. Funny isn't it that Kobe embodies everything that Hollywood spews, yet he's boo'd for it. I boo'd him too, and practically every other freak show, …
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-03-04 AT 02:47PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm sooooo glad I don't work in a union environment. Hope I never do.
  • Very busy, but it usually is for the presidential elections; not so much for the local elections. Got there at 7:05; left at 7:30. Steady flow and much of it was parents letting kids out for school (polling is at the middle school in our community…
  • I like it!
  • I'm thankful for sons like yours! Daughters, too! I wish him a safe return home. I don't know what he means by "dressing as westerners" either, but if the people are enjoying the FREEDOM of dressing like a westerner, a muslim, a european or whate…
  • Not me; know exactly who I'm votin' for and it ain't Kerry!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-26-04 AT 12:57PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Are they protecting their country or their perceived right to roam, pillage, rape, kidnap, torture? Some would say they're one and the same, some would not. Hmm,…
  • Oops! Had a DUH?! moment. I say on the moral scale you take appropriate action when you know there's a real problem. Trouble with that is one's definition of a problem is not the same as another's. As for me and most morally conscious humans, ki…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-25-04 AT 04:38PM (CST)[/font][br][br]T
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-25-04 AT 02:54PM (CST)[/font][br][br]YOU GO GIRL!! Note: This attagirl should have attached to jmcaa posting!
  • YEAH!!!
  • Oooh! I disagree! The personal issues are important and should be considered when making an informed voter decision. Someone's personal reputation and how they've conducted themselves personally is a greater testament to their integrity and honor …
  • I wouldn't trade places with either of them! Can you imaging the constant badgering, the pressure, the criticisms? Oh yeah! I forgot. HR folks get that all the time. But thank goodness for me that the people I work with and support don't pass j…
  • Ours is PTO 1-5 yrs - 15 days 5-10 yrs - 20 days 10-15 yrs - 22 days 15+ yrs - 25 days Maximum annual carryover 250 hrs
  • In 20 years of HR/payroll experience, the company has paid the day before the holiday if the payday fell on the holiday.
  • I've been there done that. But the following year, they paid attention and stepped up. I'll bet yours will too!
  • BCBS of AL came in with a 19% (supposedly capped from 23%), which FINALLY drove us to a partially self-funded plan, which will reduce our increase to 9.5% based on some plan design changes and carving our our Rx program to a TPA.