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  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-14-04 AT 04:07PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-14-04 AT 04:05 PM (CST)[/font] Yes - I do believe that high level employees, managers, CEO's etc can be designate…
    in fmla leave Comment by Smurf April 2004
  • First all I would ask if he was identified as a "key" employee and if so not eligible under the FMLA rules. Secondly, if he is not a Key employee, then I would mail him a letter and the required documentation (Request form and Physician Certificati…
    in fmla leave Comment by Smurf April 2004
  • You should go ahead and designate the leave as FMLA using your standard FMLA Designation letter and code the time appropriately on her payroll records. An employer needs to only be "told" of a situation that is FMLA qualifying to designate it as suc…
  • Here are some federal guidelines to follow if you question the validity of a FMLA Request: 29 CFR 825.307 - What may an employer do if it questions the adequacy of a medical certification? (a) If an employee submits a complete certification sig…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-18-03 AT 05:39PM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-18-03 AT 05:38 PM (CST)[/font] An employer can use a second party physician to authenticate and validate an FMLA reque…
  • A prior employer I worked for had the 30 hour cut off to consider an employee a "FT" employee and eligible for benefits. But it caused issues because many employees wanted to cut their hours down to the 30 hpw because they knew they would get the s…
  • I would also review the payroll practices in your state. I do believe there is usually a time requirement for giving an employee their "last check" and as you state above, without the employee signing the document they do not get their severance ch…
  • As a state employer, we just recently cut our wellness program due to budget cuts, but prior to that we had an excellent one. Our organization contracted out to OHSU, the local health university. They provided the staffing and we paid a monthly fee …