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  • >I don't think your case would even make it to court. In fact, we would >probably read about it in one of those "Can you believe someone filed >a suit claiming..." employment newsletters. In fact, your entire >position reminds me …
  • >What you are missing is that there does not have to be anything >written on short hair. There is nothing written in our handbook that >says you can not have a tatoo on your neck. We have employees that >have tatoos on their necks…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-14-02 AT 12:48PM (CST)[/font][p] >I've said it before and I'll say it again. As MY final contribution to >this thread. > >Jabarian, there is no healthy debate. You have taken a posit…
  • >Stop! Stop! Stop! > >Please, we have covered every aspect of this issue we possibly >could... and then some! Can we move on to another issue? > >Margaret Morford >theHRedge >615-371-8200 >mmorford@mleesmith.com…
  • >I, along with Gillian, am a CA employer. There may be a perception >that being in CA, staff can come come to work any way in which they >please. My history has been with upscale hospitality, and dress code >standards are the no…
  • >I'm thankful to have a job. I won't do anything unethical, illegal, or >against my CURRENT religion for them. But if they say to wear my hair >short, I'll take that house payment and car payment money from them >and cut my hair. T…
  • > >Have you even discussed this with your manager or Department/Division >head? > Briefly with my Manager to which she said that long hair would never be acceptable in HR. >Perhaps I'm assuming, but I get the impression there's …
  • >My boss has real long hair ( below the shoulder ) , plus a mustache - >and he just turned 70 ! He is considered one of the top professionals >in his field , both nationally and internationally. It is his skills >that reasonable p…
  • >For me the issue at stake here is not whether I personally have a >problem with long hair. The issue I believe is whether Jabarian's >employer can set a dress code standard in which long hair on men >(absent a bond fide religiou…
  • >Jabarian, you've consistently had responses indicating that you need >to come to an accommodation within yourself to accept your employer's >grooming standard. Your original post asked for suggestions on what >you could do given…
  • >The reasonability for a difference in groooming standards between >yourself in a senior role in HR and a delivery driver is in my >opinion, more than justifiable. I mean no offense to delivery >drivers, but I think it would be h…
  • >[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-03-02 AT >02:26 PM (CST)[/font] > >Jabarian, stand by your convictions and make them real in practice. >Wear long hair, get fired, and then sue the company for "wrongful" >…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-09-02 AT 02:21PM (CST)[/font][p] >Jarbarian, > >Imagine you have a beautiful plate of food, you are going to eat this >food and enjoy it greatly. Now, imagine that there is a large h…
  • >Did you accept this position knowing the company requirements as to >hair length? At the time I took the job, that was never an issue and it wasn't brought up by either side. >Or, did they change the requirements after you accepted th…
  • >Moreover, in some cases, a company develops a policy based on an >incident or event that occurs with their staff. I was the Director of >HR for a small community-bank (6 branches) and we had casual dress on >Fridays. Well, a ne…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-03-02 AT 02:49PM (CST)[/font][p] >I do not believe being "old-fashioned" has anything to do with it. >The work culture continues to change and indeed certain industries >have a more lib…
  • >Well, I think the last two posts killed any effective dialogue here. Maybe so, but.... If I start coming to work with a shaved head no one would question me. It's a known fact than in LA, most people with shaved heads are gang members o…
  • >I think it is time for you to come to terms with the idea that being >in HR or upper-management means you are held to a higher standard. >This may not be fair, but this is the career we have chosen. For >example, I make the con…
  • >From a lawyers perspective, an employer should try to accomodate >religious beliefs, or the employer risks violating Title VII. >However, this only applies to BONA FIDE religious beliefs. It seems >to me that changing your reli…
  • >I would question your ability to find a 'bona-fide HR department' that >will have a broader approach to physical appearance and hair length. >A small department within a small employer would be more likely to >tolerate shoulder …
  • >At the risk of making this worse, I want to pose this question. If >you have no problem with your employer requiring that you wear >professional dress (a tie and coat), why is your hair any different? > Because my hair is not s…
  • >Based on what you've shared, it seems to me that disciplinary action >taken against you because of your long hair could be a title VII >violation. I'd like to know how long is "long," what religion would >you be affiliated with a…
  • >Sounds to me like you and the company for which you work are not a >good fit. It must be difficult being effective in HR if you feel that >way. Well it's not hostile or anything. I am seriously considering getting a male wig to hi…
  • >If you worked for me, I'd be inclined to do this: > >1. have a chat with you 2/c what the "long hair" desire is all about. >Not knowing your organizational culture, it might be significant for >HR staff to maintain a more con…