Alan King


Alan King
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  • Thank you for #24! I get angry when I hear people say that word, irregardless of their good intentions.
  • [QUOTE=ACU Frank;723617]I would assume [url][/url] is already in use.[/QUOTE] Don't click that link. Where it takes you looks like it would cause nothing but trouble for your computer or your identity. For the record, I didn't c…
  • Happy Block of Year-End Days in Which Various Peoples Observe Various Traditions!
  • Here are a few more. I didn't write them, so I can't be held responsible for injuries sustained from EERs (Extreme Eye Rolls). How come you never hear anything about the 10th reindeer, "Olive"? Olive? Yeah, you know, "Olive the other reindeer, used…
  • Earlier today, I thought to myself, "Hey! It's Tuesday!" And then I realized that Tuesdays have lost a bit of meaning for me. Anyway, the major annoyance for me this season was not giving Jacob's brother a name. I chat a lot about Lost online, and…
  • Smoked is the way to go. My father started smoking the turkeys several years ago, and the family decided we can't go back to the standard oven method. Here's the "lazy bachelor" version of turkey I fixed for my department's Thanksgiving potluck las…
  • Ah, I am but a spry 32 years old. But my parents did name me after the more famous Alan King, which is funny in itself because my parents aren't known for their sense of humor. He was a very funny man. It never failed, on the first day of school, th…
  • Alan King, here. No, not that Alan King. I'm the Editorial Director here at M. Lee Smith. Frank, there really is no recipe for chocolate-covered bacon. It's just bacon dipped in chocolate. I spent some time last weekend experimenting with different…
  • You definitely aren't gullible. Follow this link for more information and tips on how to handle employees who do call in: [|December 10 p…
  • No, never. I am a unique flower.
  • . . . yet know nothing. In all seriousness, Paul, you can rest easy. I'm not an all-powerful spy. In fact, I'm sure you have noticed that my stint as moderator has come to an end. But fear not, I will be back in about three weeks. See you then!
  • Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
  • You rang?