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  • I never questioned either until this particular incident surfaced. We have operations in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Wisconsin. It has become an issue due to an employee transferring positions and benefits across state lines. Our carrier in…
  • Thank you for your response and information. I knew the laws where very restriciting and required specific reasoning and your information confirmed the need to "proceed with caution!" After questioning our EE regarding the missing items, he/she has…
    in Polygraph Tests Comment by MLB July 2007
  • Are there any known regulations for allowing these indivdulas to collect personal belongings from the occupied space? In the event a Management official does not know the termination is forthcoming and you do not want this indivdiual back on Compan…
  • Thanks for the chuckle and will do!
  • Thank you for all the comments and information. All will be more then beneficial in a plight to keep this from becoming a written policy. Are you aware of specific regulations that can be used as verification of the legal ramification involved wi…
  • Thank you. Any suggestions?