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  • I usually just let my lab park the car. Much easier.
  • Yep, we are covered on that base. Just wondering if there is a problem with what appears to be not paying the same hourly rate all of the time. If it is a 5 hour service, then it is 4 dollars an hour premium, and if it is a 10 hour day, then its…
  • ok. I understand it now, thanks for the help.
  • So... if during a divorce situation the spouse and childred are dropped, I offer COBRA to each person as an individual, then if spouse and 3 kids elect COBRA, its not at the cost of family coverage +2%, but at 4 single policies +2%? Just wanted to …
  • Under what circumstances would the old company continue to pay once the coverage it termed? With the switch date effective May 1, we have not paid premiums for any time after that to the old company. Does the old company continue to have some resp…
  • I have been instructed NOT to contact the company. It is times like this that I am glad to be the "lowly" HR assistant, not the super HR guy who elected these new plans. It's not my job on the line. I think if the ee had been grandfathered, someo…
  • The plan book says "must be actively at work on a full-time basis on the scheduled effective date or dates."..............."If you are not actively at work on any date part of your insurance is scheduled to start, we will postpone that part of your …
  • Matters of this nature are required to be brought to the attention of upper management. I called the broker, who gave me a "gee, I don't know what happened" song and dance. The spouse was covered at 100%, based on someone other than the ee filli…
  • I checked it out, I can't find anything, thats why I am asking here. I hate going back and saying "I couldn't find anything one way or the other." Just wondering if any well forumites might have some insight. thanks K
  • So how do I inform our employees that never work here in our building? I think I am leaning towards notifying them that the log has been posted here, they can view it at any time. Or is my obligation only to post it, and leave it at that. Thanks, K…
  • I am the "HR Assistant", who I assist, I'll never know, as I am a department of one. My direct report is to the facility administrator, with a dotted line to the COO. My direct administrator is a nurse, and is one of the problems, she certainly is…
  • We have an acknowledgement on the bottom of our applications that authorizes us to contact any previous employers listed. This information is in a box right above where the applicant signs and dates the form. Often, I need to copy and fax this aut…
  • We had a similar situation with an IL state check. Our employee denied the report, and I contacted the company with my questions. They in turn suggested the ee have fingerprints done with a kit they sent out, and the prints were compared. There w…