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  • Thanks to all of you -- I believe that I've provided at least 3 "reasonable" accommodations. The ee is a very unreasonable person and is now demanding an entire new work station!
  • I've been trying several accommodations but the ee keeps saying "this one doesn't work" -- we're on #3 now. The first attempt was in her office within a couple hours of my receiving her physician's letter.
  • Right... but what if FMLA runs out and they still need to be off?
  • I mean when an employee requests leave as an accommodation for a serious health condition. I think I'll just COBRA them at that point..
  • Thank you so much for the information. I do have a couple of follow up questions: 1. When could we have termed the EE? 2. On the independent assessment, when we made the request we designated a provider. Not the EE's. However, when we received the …
  • So, you don't think I need to send her to another provider? I'm a little skeptical of a diagnosis coming from a nurse practioner that requires an 8-wk leave.
  • Along these same lines, I have been told that many companies no longer (or never perhaps) keep copies of ee's identification documents. What are you all doing? I'm very nervous about having copies of thousands of people's drivers licenses, social se…
  • It's interesting to me that here (Garden City, KS) no rally was planned for today, yet our county's largest employer closed its plant for the day. Most of their employees are immigrants who typically do not make a lot of money but are presumably leg…
  • Our community is a minority majority -- Hispanic 53%; Asian about 4% -- and we only had 3 employees absent on Monday. All 3 took leave as appropriate to their positions. We have a very lenient leave policy. I am left wondering ... what if all Emplo…
  • You are all very perceptive... the former employee now wants to come back and the supervisor wants her back.