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  • Leslie, Firstly Rosh Hashana (as with all Jewish Holidays) commenced on the evening of the 26th of September and hence no requirement to take the Friday off. No need for the sarcastic comment which I take major umbridge too. Yom Yippur is the most …
  • Leslie, Firstly Rosh Hashana (as with all Jewish Holidays) commenced on the evening of the 26th of September and hence no requirement to take the Friday off. No need for the sarcastic comment which I take major umbridge too. Yom Yippur is the mos…
  • Thrown back at me :-) My thoughts are that it is a crazy form of legislation. I believe that there should be just course before an employee is terminated from employment, and that any termination should be dealt with in a fair manner. There appea…
  • Hi Guys, I am sorry I have not been providing any feedback but I had been trying my best to turn the situation that I was as a postive. I decided to learn as much as I could from the payroll guy (who is also leaving due this awful environment) -…
  • Hi Guys, Just wanted to say a big thank you for all your support. I have requested going on courses and getting external help but the answer has been a big no!. I am also tired off all the nastiness and back stapping that goes on in this organi…