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  • Gotta love the dancing banana! Nae, I'll keep you company next week so this won't happen to you ::sleep:: I believe PICB has deserted us for Twitter, and Frank maybe, too??
  • [quote=Celeste Blackburn;716113] And finally, KSR, I can't speak to if you are actually "losing it," but I don't think there have been any changes made to the main forum. Chel said that she was playing with the fonts/size on the FAQ page, so maybe …
  • Oops, did I capitalize that D? I am soooo sorry ;)O:)8-|
  • Don't go... Spamslave is also following HR Hero on Twitter, so... Too bad EvilLisa left; I have some folks I would like for her to be 'evil' to... You are a Sassy Senior then; ever thought of doing any advertising, maybe, it Depends...
  • Again I will point out that you are[B] NOT[/B] SENIOR - you are SASSY.:D Some of the names on that list are a bit, um, odd. I believe they are not 'real'. Like the numerous ones that were added in one day and all the different 'people' live in var…
  • Thanks for responding so quickly Celeste! I am really excited to see what new things you guys have in store for the Forum. And - am I losing it (there are those who know me that say I 'lost it' long ago), or has Andrew made some changes today?
  • [quote=NaeNae55;716103] Now when I look to see who is online I see lots of guests. Are these people who are not subscribers who can look but not post? Or is there some other explanation? It is important because forumites need to know if their employ…
  • Is that a state regulation? I know you cannot reduce their salary below a certain amount (tied to minimum wage) or else they will lose their exempt status; but I hadn't heard of the requirement to cut everyone's pay. New one for me
  • Jo, you are just a party pooper. But, I can see your point and sonny's as well. We have never allowed an employee to use our facility unless it was for a company sponsored event. In a 'former life' (I like that saying!) I had to hold a baby showe…
  • Probably just a bit of dust and some cobwebs...? Reminiscient of George Jetson. Always loved that intro, even as a child.
  • [B]You[/B] really should take your wallet every once in awhile...keeps 'em guessing.
  • Too funny! Are there 'bugs' in our offices? I would post some of the quotes I have heard come from our CEO, but I don't want to get fired.
  • An article from our local paper about St. Jude and how they are working to develop the vaccine. Dr. Webby is a friend. [URL]http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/may/01/st-jude-scientists-at-crux-of-outbreak/[/URL] St. Jude does research acro…
  • How would you enforce this policy? Not allow the visitor onto the premises unless they 'pass muster'? The Navy/USAF Bases we went to had dress codes when I was little, if your skirt/shorts were above the end of the tips of your fingers (with your ar…
  • This may jog your memory. It was sent to me by a co-worker. My fear is that if this proves to be a small blip (like 1976) the next time people may not pay attention. And that could be the time they NEED to pay attention. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE…
  • I was in California at the time (and only 9) It must have been seen as a nationwide problem because President Ford called for immunizations that proved to be deadly to people. It has been said that decision helped him lose the election. I guess I r…
  • John Phillips just brought up an interesting point on his blog - about school closures. There is a private school here in the Memphis area that just closed. The entire student body had to leave and the parents had to come pick up their children. Tha…
  • As a Platinum member at Hallmark, I have no problems voting. You did sign that e-mail "Sincerely, ACUFrank", didn't you?
  • [quote=NaeNae55;716028]Sophie has moved into 1st place in her mini-contest! The vote is over Sunday. If she wins she will be entered in a new contest starting May 11th and ending June 21st. Thanks to all who are voting for her, and please, keep it u…
  • [quote=Paul in Cannon Beach;716006]Yes, I agree. A dissapointing and non-ire raising explanation. "Feeder" sounded like it had possibilities of being offensive, insulting, and possibly sexist.[/quote] Yeah, I really expected more from Frank. And did…
  • Aw shucks, I thought it would be something more interesting
  • [quote=Paul in Cannon Beach;715982]There did seem to be less employers represented than I remember in years past but not much. Perhaps just 5-10 percent less.[/quote] That isn't as drastic a drop as I would have thought; I suppose that means there…
    in Job Fairs Comment by KSR6450 April 2009
  • My friend (with the secret sauce) may be up for a road trip, he cooks for his team and it is awesome. Will MLS be providing the meat? Pork or Beef? Jo, however I can get a ride will work for me! I'm not picky...
  • [quote=cnghr;715984]Happy slightly belated birthday, Nae! I'm right behind you (mine is tomorrow).[/quote] I hope you have a truly great birthday!
  • Paul, did you notice any changes at this Job Fair from previous ones you attended? I'm curious about the differences you may have encountered.
    in Job Fairs Comment by KSR6450 April 2009
  • Can you pull the smoker behind the trike? If so, I want a ride (on the trike, not the smoker) \:D/
  • And please post the date of the BBQ on the calendar so those of us who live within driving distance can make plans to attend. I'll bring some of a friend's BBQ sauce. It has won awards in the Memphis in May contest - but he won't give me the secr…
  • Thanks Paul, I was hoping for male input on this. When the author started off with the caveat about "sweeping statements presented as general truths but based on limited or incomplete evidence" I had a feeling it would be slanted to back her stand a…
  • I e-mailed you ours; not sure if it will help but maybe you can use it as a building block.
    in Ethics.... Comment by KSR6450 April 2009
  • There is always the USPS or FedEx if you need a tracking system. The employee, if they are going to return the items, will do so - if not then Sharon has the best suggestion. I just can't see where it is wise to meet a recently terminated employee o…